Polytene chromosomes normal.
Insertion of 4.9kb of DNA within a 3.2kb HindIII fragment that hybridizes to the 1.8kb ftz transcription unit.
lethal (with Df(3R)Antp17)
The maxillary and labial lobes are fused in mutant embryos.
Mutant embryos are deficient for cuticular structures derived from the even numbered parasegments.
Heterozygotes with ftzUal1 exhibit a higher frequency of heat shock induced transformation of abdominal segment 1 than those embryos carrying three wild type copies of ftz (Dp(3;3)D1/+). An addition of another wild type ftz to these embryos results in another modest increase in frequency of transformation.
Parasegments 1 and 2 are fused and the salivary gland placodes occupy the posterior half of the fused parasegment in the Scr expression domain.
ftz embryos lack even-numbered hh stripes.
Interacts with RpII140wimp maternal effect.
The eve stripes mature as wild-type.
Odd numbered denticle bands missing.
ftz11 has nervous system phenotype, enhanceable by hbD1
In double mutant with hbD1 segmentation defects approximate to the expectations of simple additivity of the two mutants but the cuticular element defects and nervous system defects are more severe.
ftz11/ftz13 is partially rescued by ftzΔ257-316.αTub84B
ftz11/ftz13 is partially rescued by ftzαTub84B.PA
21 to 71% of ftz11/ftz13 flies are rescued to adulthood by ftz+tDa. 2 to 5% of ftz11/ftz13 flies are rescued to adulthood by ftzT263D. Larval cuticles of ftz11/ftz13 animals rescued by ftzT263D are indistinguishable from wild-type. ftz11/ftz13 flies are not rescued to adulthood by ftzT263A. Larval cuticles of ftz11/ftz13 animals carrying ftzT263A have pair-wise deletions of even-numbered parasegments. The penetrance of the phenotype is variable and defects in each ftz-dependent parasegment (PS) occur with a characteristic frequency. These range from the most to least frequently affected as follows: PS2 > PS6 > PS10 = PS4 > PS12 = PS14 > PS8.
The expression of l(1)sc is altered during stage 9 in homozygous mutant embryos.
Wild type embryos under a heat shock regime exhibit homeotic transformations of abdominal segment one, a phenocopy of ftzUal1.