Point mutation within the kinase domain.
Class I fu allele, affects the catalytic domain but does not change the open reading frame.
macrochaeta & tarsal segment 5 | distal
microchaeta & tarsal segment 1
microchaeta & tarsal segment 2
microchaeta & tarsal segment 3
microchaeta & tarsal segment 4
microchaeta & tarsal segment 5
70% of ovarioles in 4 day old fu1 homozygous females are tumorous. Tumorous follicles in these ovarioles consist of tens to hundreds of germ-line cells with small, non-polyploid nuclei enveloped by a regular follicular epithelium. No increase in the rate of cell division of germline stem cells in the stem cell niche of the germarium is seen in these animals.
Mutant ovaries contain some egg chambers with more than the normal number of 16 germline cells. Egg chambers that contain more than 16 germline cells show nurse cells with varying degrees of polyploidy within a given chamber, suggesting that cysts of different ages are developing together.
Mutants show fusion of wing veins L3 and L4 both proximally and distally, with intervein tissue remaining between the two veins in the medial part of the wing.
Hemizygous mutants raised at 18oC exhibit cuticle defects in the medial region of all three leg types. The region of tarsal segment 5 flanked by longitudinal bristle rows 1 and 8 show an almost complete loss of microchaetae. The distal-most sensory bristle is lost in 16% of legs. Mutant flies possess a normal pair of tarsal claws, and no appreciable difference is seen in claw-to-claw distance.
Growth in the region between wing veins 3 and 4 is inadequate in mutant flies, as can be seen by proximal fusion of veins 3 and 4.
The phenotype of fu1 in a wild-type background is a proximal and distal fusion of wing veins L3 and L4.
Wings of homozygous flies show thickening of vein 3 and lack vein 4 proximally. At the wing margin, the anterior double row bristles extend up to the fourth vein. Homozygous clones in the wing only generate a mutant phenotype if they are located in the region extending between veins 3 and 4; clones anterior to vein 3 or in the posterior compartment are wild-type. Clones that have a mutant phenotype have extra veins which often have campaniform sensillae characteristic of vein 3. These clones also have supernumerary sensillae and show a reduction of the anterior crossvein. Vein 4 is not affected. The clones do not cross the anterior/posterior compartment boundary.
Wing veins L3 and L4 are shifted closer together than normal in fu1 flies.
Wing vein L4 fails to form and vein L3 is thickened from the proximal base to midway between the anterior and posterior crossveins in the wings of hemizygous males. L3 curves towards the posterior compartment and makes contact with L4 at the wing margin. Hemizygous males also lack the anterior ocellus and bristles surrounding the ocelli.
Medial head structures are absent and replaced by frons material.
Heterozygotes carrying one copy of Su(fu)+ display a partially suppressed wing phenotype. The presence of P{SUFU100} or P{SUFU200} in these individuals produces viable males with a fu1 wing phenotype, the transposons fully compensate the decreased amount of Su(fu)+ product. With P{SUFU000} males are recovered with partially rescued fu wing phenotype, consistent with lack of Su(fu)+ function. Heterozygotes carrying two copies of Su(fu)+ display a fu wing phenotype. When the number of Su(fu)+ doses (via P{SUFU100}) in males is greater than two viability decreases, the decrease in viability is correlated with an enhancement of the fu wing phenotype. Decrease in viability is more pronounced when the transgene is provided by the mother. Viability of males is not affected by a decrease in Su(fu)+ activity.
Second leg bristles missing from tarsal row 4, 1 and interrow 3.5 and additional bristles in row 5 and 8 and interrow 2.5.
Narrow wings with short connecting extra veins between LIII and LIV.
Anomalies of adult cuticular structures and tumorous ovaries.
weak wing phenotype - veins L3 and L4 fused only proximally; intermediate viability phenotype - ratio of the number of fused flies to wild type in fu/+ X fu/Y is 0.5-0.75; weak fecundity phenotype - ratio of eggs laid by fu/fu versus fu/+ sisters is 0.5-1.0; intermediate maternal effect on segmentation.
Embryos derived from fu1/fu10C mothers have a weak phenotype. Additional rows of denticles with reversed polarity are seen behind the wild-type denticle belts. At least one third of homozygous fu1 embryos derived from fu1/fu10C mothers do not develop; some are not fertilised and some stop cleavage after a few cell divisions. The remainder form a normal cellular blastoderm which may be reduced in size and contain very little yolk compared to wild-type. These embryos generally gastrulate normally. At approximately 5.5 hours of development, cells along the germ band appear loose and dead cells can be seen first in the cephalic mesoderm and then in the posterior mesodermal regions. Extensive cell death is seen in the mesoderm and ectoderm of 7-8 hour embryos, but not in the endodermal derivatives, which develop normally during this period. During germ band shortening, occasional pairwise fusion of segments can be seen, especially in the more posterior segments, and the ventral cord is often discontinuous. Development of the embryo from 9.5-20 hours is relatively normal. All segments of embryos derived from fu1/fu1A4 mothers are smaller than wild-type. Denticles are present over the entire ventral surface. The anterior rows of denticles are very distorted and the posterior compartments of the segments are virtually non-existent.
Su(fu)LP, fu1 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by Dvir\Su(fu)cDa
fu1 has visible | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by Dvir\Su(fu)cDa
fu1 has visible phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4en-e16E/Xlae\Gli1UAS.Tag:MYC
fu1 has visible | recessive phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1/ciUAS.Tag:HA
fu1 is an enhancer of lethal | pupal stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4da.G32, Su(fu)UAS.cDa
fu1 is a suppressor of increased cell death phenotype of biomb-1, pucE69
fu1 is a suppressor | partially of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4en-e16E, Xlae\Gli1UAS.Tag:MYC
fu1 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4en-e16E, hhUAS.cIa
Su(fu)LP, fu1 has wing vein L3 phenotype, enhanceable by Dvir\Su(fu)cDa
Su(fu)LP, fu1 has wing vein L4 phenotype, enhanceable by Dvir\Su(fu)cDa
fu1 has wing vein L3 phenotype, enhanceable by Dvir\Su(fu)cDa
fu1 has wing vein L4 phenotype, enhanceable by Dvir\Su(fu)cDa
fu1 has wing vein L3 phenotype, enhanceable by kn[+]/kncol-1
fu1 has wing vein L4 phenotype, enhanceable by kn[+]/kncol-1
fu1 has wing vein L3 phenotype, enhanceable by oro1
fu1 has wing vein L4 phenotype, enhanceable by oro1
fu1 has lateral ocellus phenotype, enhanceable by oro1
fu1 has wing vein L3 phenotype, enhanceable by oro2
fu1 has wing vein L4 phenotype, enhanceable by oro2
fu1 has lateral ocellus phenotype, enhanceable by oro2
fu1 has wing phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4en-e16E/Xlae\Gli1UAS.Tag:MYC
fu1 has wing vein L3 phenotype, suppressible by Su(fu)LP
fu1 has wing vein L4 phenotype, suppressible by Su(fu)LP
fu1 has wing phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1/ciUAS.Tag:HA
fu1 has wing vein L3 phenotype, non-suppressible by knUAS.cVa/Scer\GAL4unspecified
fu1 has wing vein L4 phenotype, non-suppressible by knUAS.cVa/Scer\GAL4unspecified
fu1 is an enhancer of wing phenotype of Scer\GAL4da.G32, Su(fu)UAS.cDa
fu1 is an enhancer of prothoracic leg phenotype of Scer\GAL4da.G32, Su(fu)UAS.cDa
fu1 is an enhancer of sex comb | increased number phenotype of Scer\GAL4da.G32, Su(fu)UAS.cDa
fu1 is an enhancer of metathoracic leg phenotype of Scer\GAL4da.G32, Su(fu)UAS.cDa
fu1 is an enhancer of wing | anterior phenotype of Scer\GAL471B, ptcD584N.UAS
fu[+]/fu1 is an enhancer of wing vein L4 phenotype of kncol-1
fu[+]/fu1 is an enhancer of wing vein L3 phenotype of kncol-1
fu1 is a suppressor of wing cell phenotype of Scer\GAL471B, smoΔFU.UAS
fu1 is a suppressor of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of Scer\GAL471B, ptcD584N.UAS
fu1 is a suppressor | partially of wing phenotype of Scer\GAL4en-e16E, Xlae\Gli1UAS.Tag:MYC
fu1 is a suppressor of wing vein L2 phenotype of hhMrt
fu1 is a suppressor of first posterior wing cell phenotype of Scer\GAL4en-e16E, hhUAS.cIa
fu1 is a suppressor of wing vein L3 phenotype of Scer\GAL4en-e16E, hhUAS.cIa
fu1 is a suppressor of dorsal row of double row of wing sensilla phenotype of Scer\GAL4en-e16E, hhUAS.cIa
fu1 is a suppressor of ventral row of double row of wing sensilla phenotype of Scer\GAL4en-e16E, hhUAS.cIa
Scer\GAL4da.G32, Su(fu)UAS.cDa, fu1 has wing vein L2 phenotype
Scer\GAL4da.G32, Su(fu)UAS.cDa, fu1 has wing vein L3 phenotype
Scer\GAL4da.G32, Su(fu)UAS.cDa, fu1 has wing margin phenotype
Scer\GAL4da.G32, Su(fu)UAS.cDa, fu1 has wing vein L4 phenotype
Scer\GAL471B, fu1, ptcD584N.UAS has first posterior wing cell phenotype
Scer\GAL471B, fu1, ptcD584N.UAS has first basal wing cell phenotype
Su(fu)LP, fu1 has anterior crossvein phenotype
ciCe-4, fu1 has adult thorax phenotype
In escaper flies that express Su(fu)Scer\UAS.cDa, under the control of Scer\GAL4da.G32, in a fu1 background, the wing phenotype is enhanced compared to flies expressing the transgene in a wild-type background. fu1, Su(fu)Scer\UAS.cDa, Scer\GAL4da.G32 wings show anterior duplications but also have a truncated vein 2, an enlargement of the domain between vein 2 and the margin, and veins 3 and 4 are completely fused with a large delta at the margin. These flies also show an enhancement of the leg phenotype seen in Su(fu)Scer\UAS.cDa, Scer\GAL4da.G32 flies.
The fu1 wing phenotype cannot be rescued by Scer\GAL4 driven expression of knScer\UAS.cVa.
fu1; ciCe-4/+ flies generally die as pupae, although some adults eclose. The latter have small wings, a reduced thorax and lack the scutellum. Expression of ciScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 under the control of Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1 partially rescues the fu1 wing phenotype; the interval between veins 3 and 4 is restored, but the double row bristles still reach the fourth vein at the margin. fu1 completely suppresses the wing phenotype caused by hhScer\UAS.cIa expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E. Suppresses the wing phenotype of hhMrt heterozygotes.
When in combination with Su(fu)LP, Su(fu)12d, Df(3R)kar3Q or Df(3R)kar-Sz11 heterozygotes individuals display a partially suppressed fu phenotype. When in combination with cos3 individuals display no cos phenotype. ptc mutations do not suppress the fu phenotype, fu1; ptc9/ptc9 embryos show no naked cuticle.
The wing overgrowth phenotype caused by expression Xlae\Gli1Scer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E is partially suppressed by fu1, while the defect seen in the intervein region between veins 3 and 4 in fu1 flies is partially rescued by the expression Xlae\Gli1Scer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E.
The addition of Dvir\Su(fu)cDa to fu1 flies that are either heterozygous for Su(fu)LP or are Su(fu)+ results in an increase in fusions of wing veins L3 and L4.
fu1 is partially rescued by fuUAS.cAa/Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1
Wing and embryonic phenotypes rescued by fu+t5.1.
Mutant phenotype has been rescued by the introduction of the wild type fu gene by P element mediated transformation.
Bridges, 4th Nov. 1912.
Not rescued by: knScer\UAS.cVa { Scer\GAL4unspecified }
Maternal germline clonal analysis demonstrates a maternal effect, defects in segment polarity, that is rescuable by introduction of the wild-type copy of the gene from the father.
Class I fu allele.
Class I mutation based on interaction with Su(fu)LP, suppression of embryonic and adult phenotype.
Class I allele.