Deletion causing frameshift at residue 612 causing deletion of the carboxy terminal 193 amino acids.
Deletion of genomic sequences 2872-2897, only the first 612 amino acids are present followed by 11 new amino acids.
Mutation in the putative regulatory domain. Class II fu allele, affects the carboxy domain of the protein by changing the open reading frame in the 5' region.
strong wing phenotype - veins L3 and L4 fused all along length; strong viability phenotype - ratio of the number of fused flies to wild type in fu/+ X fu/Y is 0.25-0.5; weak fecundity phenotype - ratio of eggs laid by fu/fu versus fu/+ sisters is 0.5-1.0; intermediate maternal effect on segmentation - percent of embryos with all segments entirely duplicated is 25-70%.
Su(fu)LP, fu57 has wing blade anterior compartment phenotype
Su(fu)LP, fu57 has leg anterior compartment phenotype
Su(fu)LP, fu57 has haltere anterior compartment phenotype
When in combination with Su(fu)LP heterozygotes individuals die as pupae. Adult escapers display wings, halteres and legs that have duplication of structures in the anterior compartment and shortening along the proximal-distal axis. Embryos derived from heterozygotes with Su(fu) mutants display a segment polarity phenotype: thoracic denticle belts are absent, last two rows of abdominal denticle belts are absent and a mirror image duplication of anterior rows of abdominal denticle belts.
Class II mutation based on interaction with Su(fu)LP, suppression of embryonic and adult phenotype but display an additional phenotype.
Class II allele.