Polytene chromosomes normal (Bridges).
Insert stated as cause: undefined Insertion of a transposon into the 3' end of the gene, resulting in the production of an abnormal truncated transcript.
eye photoreceptor cell & microtubule
eye photoreceptor cell & nucleus
giant fibers & synapse
mesothoracic femoral chordotonal organ & axon
metathoracic femoral chordotonal organ & axon
nervous system & thorax & pupa
prothoracic femoral chordotonal organ & axon
sensillum trichodeum & leg & axon
Gl1/+ flies have small, rough eyes.
Homozygous single-cell DL1 olfactory projection neuron clones do not show obvious defects in axon elongation of dendrite branching.
Survival data from virgin females generated on standard laboratory food demonstrate that Gl1 mutants have significant reduction in survival including changes in median and maximum lifespan compared with wild-type.
The terminal cells in Gl1 mutant trachea have thin cytoplasmic branches that lack air filling. Seamless tubes do not extend into these branches, although acetylated microtubules often do. Formation of filopodia at branch tips is disrupted and ectopic seamless tubes that are not air filled are detected near the nucleus. Discontinuous apical membrane fragments are found in terminal branches lacking seamless tubes and are associated with microtubule tracts.
Gl1 heterozygous flies exhibit a rough eye phenotype, with disordered ommatidia.
Heterozygotes have roughened eyes which are smaller than normal. The ommatidia are disordered and irregularly shaped, and often have aberrant numbers of rhabdomeres.
8% of giant axon fibers lack the characteristic terminal bend in heterozygous adults.
Heterozygotes show electrophysiological defects in the giant fiber system; their response latency to brain stimulation is not significantly different from wild type, but they do not follow 1:1 on stimulation at a frequency of 250Hz as seen in wild-type flies.
Heterozygotes have a rough eye phenotype.
The motor axons of Gl1/+ larvae show altered mitochondrial transport parameters compared to wild-type larvae. For anterograde mitochondria, the duty cycle shows a significant shift from pauses to forward runs and forward run velocity is increased. For retrograde mitochondria, duty cycles are not detectably affected, but there is a significant increase in forward run velocity.
There is a significant reduction in the speed of mRNA transport in Gl1 embryos. However, there is no change in the retention of injected mRNA at the apical cytoplasm following transport.
In the retinal photoreceptors of late third instar Gl1/+ larvae, the region of the photoreceptor containing the nucleus often leaves the retina and travels through the optic stalk towards the brain. Both leading and trailing processes extend from these misplaced nuclei - in most cases both processes extend to the normal termini of the wild-type photoreceptor. Apical markers remain localised to the sites of processes remaining in the retina. These attachment sites have approximately normal spacing. However, apical-basal organisation of microtubules appears to be disrupted.
In Gl1 embryos, the number of synaptic fingerprints (seen after synapses retract) at the synapse on muscles 6 and 7 is significantly increased (about 30% of synapses) compared to controls (6-7% of synapses), suggesting a reduction in synaptic stability at the neuromuscular junction.
In embryos laid by Gl1/+ females the force (applied with optical tweezers) required to stall plus end travel of lipid droplets is significantly less than for wild-type (WT) embryos. For plus end travel, lipid droplets in these mutant embryos also exhibit: an increase in the ratio of short runs to long runs (2.44+/-0.82 vs 1.05+/-0.22 in WT); an increase in pause frequency; and a slight increase in pause length. The minus end travel of lipid droplets in these mutants exhibits none of these differences with wild-type. However, average travel distance for both plus and minus end travel, is dramatically reduced.
Heterozygotes have a rough eye phenotype due to disruption of the organisation of the ommatidia.
Heterozygotes show normal giant fiber morphology, though the physiology of the giant fibre is altered. The function of the GF-TTM synapse is altered in that repetitive stimulation leads to failures of response, at 250Hz. Average following frequency is 42.9%. Gl1 compromises the chemical component of the GF-TTM synapse. There is a strong depression in the response of the TTM to stimulation of the GF at 200 Hz and 300 Hz.
Heterozygous larvae have no paralytic phenotypes.
In Gl1 mutant eye discs the photoreceptor cell nuclei remain basal, rather than migrating apically as in wild-type.
In Gl1/+ mutant flies there is no detectable difference from wild type until 30h APF. By 42h APF the differences are dramatic. The axons of the femoral chordotonal organ and tactile axons show abnormal terminal branching. The main bundle of femoral chordotonal organ axons is misplaced anteriorly and their collaterals are seldom detected. The main axon bundle appears scrambled. Similar phenotypes are seen in the tactile axons. Haltere axons and hair plate axons are unaffected. These phenotypes are similar to those caused by ctpe73.
Eyes are small and rough with few and irregularly positioned bristles. Ommatidial structure is severely disturbed, the number of photoreceptors is variable but usually less than normal, rhabdomeres are usually smaller than wild type. Mitosis is delayed in the second mitotic wave but the frequency of individual mitotic stages or spindle architecture is unchanged. Photoreceptor nuclei are distributed randomly throughout the eye disc, few occupy the normal apical region and many have fallen into the optic stalk. Defects in nuclear migration are due to defects in motor activity, not gross defects in the microtubule cytoskeleton. Cell fate determination of cells born in the second mitotic wave is disrupted. The number of cone cells and primary pigment cells per ommatidium is reduced, the number and organisation of secondary and tertiary pigment cells is also abnormal. A broad band of cell death occurs behind the morphogenetic furrow. Rhabdomeres are malformed due to defect in the targeted delivery of the membrane vesicles that build the rhabdomeres.
Mutation disrupts the sensory axons in the pupal thoracic nervous system but does not alter the lay of nervous system innervated by chordotonal axons. Mutation disrupts the resistance reflex between the sensory neurons of the chordotonal organ and the tibial extensor motor neurons.
Heterozygotes have a rough eye phenotype, with disorganised and misshapen ommatidia. The alignment of bristles in the eye is disrupted.
Dominant mutation.
Heterozygotes have smaller eyes than normal which are oblong in shape. There is a clear space around the edge of the eye (as in lz "Spectacled" mutants), the facets are rounded and the eye surface is smooth and shiny as though "Glued". The phenotype resembles gl mutants. Eye colour: slightly darker than wild type.
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by Hsap\SPTBN2AM.UASp.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by β-SpecGM.UAS/Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by Su(H)[+]/Su(H)EG37
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has abnormal neurophysiology | adult stage | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by Su(H)[+]/Su(H)EG37
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by EG162[+]/EG162EG162
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has abnormal neurophysiology | adult stage | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by EG162[+]/EG162EG162
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by EG7[+]/EG7EG7
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has abnormal neurophysiology | adult stage | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by EG7[+]/EG7EG7
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by EG56EG56/EG56[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has abnormal neurophysiology | adult stage | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by EG56EG56/EG56[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by EG79[+]/EG79EG79
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has abnormal neurophysiology | adult stage | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by EG79[+]/EG79EG79
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has abnormal neurophysiology | adult stage | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by EG28EG28/EG28[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has abnormal neurophysiology | adult stage | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by EG149EG149/EG149[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has abnormal neurophysiology | adult stage | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by EG165[+]/EG165EG165
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by S[+]/SrK134
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by S[+]/S1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by Df(2L)S3/+
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, S[+]/S1 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by Dhc64C[+]/Dhc64C1-1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by swDic-2/sw[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by sw1/sw[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by swDic-3/sw[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by sw[+]/swDic-1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by Dhc64C[+]/Dhc64C6-8
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by Dhc64C[+]/Dhc64C6-10
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has abnormal neurophysiology | adult stage | dominant phenotype, non-enhanceable by Su(H)[+]/Su(H)1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage | dominant phenotype, non-enhanceable by Su(H)[+]/Su(H)1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, non-enhanceable by Df(3L)10H
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, suppressible by SG13SG13/SG13[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, suppressible by SG46[+]/SG46SG46
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, suppressible by Dhc64C8-1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, suppressible by Dhc64C8-1/Dhc64C77
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, suppressible by sw+t11
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, suppressible by Dhc64C6-6/Dhc64C[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, S[+]/S1 has visible | dominant phenotype, non-suppressible by Dhc64C77/Su(Gl)77[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, S[+]/S1 has visible | dominant phenotype, non-suppressible by Dhc64C[+]/Dhc64C8-1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has visible | dominant phenotype, non-suppressible by Df(3L)10H
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer | somatic clone of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone phenotype of Stripdogi
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of visible | adult stage phenotype of Hsap\SPTBN2AM.UASp.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of visible phenotype of β-SpecGM.UAS, Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of EgfrE1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1/DCTN1-p150[+] is an enhancer of male semi-sterile phenotype of ctpexc39
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of partially lethal - majority die phenotype of Lis-13.3.1/Lis-1k11702
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of partially lethal - majority die phenotype of Lis-1k11702/Lis-17.13.1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of partially lethal - majority die phenotype of Lis-18.25.3/Lis-1k11702
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of partially lethal - majority die phenotype of Lis-13.1.2/Lis-1k11702
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of partially lethal - majority die phenotype of Lis-1k11702/Lis-111.4.13
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of partially lethal - majority die phenotype of Lis-11.2.2/Lis-1k11702
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is a suppressor of visible | dominant phenotype of Delta13
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is a suppressor of visible | dominant phenotype of EgfrE1
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of rhoStg
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Scer\GAL4GH146, spriRNAi.UAS has abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, EG28EG28/EG28[+] has abnormal neuroanatomy | dominant | adult stage phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, ctpDIIA82 has lethal phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, ctpins1 has male sterile phenotype
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1, ctpDIIA82 has lethal phenotype
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1, ctpins1 has male sterile phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, sw1 has lethal phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Khc16/Khc[+] has paralytic | dominant | larval stage phenotype
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Khc16 has paralytic | dominant | larval stage phenotype
Df(2L)TW119/BicDr, DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has lethal phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-1E415 has lethal phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by dop[+]/dop1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Hsap\SPTBN2AM.UASp.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, enhanceable by Hsap\SPTBN2AM.UASp.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by β-SpecGM.UAS/Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, enhanceable by β-SpecGM.UAS/Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Su(H)[+]/Su(H)EG37
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, enhanceable by Su(H)[+]/Su(H)EG37
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has rhabdomere phenotype, enhanceable by Su(H)[+]/Su(H)EG37
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by EG162[+]/EG162EG162
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has giant fiber neuron phenotype, enhanceable by EG7[+]/EG7EG7
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has giant fiber neuron phenotype, enhanceable by EG56EG56/EG56[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has giant fiber neuron phenotype, enhanceable by EG79[+]/EG79EG79
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by S[+]/SrK134
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by S[+]/S1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by S07056
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by SIIN
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by S05671
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Df(2L)S3/+
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, S[+]/S1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Dhc64C[+]/Dhc64C1-1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye photoreceptor cell & nucleus phenotype, enhanceable by swDic-2/sw[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, enhanceable by swDic-2/sw[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, enhanceable by sw1/sw[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, enhanceable by swDic-3/sw[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, enhanceable by sw[+]/swDic-1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Df(1)mal3/+
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, enhanceable by Df(1)mal3/+
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Lis-13.3.1/Lis-1k11702
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Lis-1k11702/Lis-17.13.1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Lis-18.25.3/Lis-1k11702
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Lis-13.1.2/Lis-1k11702
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Lis-1k11702/Lis-111.4.13
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Dhc64C[+]/Dhc64C6-8
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, enhanceable by Dhc64C[+]/Dhc64C6-8
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Dhc64C[+]/Dhc64C6-10
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, enhanceable by Dhc64C[+]/Dhc64C6-10
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has giant fiber neuron phenotype, non-enhanceable by Su(H)[+]/Su(H)1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, non-enhanceable by Df(3L)10H
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, non-enhanceable by Df(3L)10H
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, suppressible by SG13SG13/SG13[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, suppressible by SG13SG13/SG13[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has rhabdomere phenotype, suppressible by SG13SG13/SG13[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, suppressible by SG46[+]/SG46SG46
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, suppressible by Dhc64C8-1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, suppressible by Dhc64C8-1/Dhc64C77
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye photoreceptor cell & nucleus phenotype, suppressible by Khc[+]/Khc8
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye photoreceptor cell & nucleus phenotype, suppressible by Khck13219/Khc[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye photoreceptor cell & nucleus phenotype, suppressible by Khc[+]/Khck13314
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, suppressible by Khc[+]/Khc8
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, suppressible by Khck13219/Khc[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, suppressible by Khc[+]/Khck13314
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, suppressible by Khc[+]/Khc8
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, suppressible by Khck13219/Khc[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, suppressible by Khc[+]/Khck13314
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, suppressible by sw+t11
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, suppressible by Dp(1;Y)y+mal106/+
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, suppressible by sw+t11
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, suppressible by Dp(1;Y)y+mal106/+
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, suppressible by Dhc64C6-6/Dhc64C[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, suppressible by Dhc64C6-6/Dhc64C[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, suppressible by Dhc64C[+]/Dhc64C102
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has adult optic lobe phenotype, suppressible by Dhc64C[+]/Dhc64C102
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, suppressible by Su(Gl)77[+]/Su(Gl)160160
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has adult optic lobe phenotype, suppressible by Su(Gl)77[+]/Su(Gl)160160
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, suppressible by Su(Gl)27[+]/Su(Gl)271
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has adult optic lobe phenotype, suppressible by Su(Gl)27[+]/Su(Gl)271
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, suppressible by Su(Gl)57[+]/Su(Gl)571
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has adult optic lobe phenotype, suppressible by Su(Gl)57[+]/Su(Gl)571
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, S[+]/S1 has eye phenotype, non-suppressible by Dhc64C77/Su(Gl)77[+]
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, S[+]/S1 has eye phenotype, non-suppressible by Dhc64C[+]/Dhc64C8-1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, S[+]/S1 has eye phenotype, non-suppressible by Dhc64C8-1/Dhc64C77
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has ommatidium phenotype, non-suppressible by Df(3L)10H
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 has eye phenotype, non-suppressible by Df(3L)10H
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of membrane | embryonic stage 5 phenotype of dop1
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer | somatic clone of adult antennal lobe projection neuron DL1 adPN | somatic clone phenotype of Stripdogi
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of eye phenotype of Hsap\SPTBN2AM.UASp.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of ommatidium phenotype of Hsap\SPTBN2AM.UASp.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of eye phenotype of β-SpecGM.UAS, Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of ommatidium phenotype of β-SpecGM.UAS, Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of eye phenotype of EgfrE1
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of cystic bulge phenotype of ctpexc39
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of nucleus & spermatid phenotype of ctpexc39
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of cystic bulge phenotype of ctpins1
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of nucleus & spermatid phenotype of ctpins1
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of spermatid cyst phenotype of ctpins1
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of spermatocyte fusome phenotype of ctpins1
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is an enhancer of posterior fascicle & axon phenotype of Khc16
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is a non-enhancer of organism | cleavage stage | maternal effect phenotype of αTub67Ckav-21g
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is a suppressor of wing vein L2 phenotype of Delta13
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is a suppressor of wing vein L2 phenotype of EgfrE1
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is a suppressor of wing | ectopic phenotype of rhoStg
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is a suppressor of aster | embryonic cycle 5 phenotype of CycB+t10
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is a suppressor of aster | embryonic cycle 6 phenotype of CycB+t10
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is a suppressor of aster | embryonic cycle 7 phenotype of CycB+t10
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1 is a non-suppressor of organism | maternal effect | cleavage stage phenotype of αTub67Ckav-21g
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, EG28EG28/EG28[+] has giant fiber neuron phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, ctpexc39 has spermatocyte fusome phenotype
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1, ctpexc39 has spermatocyte fusome phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-13.3.1/Lis-1k11702 has macrochaeta phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-13.3.1/Lis-1k11702 has abdominal tergite phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-13.3.1/Lis-1k11702 has microchaeta & abdomen | ventral phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-1k11702/Lis-17.13.1 has macrochaeta phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-1k11702/Lis-17.13.1 has abdominal tergite phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-1k11702/Lis-17.13.1 has microchaeta & abdomen | ventral phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-18.25.3/Lis-1k11702 has macrochaeta phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-18.25.3/Lis-1k11702 has abdominal tergite phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-18.25.3/Lis-1k11702 has microchaeta & abdomen | ventral phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-13.1.2/Lis-1k11702 has macrochaeta phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-13.1.2/Lis-1k11702 has abdominal tergite phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-13.1.2/Lis-1k11702 has microchaeta & abdomen | ventral phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-1k11702/Lis-111.4.13 has macrochaeta phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-1k11702/Lis-111.4.13 has abdominal tergite phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-1k11702/Lis-111.4.13 has microchaeta & abdomen | ventral phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-11.2.2/Lis-1k11702 has macrochaeta phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-11.2.2/Lis-1k11702 has abdominal tergite phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Lis-11.2.2/Lis-1k11702 has microchaeta & abdomen | ventral phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Df(3L)10H/+ has posterior fascicle & axon phenotype
DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Dhc64C[+]/Dhc64Cek1 has posterior fascicle & axon phenotype
Gl[+]/DCTN1-p150Gl-1, Dhc64Cek1 has posterior fascicle & axon phenotype
The axon elongation and dendrite branching defects seen in Stripdogi DL1 olfactory projection neuron single-cell clones are more severe if the cells are also homozygous for Gl1. The axon fails to exit the antennal lobe in 15.6% of cases.
Gl1 DL1 olfactory projection neuron single-cell clones expressing spridsRNA.shRNA.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4GH146 show axon elongation and dendrite branching defects. The axon fails to exit the antennal lobe in 38.9% of cases.
Su(H)EG37 dominantly enhances the eye phenotype caused by Gl1, resulting in an increase in bristles and an increase in ommatidial fusion and disorganisation. There is increased disruption of accessory cells and rhabdomeres are often fused.
SG13SG13 dominantly suppresses the eye phenotype caused by Gl1, with ommatidia showing a more ordered, regular pattern and with each ommatidium often having the correct array of rhabdomeres.
The fraction of giant fiber axons that lack the characteristic terminal bend in Gl1/+ flies is increased if they are also heterozygous for EG7EG7, EG56EG56 or EG79EG79.
Only 3% of giant fiber axons in Gl1/+ ; EG28EG28/+ double heterozygotes lack the characteristic terminal bend, but the axons often show ectopic branching.
The electrophysiological defects seen in the giant fiber system of Gl1/+ adults are enhanced if they are also heterozygous for one of EG149EG149, EG162EG162, Su(H)EG37, EG28EG28, EG165EG165, EG7EG7, EG56EG56 or EG79EG79; the response latencies are significantly increased and the double heterozygous flies show poor following.
Su(H)1/+ does not enhance the morphological or electrophysiological defects of the giant fiber axons of Gl1/+ flies.
SrK134/+ enhances the rough eye phenotype of Gl1/+ flies, producing a significant reduction in eye size and disruption of the hexagonal packing of the ommatidia.
Df(2L)S3/+ enhances the rough eye phenotype of Gl1/+ flies, resulting in very small, narrow, rough eyes with a reduced number of ommatidia.
The S1 mutation overcomes the suppression of the Gl1 rough eye phenotype by Dhc64C77 or Dhc64C8-1, so that triple heterozygotes have an enhanced rough eye phenotype compared to Gl1 single heterozygotes.
Gl1 Dhc64C77 Dhc64C8-1 flies have completely wild-type eyes.
The enhanced rough eye phenotype of Gl1/+ S1/+ flies is not suppressed by Dhc64C77/Dhc64C8-1.
The abnormal broadening of wing vein L2 at the wing margin which is seen in Dl13/+ and EgfrE1/+ flies is suppressed by Gl1/+.
The extra wing vein phenotype caused by rhoStg is partially suppressed by Gl1/+.
The sterility of ctpexc39 males is further reduced when flies carry one copy of Gl1. The sterility of ctpins1 males is enhanced to 100% when they are heterozygous for Gl1. The ctpDIIA82 mutation is lethal in combination with one copy of Gl1. The total number of elongation cones (ECs) per testis is reduced in ctpexc39 mutants that carry one copy of Gl1; some of these ECs are deformed and the average cyst length is shorter than in ctpexc39 single mutants.
The area of the retina of late third instar Gl1/+ larvae devoid of nuclei is significantly increased by swDic-2/+. This is not due to cell death, but instead due increased migration of nuclei into the optic stalk. The Gl1/+ adult eye phenotype and the loss of photoreceptor nuclei from the retina in late third instar Gl1/+ larvae are partially suppressed by Khck13219/+ or Khck13314/+ and almost completely suppressed by Khc8/+.
The Gl1/+ rough eye phenotype is suppressed by sw+t11 or Dp(1;Y)y+mal106 and enhanced by Df(1)mal3.
The slight loss of viability phenotype seen in Lis-1k11702/Lis-13.3.1, Lis-1k11702/Lis-13.1.2, Lis-1k11702/Lis-18.25.3, Lis-1k11702/Lis-111.4.13 or Lis-1k11702/Lis-17.13.1, is enhanced by the addition of Gl1. The adult escapers from these crosses generally do not survive more than a few days. The addition of these Lis-1 transheterozygote combinations enhances the eye phenotype seen in Gl1 flies. In addition scutellar bristles of escapers flies are reduced in size and frequently lost. Most adult escapers lack bristles on the ventral side of the abdomen, and in many animals abdominal tergites are completely absent in one or more segments. In addition the scutellar bristles of escaper flies are reduced in size and often lost.
Gl1 shows a posterior paralysis phenotype in larvae in double heterozygous combination with Khc16. Dhc64Cek1 Gl1 double heterozygous larvae do not show a posterior paralysis phenotype. Some axonal swellings are seen in the segmental nerves of heterozygous Khc16 larvae. The number of axonal swellings is dramatically increased if the larvae are also heterozygous for Gl1. The axon swellings seen in double heterozygotes are rescued by Khc+t7.5. A slight increase in the number of axonal swellings in the segmental nerves is seen in Gl1/Df(3L)10H or Dhc64Cek1/+ ; Gl1/+ double heterozygous larvae compared to single heterozygotes.
Expression of Hsap\CDKN1AGMR.PH, which blocks the second mitotic wave, substantially reduces the number of mispositioned nuclei in Gl1 mutants suggesting that cell division at the second mitotic wave is not a prerequisite for nuclear mispositioning. Substantial cell death is also seen when Hsap\CDKN1AGMR.PH is expressed in Gl1 mutants suggesting the block in second mitotic wave, nuclear mispositioning and cell death are independent events.
The Gl1/+ rough eye phenotype is dominantly suppressed by Dhc64C6-6; ommatidia are shaped normally except in the most posterior region of the eye. The rough eye phenotype is not altered by Df(3L)10H. The rough eye phenotype is dominantly enhanced by Dhc64C6-8 and Dhc64C6-10, in both cases the eyes are reduced in size and ommatidia are frequently fused. The enhancement of the Gl1 phenotype by Dhc64C6-8 and Dhc64C6-10 is reversed if the flies also carry a copy of Dhc64C+tDN17.
Dhc64C102 is a dominant suppressor of the Gl1 phenotype in the eye. More normal facet arrays are seen in the anterior than in the posterior part of the eye in the double heterozygous flies. The optic lobe phenotype of Gl1 is also suppressed in the double heterozygote, with the strongest defect being that the lamina cell body layer is thicker than normal in the posterior region and the lamina neuropile is somewhat misshapen, particularly anteriorly. The medulla is abnormally rotated, with its posterior edge directly apposed to the lamina, but it is more normally organised than in the Gl1 single mutant.
Su(Gl)160160 is a dominant suppressor of the Gl1 phenotype in the eye and the optic lobe. More normal facet arrays are seen in the anterior than in the posterior part of the eye in the double heterozygous flies.
Su(Gl)271 is a dominant suppressor of Gl1, which results in an almost wild-type phenotype in the eye and optic lobe of double heterozygotes at 29[o]C (the optic lobe is very nearly normal at this temperature but the lamina cell body is thicker than normal and the lamina neuropil is slightly irregular in contour). At 18[o]C, the eyes of double heterozygotes are smaller than normal and there are some small facets scattered throughout the eye. In addition, the facets are not packed as tightly together as normal, and smooth pigmented material can be seen separating facets from each other.
44% of third instar larvae expressing one copy of Hsap\SPTBN2AM.Scer\UAS.P\T.T:Hsap\MYC under the control of Scer\GAL4elav.PU in a heterozygous Gl1 mutant background exhibit a "tail flip" phenotype due to posterior paralysis. 18% of larvae exhibit paralysis in the absence of the Scer\GAL4elav.PU driver.
Expression of one copy of Hsap\SPTBN2AM.Scer\UAS.P\T.T:Hsap\MYC under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF in a Gl1/+ mutant background enhances the rough eye and ommatidial disorganisation phenotypes seen in either mutant alone. Eyes from double mutant flies are reduced in size and show a dramatic roughness of the eye surface.
Expression of one copy of β-SpecGM.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF in a Gl1/+ mutant background enhances the rough eye and ommatidial disorganisation phenotypes seen in either mutant alone. Eyes from double mutant flies are reduced in size and show a dramatic roughness of the eye surface.
Ives, 31 June 1931.