FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Allele: Dmel\gro1
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
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Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype
Associated Insertion(s)

Polytene chromosomes normal.


The chromosome containing the gro mutation contains two inserts, one of about 4 kb between coordinates -4.8 and -3.8 kb and a much smaller one at approximately +11.5 detected by Preiss et al. The larger of the two is independent of the gro mutation since Df(3R)Pr4, which deletes the region into which the segment is inserted, does not uncover gro; a similar argument for the independence of the insert at 11.5 can be made since gro is rescued by transformation with a segment from 12.7 to 23.1 (Preiss et al.).

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

gro1/groC105 adults have an overproliferation of frontal bristles on the head.

gro1/groE48 adult wings show no overt phenotype.

groC105/gro1 mutants display enlarged and fused ocelli, and an increased number of fronto-orbital microchaetae.

The wing phenotype of gro1 heterozygous with deletions for gro is of overgrowth and pattern duplications in regions close to the D/V compartment boundary in the anterior compartment. Weak phenotypes include distal bifurcation of vein LIII and thickening of the proximal costa. Extreme phenotypes consist of overgrowth and pattern duplications in proximal or distal regions of the anterior wing margin, including duplication and triplication of LIII and loss of LII. Sensory elements in affected areas are typical of distal regions of the wing. gro1 when heterozygous with deletions for gro also causes the appearance of clusters of macrochaetae and microchaetae in particular regions of the head, thorax and tergites, though at low frequency.

groBFP2/gro1 transheterozygotes have wild-type eyes.

Low penetrance bushes of bristles over compound eyes of homozygous flies. gro1, E(spl)- transheterozygotes are viable and exhibit a large number of bristles on thorax, head and wings.

Homozygotes have clumps of extra bristles above each eye which give impression of bushy eyebrows; also extra bristles on the humerus. Top of head tends to be malformed; ocelli often enlarged and run together. In selected stocks, penetrance approaches 100%, but is low in unselected stocks. Concluded to be an allele of E(spl) on the basis of the visible phenotype of heterozygotes with lethal presumed point mutations at E(spl); however, it does not cause neural hypertrophy and is wild type in combination with E(spl)1.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by

gro1 has visible phenotype, enhanceable by Egfrt1

gro1 has visible phenotype, enhanceable by Egfrf13

gro1 has visible phenotype, enhanceable by Egfrf1

Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by

gro1 has phenotype, enhanceable by kni9

gro1 has phenotype, enhanceable by kni2

gro1 has ocellus phenotype, enhanceable by Egfrt1

gro1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Egfrf13

gro1 has ommatidium phenotype, enhanceable by Egfrf13

gro1 has prothoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by Egfrf13

gro1 has phenotype, enhanceable by rl1

gro1 has adult head & microchaeta phenotype, enhanceable by Egfrt1

gro1 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by Egfrt1

gro1 has prothoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by Egfrt1

gro1 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Egfrf1

gro1 has ommatidium phenotype, enhanceable by Egfrf1

gro1 has interommatidial bristle phenotype, enhanceable by Egfrf1

gro1 has prothoracic leg phenotype, enhanceable by Egfrf1

Enhancer of

gro1 is an enhancer of phenotype of kni9

gro1 is an enhancer of phenotype of kni2

NOT Enhancer of

gro1/gro[+] is a non-enhancer of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of Snr1E1

gro1, Scer\GAL430A is a non-enhancer of wing phenotype of Pka-C1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL430A

NOT Suppressor of

gro1/gro[+] is a non-suppressor of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of Snr1E1

gro1, Scer\GAL430A is a non-suppressor of wing phenotype of Pka-C1UAS.cKa, Scer\GAL430A

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

The overproliferation of frontal bristles on the head that is seen in gro1/groC105 adults is enhanced if they are also hemizygous for CG12299EY01579.

gro1/groC105 ; CG8924EY00245 double mutants have missing frontal bristles in 57% of cases.

gro1/groC105 ; CG1832KG00473/CG1832KG00473 adults have extra frontal bristles on the head in 65% of cases and have missing frontal bristles in 14% of cases.

gro1/groC105 ; Ac3EY10141 double mutants have extra frontal bristles on the head in 55% of cases and have missing frontal bristles in 33% of cases.

gro1/groC105 ; BCL7-likeEY10009/BCL7-likeEY00880 double mutants have extra frontal bristles on the head in 3% of cases and have missing frontal bristles in 96% of cases.

gro1/groE48 adults heterozygous for sbb6 show an enlarged anterior wing compartment. Ectopic longitudinal wing vein L2 and L3 tissue develops, and transformation of the anterior wing margin bristles into more posteriorly located sensory organs is observed.

Egfrt1 enhances the bristle, ocellar, wing and limb phenotypes of homozygotes. Bristle hyperplasia, ocellus enlargement and ocellus fusion are enhanced. Wings are notched, wing margins are hairier, have ectopic vein material and anterior outgrowths. Legs are fused and bifurcated. Egfrf1; gro1/gro1 and Egfrf13; gro1/gro1 flies display an enhanced gro phenotype: ectopic compound eyes, fused or bifurcated legs. These phenotypes are almost exclusively restricted to males. The ectopic eyes are organised into arrays of ommatidia. They are frequently adjacent to the endogenous eye but separated by a discrete border and exhibit defects in ommatidial packing and the distribution of interommatidial bristles. Egfrt1/Df(2R)Egfr18; gro1/gro1 flies display a combination of Egfr and gro phenotypes. The L4 wing vein defect is restored and the ocellar bristles are present but disarrayed. In many cases supernumerary ocellar bristles and/or interocellar bristles are present producing a patch of bristles were the ocelli would normally have been. The ocelli are either reduced or eliminated. Most males display one or more ectopic eye structure dorso-medial to the normal eyes. These structures are small and contain discrete ommatidia but no interommatidial bristles. The lens material of these ectopic eyes is fused into a uniform glaze and they are recessed into the head cuticle.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Images (0)
Stocks (2)
Notes on Origin

Grell, 64k.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (3)
References (16)