Polytene chromosomes normal.
Nucleotide substitution: C?T.
Amino acid replacement: R43term.
run protein produced is truncated, terminating in the basic region.
R43term | hry-PA; R43term | hry-PB
Homozygous embryos have abnormally shaped salivary glands; 15% have elongated, branched lumens, 40% have elongated, expanded lumens, 37.5% have short, expanded lumens, 2.5% show no invagination and 5% are normal (elongated, unbranched lumens). h22/h674 embryos have salivary glands with either branched or expanded lumens.
Extra neuron mutant.
h22 mutant clones in the eye have very few defective ommatidia.
emc1, hry22 has eye disc morphogenetic furrow phenotype
Selected on the basis of its failure to complement the bristle phenotype of either h1 or h2.