11bp deletion from nucleotide 175 to 185, leading to a stop codon that truncates the protein to an 89 amino acid peptide.
An 11bp deletion from nucleotide 175 to 185 (starting from the AUG), leading to a stop codon that truncates the protein to an 89 amino acid peptide.
The brains of hemizygous larvae show a metaphase arrest phenotype characterised by a high mitotic index, extremely condensed metaphase chromosomes, the almost complete absence of anaphases and an elevated frequency of polyploid cells. 72% of the mutant neuroblasts contain monopolar spindles. Microtubule density in the mutant spindles appears lower than in wild type. Most mutant prophases have separated centrosomes, separated by angles comparable to those seen in wild-type prophases, suggesting that the centrosomes separate normally during interphase but then collapse during mitosis, resulting in monopolar spindles.
Germ cells are unable to survive in germ line clones. Homozygous embryos do not exhibit any central or peripheral nervous system defects. Larvae have very little imaginal disc tissue and significantly reduced neural tissue. More than 60% of the cells have aneuploid or polyploid chromosome complements. Cytokinesis is normal.
Homozygous germline clones display cell lethality. Embryos derived from heterozygous mothers do not have CNS or PNS defects.
pupal lethal