br2Bc-1/+ flies show the same susceptibility to methoprene as wild-type flies.
br2Bc-1/Y eye discs do not show any defects. Homozygous clones in the eye disc appear normal.
Homozygotes arrest development in late prepupae or in early pupae just after head eversion.
Homozygotes die as late prepupae or early pupae.
Lethality acts at the late prepupal or early pupal stage.
Failure of salivary gland degeneration. Reduction in dorso-ventral class of indirect flight muscles. Proventriculus abnormality: foregut-midgut junction less proventriculus-like in appearance. Malpighian tubules and yellow body failed to develop, pupae and pharate adults contain multiple convoluted tubules.
38% penetrance of abnormal SEG-TG separation phenotype, 34% of individuals have an abnormal optic lobe position and 64% with brain fusion failure. A few individuals also showed failure of head eversion and overt holes in the cuticle.
Puparium formation delayed by 6 hours. Many of the late ecdysone puffs in both larvae and prepupae are either absent or underdeveloped.
Puparium formation delayed 6 hr. Many late ecdysone puffs both in larvae and prepupae either absent or underdeveloped (FBrf0037666).
br2Bc-1 is rescued by brBRcore.NS.Z3.hs
br2Bc-1 is partially rescued by brBRcore.NS.Z3.hs
br2Bc-1 is not rescued by brBRcore.Q1.Z1.hs
br2Bc-1 is not rescued by brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs
br2Bc-1 animals are rescued by expression of brBRcore.NS.Z3.hs during larval development. Rescued flies that eclose have wild-type legs and wings and live for several days as fertile adults. br2Bc-1 animals are partially rescued by expression of brZ2.hs during larval development. Rescued flies that eclose have malformed wings and legs and die very soon after eclosing. br2Bc-1 animals are not rescued by expression of brBRcore.Q1.Z1.hs or brBRcore.TNT.Q1.Z1.hs during larval development.
Defects in the activity of early puffs may cause underdevelopment of late puffs.
No change in ecdysone late gene expression in br2Bc-1 individuals.