lethal (with Df(2R)M41A2)
lethal (with Nipped-B34-3)
lethal (with Nipped-B407)
lethal (with Nipped-BIR13)
lethal (with Nipped-BL5)
lethal (with Nipped-BL7)
lethal (with Nipped-BLa6)
lethal (with Nipped-BLf)
lethal (with Nipped-BLL)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC6)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC7)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC23)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC39)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC41)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC59)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC60)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC71)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC77)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC78)
lethal (with Nipped-BNC91)
Neuroblast metaphase nuclei show precocious sister chromatid separation in animals heteroallelic for Nipped-B02047 and Nipped-BNC6, Nipped-BNC7, Nipped-BNC23, Nipped-BNC39, Nipped-BNC41, Nipped-BNC59, Nipped-BNC71, Nipped-BNC77 or Nipped-BNC78.
Approximately 60% of metaphase nuclei in the brains of Nipped-B407/Nipped-B02047 second instar larvae show precocious sister chromatid separation, in which the centromeric regions of the sister chromatids are somewhat detached from each other.
50% of metaphase nuclei in the brains of Nipped-B292.1/Nipped-B02047 and Nipped-B02047 homozygous second instar larvae show precocious sister chromatid separation, in which the centromeric regions of the sister chromatids are somewhat detached from each other.
A. Spradling.
"FBti0005207 == FBti0000286 == P{PZ}Nipped-B02047" was stated as revision. 9 out of 13 excisions of the P{PZ} revert the Nipped-B mutant phenotype.
Complements: tsh04319. Complements: vlc07022. Complements: l(2)k03002ak03002a. Complements: l(2)k03002ak04601a. Complements: l(2)k07312bk07312b.