lethal (with Df(2R)X1)
lethal | recessive
embryonic myoblast
larval somatic muscle cell
Mutant embryos show somatic muscle defects and have unfused myoblasts.
Pfk06339/Df(2R)BSC303 second-instar larvae display a 48% increase in trehalose levels.
A. Spradling.
Fails to complement: l(2)46Ebunspecified.
Complements: CCS03221. Complements: 14-3-3ζ07103. Complements: l(2)k03610k03610. Complements: l(2)k03610k03703. Complements: l(2)k04308k04308. Complements: Hr46k10308. Complements: l(2)46Edk16104.
Fails to complement: l(2)46Ebunspecified.
Complements: CCS03221. Complements: 14-3-3ζ07103. Complements: l(2)k03610k03610. Complements: l(2)k03610k03703. Complements: l(2)k04308k04308. Complements: Hr46k10308. Complements: l(2)46Edk16104.