P{PZ} insertion in the first intron, downstream of an untranslated 85bp exon.
oocyte & actin filament | ectopic | germ-line clone
Ectopic actin filaments first form at the posterior of the oocyte at stage 5-6 in capt10 germ-line clones.
Germline clones produce abnormal eggs due to abnormal oogenesis: misshapen eggs.
capt06955 is an enhancer of abnormal cell polarity phenotype of S48-5
Ablunspecified, capt[+]/capt06955 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype
Df(2L)ast5, capt06955 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype
Ablunspecified, capt06955 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype
capt06955 is an enhancer of ommatidium phenotype of S48-5
Ablunspecified, capt[+]/capt06955 has presumptive embryonic/larval central nervous system phenotype
Central nervous system axons are seen to cross the midline in Ablunspecified capt06955 double heterozygous embryos. capt06955/Df(2L)ast5 embryos show 71% ectopic midline crossing by axons in the central nervous system.
A. Spradling.
Complements: Tango14k00619.
Complements: Tango14k00619. Complements: l(2)0185501855. Complements: l(2)0411104111. Complements: dock04723. Complements: S07056. Complements: l(2)1068510685. Complements: dbek00108. Complements: l(2)10685k00420. Complements: l(2)10685k05810. Complements: dbek06708. Complements: l(2)k11325k11325. Complements: RFeSPk11704.