sex comb | increased number (with cg3)
wing margin | anterior (with cg1)
wing vein L2 (with cg1)
wing vein L5 (with cg1)
Very few homozygotes survive to the third larval instar stage. Approximately 10% of cg1/cg07659 animals eclose to adult stages, with most of the remaining animals dying as pharate adults. cg1/cg07659 flies have defects in some combination of the posterior compartment longitudinal veins L4 and L5. Defects in vein L4, ranging from a slight thinning of the vein to gaps of increasing size are seen in 100% of wings. Defects in wing vein L5 are seen in less than 25% of flies. 40% of cg1/cg07659 flies have truncations of wing vein L2. Rarely (less than 1%), outgrowths are seen in the costal region of the anterior wing margin. cg3/cg07659 animals survive to the pharate adult stage but never eclose. cg3/cg07659 males have highly disorganised sex combs with as much as a threefold increase in the number of sex comb teeth. The pre-apical bristle may also be duplicated. cg3/cg07659 legs discs show a substantial increase in the relative size of the anterior compartment. cg1/cg07659 leg discs show overgrowth in the anterior/posterior axis. cg1/cg07659 flies have expanded transverse rows and sex combs.
cg[+]/cg07659 is a suppressor of visible | somatic clone phenotype of wgAct5C.PS
Df(2R)en-11/+, cg07659 has visible | dominant phenotype
cg07659/cg1 has prothoracic tibial transverse row bristle | increased number phenotype, suppressible | partially by Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1/ciUAS.Tag:HA
cg07659/cg1 has sex comb | increased number phenotype, suppressible | partially by Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1/ciUAS.Tag:HA
cg07659/cg1 has leg disc phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1/ciUAS.Tag:HA
cg[+]/cg07659 is an enhancer of wing vein L4 phenotype of en59
cg[+]/cg07659 is an enhancer of wing vein L4 phenotype of ciW
cg[+]/cg07659 is a suppressor of leg | somatic clone phenotype of wgAct5C.PS
cg[+]/cg07659 is a suppressor of wing | ectopic | somatic clone phenotype of wgAct5C.PS
Df(2R)en-11/+, cg07659 has wing vein L4 phenotype
The frequency of leg-to-wing transdetermination caused by expression of wgAct5C.PS in clones during the mid-second larval instar is dominantly suppressed by cg07659.
Df(2R)en-11/+ ; cg07659/+ double heterozygotes have a gap in wing vein L4. The wing vein L4 defects observed in ciW/+ heterozygotes are enhanced by one copy of cg07659. The abnormal leg disc morphology of cg1/cg07659 animals is substantially rescued by ciScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1. The adult transverse row and sex comb phenotypes are also partially rescued.
A. Spradling.
This allele was listed in the BDGP database as a lethal or sterile line during the period 1994-1999, but was discarded from the gene disruption project prior to the summary publication (FBrf0111489). Reasons for excluding lines from the collection described in FBrf0111489 include presence of more than one P insertion on the mutant chromosome, separation of lethality (or sterility) from the location of the insertion, and loss of lethality (or sterility) from the stock. Further information is available from and from Dr. Spradling (
Excision of the P{PZ} element can result in wild-type revertants.
Complements: l(2)0024800248. Complements: l(2)0057200572. Complements: mam03505. Complements: l(2)k05416k05416. Complements: l(2)s3475s3475.