Amino acid replacement: G552D.
Nucleotide substitution: G?A.
Nucleotide substitution: G1882A
The Cg25CDTS-L3 allele contains 4 missense mutations within the coding regions of Cg25C and a C to T single nucleotide polymorphism in the 3' UTR at position genome position 5036897 (based on reference genome NM_164615).
Amino acid replacement: A1081T.
Nucleotide substitution: G3468A.
Amino acid replacement: K1125N.
Nucleotide substitution: G3602T.
Amino acid replacement: G1198A.
Nucleotide substitution: G3820C.
A1081T | Col4a1-PA; A1081T | Col4a1-PB; A1081T | Col4a1-PC
G552D | Col4a1-PA; G552D | Col4a1-PB; G552D | Col4a1-PC
G1198A | Col4a1-PA; G1198A | Col4a1-PB; G1198A | Col4a1-PC
K1125N | Col4a1-PA; K1125N | Col4a1-PB; K1125N | Col4a1-PC
G552D | Col4a1-PA; G552D | Col4a1-PB; G552D | Col4a1-PC
The oviduct muscle of Col4a1DTS-L3 homoygotes loses the typical sarcomeric structure at the restrictive temperature of 29[o]C, but not at the permissive temperature of 20[o]C; there are areas of actin bundling that extend beyond the area of a regular sarcomere; the Z-disc structure is disrupted; muscle fiber diameters decrease and become more heterogeneous.
At restrictive temperature (29[o]C), Cg25CDTS-L3/Cg25CDTS-L3 mutant epithelial cells develop actin stress fibers (visible after 3 days incubation, abundant after 18 days); integrin and actin connections appear disrupted.
Third instar Cg25CDTS-L3 larvae are shorter in length at 29[o]C compared to at 20[o]C and wild type larvae (at either temperature). At either temperature mutant larvae have shorter guts compared to wild type. At 29[o]C mutant midguts are enlarged, with several diverticula; areas of diverticula lack cellular organization and have protruding peritrophic matrix, and most nuclei within diverticula show signs of DNA fragmentation. At 20[o]C, intestinal dysfunction occurs at a similar time (after 57 days) in both wild type and mutant flies; at 29[o]C, Cg25CDTS-L3 flies show intestinal dysfunction much earlier (20-22 days) than wild type.
The number of colony forming units of gut microbial flora in wild type significantly decreases at 29[o]C compared to 20[o]C, unlike in Cg25CDTS-L3 larvae (show a non-significant reduction); mutants also show a shift toward Acetobacter cerevisiae in Acetobacter cerevisiae/Lactobacillus plantarum gut ratios (at either 20 or 29[o]C). Cg25CDTS-L3 flies reared at 29[o]C have a significantly shorter lifespan compared to wild type flies; oral feeding of Acetobacter cerevisiae or Lactobacillus plantarum at 29[o] decreases lifespan similarly in mutants and wild type flies.
Cg25CDTS-L3 embryos show an alary muscle detachment phenotype. Alary muscle detachment in Df(2L)Exel7022 transheterozygous embryos is more penetrant at higher temperatures.
Cg25CDTS-L3/Cg25CS3064 is embryonic lethal at 25[o]C, but if kept at 19[o]C some animals develop into early L1 larvae.
Adult escapers are observed if combined with Cg25CS0791 or Cg25CS1348 or Cg25CS2186 and grown at 19[o]C, while at 25[o]C these trans-heterozygotes die either during larval growth or in pupal stages.
Cg25CDTS-L3 heterozygotes show dominant semi-lethality at 29[o]C but are viable at 20[o]C. Homozygotes raised at 20[o]C are lethal.
Oviductal myofibers in heterozygous Cg25CDTS-L3 mutant flies detach laterally from each other with focal splitting of the basement membrane at both the restrictive (29[o]C) and permissive (20[o]C) temperature. Even at the permissive temperature myofibers are partially rounded up at their otherwise spiky ends, the nuclei are centrally located and F-actin is diminished in the peri-nuclear space. At the restrictive temperature, loss of F-actin extends to large areas of the sarcoplasm. Myofibers with loose lateral contact are prominently rounded and the nuclei are central with condensed chromatin. The basement membrane surrounding the myofibers appears distorted, thinned or absent.
Heterozygous Cg25CDTS-L3 mutants exhibit a gradually developing female sterility at the restrictive temperature (29[o]C).
Heterozygous Cg25CDTS-L3 mutants raised at the restrictive temperature (29[o]C) stop active crawling and eager pursuit of food at the third instar larval stage.
Electron microscope analysis of heterozygous Cg25CDTS-L3 mutant oviduct muscle sarcomeres shows that they lack precise transverse alignment and comprise dense Z and A bands and wide I bands. These phenotypes are seen at both the permissive and the restrictive temperature. At the restrictive temperature, only Z bands can be recognised, the A and I bands are not separated, and degradation of muscle fibers appears as electron-lucent areas between persisting Z bands.
Col4a1DTS-L3 has lethal | recessive phenotype, suppressible by vkgk16721
Col4a1DTS-L3 has lethal | recessive phenotype, suppressible by vkghsneo80
Col4a1DTS-L3 has lethal | recessive phenotype, suppressible by vkgsz-78
Col4a1DTS-L3 has lethal | recessive phenotype, suppressible by vkgb-35
Col4a1DTS-L3 has lethal | recessive phenotype, suppressible by vkgb-14
Col4a1DTS-L3 has lethal | recessive phenotype, suppressible by vkgsz-14
Col4a1DTS-L3 has lethal | recessive phenotype, suppressible by vkgsz-6
Col4a1DTS-L3 is a suppressor | partially of lethal | recessive phenotype of vkghsneo80
Col4a1DTS-L3 is a suppressor of lethal | recessive phenotype of vkgk16721
Col4a1DTS-L3 is a suppressor of lethal | recessive phenotype of vkgsz-14
Col4a1DTS-L3 is a suppressor of lethal | recessive phenotype of vkgsz-78
Col4a1DTS-L3 is a suppressor of lethal | recessive phenotype of vkgsz-6
Col4a1DTS-L3 is a suppressor of lethal | recessive phenotype of vkgb-14
Col4a1DTS-L3 is a suppressor of lethal | recessive phenotype of vkgb-35
Col4a1DTS-L3, dpyoh13 has lethal phenotype
Col4a1DTS-L3 is partially rescued by Col4a1hs.9.7
Expression of Cg25Chs.9.7 partially rescues the dominant semi-lethality seen in Cg25CDTS-L3/+ mutants at 29[o]C.