Lamsz18 is a suppressor of both bw[VDE2]/In(2R)bwVDe2 and bw[D]/Dp(?;2)bwD position effect variegation and is an enhancer of centromeric and heterochromatic (e.g. w[m4]/In(1)wm4) position effect variegation, but has not effect on telomeric position effect variegation
The majority of Lamsz18/Df(2L)GpdhA mutants die at the pharate adult stage and the rest die throughout the pupal stage. Under 3% of these mutants eclose; such animals have severe defects in walking and flying and die within a few days.
19% of homozygous embryos show misguided and stalled terminal tracheal branches at 25oC. Egg chambers of females containing homozygous germline clones show severe nuclear disorganisation and no eggs are produced.
Lamsz18, hbhs.PS has larval DO1 motor neuron | ectopic | heat sensitive phenotype
Lamsz18, hbhs.PS has larval DO2 motor neuron | ectopic | heat sensitive phenotype
Expression of hbhs.PS using brief heat shock late in the competence window for NB7-1 neuroblasts to make U1/U2 neurons results in a significant increase in the percentage of NB7-1 lineages with ectopic hb[+] U1/U2 neurons if expression is in a Lamsz18 background compared to expression in a wild-type background.