Homozygous stage 17 embryos show a "broken hearted" phenotype; the pericardial cells are dissociated from cardioblasts in the dorsal vessel.
Hmgcr01152/Df(3R)Exel9013 mutants show distortion of the shape of the dorsal vessel.
Cardioblasts and pericardial cells are properly specified and aligned until stage 16, but in later embryos the cardioblasts and pericardial cells begain to dissociate from each other.
Embryos whose mothers carry gemline clones homozygous for Hmgcr01152 and whose fathers are Hmgcr11.57/+ often have severe cuticle defects including disrupted denticle belts, abnormal mouthparts and incomplete filzkorper, but others have normal cuticles or mild fusion of abdominal segments 8 and 9. This latter group are probably paternally rescued.
In Hmgcr01152 homozygous embryos an average of 8 germ cells fail to migrate properly.
Weak germ cell migration defect.
Homozygous embryos derived from females with Hmgcr+ activity do not have cuticle defects. Embryos derived from homozygous female germ line clones have cuticle defects, which can be partially paternally rescued.
Homozygous embryos do not exhibit cuticle defects. Germline clones produce eggs with poor cuticle development.
Hmgcr01152 has primordial germ cell phenotype, enhanceable by Fppsk06103
Hmgcr01152 has primordial germ cell phenotype, enhanceable by qmL14.4
Hmgcr01152 is an enhancer of primordial germ cell phenotype of Fppsk06103
Hmgcr01152 is an enhancer of primordial germ cell phenotype of qmL14.4
About 40% of Fppsk06103; Hmgcr01152 double homozygous embryoshave severe patterning defects. However, in the remaining 60% the mesoderm appears correctly patterned but germ cell migration is severely defective (on average 14 germ cells remain on the gut), an enhancement over the germ cell migration phenotype seen in either single mutant. A similar degree of enhancement is seen in the presence of qmL14.4/qmL14.4.
Hmgcr01152 is rescued by Scer\GAL4HCH.Hand/HmgcrUAS.cvDa
Hmgcr01152 is rescued by Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR/HmgcrUAS.cvDa
Hmgcr01152 is not rescued by Scer\GAL4Ugt36A1.PK/HmgcrUAS.cvDa
A. Spradling.
Probably a hypomorph.
Complements: l(3)0468404684.