viable (with Df(3L)ZN47)
Homozygous and loj04026/Df(3L)ZN47 females mate with latency and frequency similar to that of control females when mated to wild-type males.
loj00898/loj04026 is rescued by Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1/lojUAS.N9d
loj00898/loj04026 is rescued by lojUAS.N9d/Scer\GAL4C164
loj00898/loj04026 is rescued by lojUAS.N9d/Scer\GAL4dimm-929
loj00898/loj04026 is rescued by lojUAS.N9d/Scer\GAL4SG18.1
Expression of lojScer\UAS.N9d in octopaminergic neurons under the control of either Scer\GAL4ptc-559.1 or Scer\GAL4C164 rescues the egg deposition defects seen in loj00898/loj04026 mutant females. Expression of lojScer\UAS.N9d under the control of the neuropeptidergic driver Scer\GAL4dimm-929 also rescues the phenotype.
Expression of lojScer\UAS.N9d using Scer\GAL4SG18.1 rescues oviposition behaviour and sterility of loj00898/loj04026 mutants.
A. Spradling.
The reduced viability of homozygotes of the "l(3)04026" line may to be due to a second site mutation; loj04026/loj00898 and loj04026/Df(3L)ZN47 animals eclose in the expected Mendelian ratio.
Complements: l(3)0209402094. Complements: l(3)0209403042. Complements: l(3)neo111. Complements: l(3)rP047rP047.