A small number of homozygotes reach the third larval instar stage. These larvae show an increase in the duration of this larval stage and develop melanotic masses.
Heterozygous InR05545 mutant flies reared on food containing 7.5% ethanol exhibit reduced adult viability compared to controls. Viability is comparable with controls when flies are raised on conventional media.
InR05545/InR3T5 mutant adult flies have a reduced body weight compared to heterozygous controls. Wing area is also reduced compared to controls.
Lipid content is increased in InR05545/InR3T5 mutant flies compared to controls. Carbohydrate content is similar to controls.
InR05545/InR3T5 mutant flies exhibit normal electroretinogram (ERG) readings.
The average number of germline stem cells (GSCs) in the testis of InRE19/InR05545 males within 24 hours of eclosion is similar to that seen in wild-type males at this time. However, the mutant males show an increased rate of reduction in GSC number with age compared to wild-type males, such that 14 days after eclosion, while the wild-type males maintain 90% of the GSC numbers of newly eclosed males, the mutant males maintain only 75% of the average GSC number of newly eclosed males.
InRE19/InR05545 males that are within 24 hours of eclosion have a reduced number of stage S2b spermatocyte cysts in the testis compared to wild-type males.
The average diameter of stage S6 InRE19/InR05545 spermatocytes is smaller than that of control spermatocytes at this stage.
The severity of cocaine-induced follicle degeneration in InR05545/+ females is indistinguishable from that observed in wild-type females.
Homozygous clones in the eye contain ommatidia which are smaller than normal.
Heterozygous males and females show a moderate reduction in life expectancy compared to controls (from 32.3 to 23.7 and from 35.5 to 30.5 days respectively) and are normal in size. InRE19/InR05545 adults are dwarf in size. Developmental rate is slower than normal. Females show an 85% increase in life expectancy compared to controls (from 32.3 to 60.1 days). Males show a high mortality as early adults, but have reduced mortality at late ages, resulting in a life expectancy at 10 days that is 43% greater than that of controls. InR05545/InRE19 females require continuous exposure to methoprene to induce any vitellogenesis. Treatment with methoprene reduces the longevity of InR05545/InRE19 females towards wild-type levels.
Embryonic CNS defects.
InR05545 is a non-enhancer of abnormal size | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype of Tsc1Q600X
InR05545 is a suppressor of increased cell growth rate | somatic clone phenotype of Pten117
InR05545 is a suppressor of lethal phenotype of Ras85DV12.sev, sevS11.Tag:MYC
InR05545 is a non-suppressor of decreased body size | pupal stage phenotype of Nf1E2
InR05545 is a non-suppressor of visible | somatic clone phenotype of Tsc1Q600X
InR35/InR05545 is a non-suppressor of increased cell size | somatic clone phenotype of Ptendj189
InR05545/InR353, Tsc129 has partially lethal - majority live phenotype
InR05545, Ras85DV12.sev, sevS11.Tag:MYC has viable phenotype
InR05545 is an enhancer of eye phenotype of chicoflp147E
InR05545 is an enhancer of wing phenotype of chicoflp147E
InR05545 is an enhancer of adult phenotype of chicoflp147E
InR[+]/InR05545 is a non-enhancer of photoreceptor neuron phenotype of SIIN
InR05545 is a suppressor of eye | somatic clone phenotype of Pten117
InR[+]/InR05545 is a non-suppressor of photoreceptor neuron phenotype of SIIN
InR05545 is a non-suppressor of ommatidium | somatic clone phenotype of Tsc1Q600X
InR35/InR05545 is a non-suppressor of wing margin bristle | somatic clone phenotype of Ptendj189
The phenotype of homozygous chicoflp147E flies is enhanced by a copy of InR05545. Overall wing size is reduced by 17.7%, the number of cells reduced by 19.8%. In the eye, the number of ommatidia and size of the eye is also reduced.
The lethality caused by sevS11.T:Hsap\MYC in combination with Ras85DV12.sev is suppressed by InR05545.
A. Spradling.
Complements: mod(mdg4)03852. Complements: E2f07172. Complements: mod(mdg4)j2B7. Complements: E2frM729.