P{PZ} insertion within the first non-coding exon.
Whereas wild-type adult midgut progenitor cells (AMPs) form many large clusters, few AMP clusters are found in late larval vn10567 and vn10567/vnγ7 mutant midguts.
Most vn10567/vnγ7 mutants die as pharate adults.
Lineage analysis of marked clones reveals that vn10567/vnγ7 mutants display a failure of proliferation of AMPs during early larval stages, although the number of AMPs generated initially during embryogenesis is not different between mutants and wild-type controls. The size of the few remaining AMP clusters in vn10567/vnγ7 mutants is relatively normal, suggesting that the late phase of AMP proliferation is largely unaffected in these mutants.
Expression of vnScer\UAS.cSa in larval enterocytes driven by Scer\GAL4Myo31DF-NP0001 not only rescues the adult midgut progenitor cell phenotype of vn10567 mutants, but it also causes ectopic AMP cell proliferation.
Late stage vn10567/Df(3L)v65c embryos lack lch5 ligament attachment cells.
Border cells still migrate dorsally when all dorsal follicle cells are mutant for vn10567 in females containing homozygous clones.
A significant number of somatic muscle fibres show multiple, mis-guided membrane extensions at their leading edges. The DA1 muscle precursor is sometimes missing.
Abnormal muscle phenotype. Myotubes of mutant embryos are elongated and continuously send filopodia in random directions.
vn[+]/vn10567 is an enhancer of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4ey.PH, brmK804R.UAS.Tag:HA
vn10567/vn1 is a suppressor of increased occurrence of cell division | adult stage phenotype of rk1
vn[+]/vn10567 is a suppressor of increased cell number phenotype of rk1
vn[+]/vn10567 is a suppressor of increased occurrence of cell division | adult stage phenotype of rk1
vn[+]/vn10567 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4Tub.PU, cswN308D.UASp
vn10567 has muscle cell of abdominal 2 dorsal acute muscle 1 | precursor phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4how-24B/EgfrDN.UAS
vn10567 has muscle cell of abdominal 3 dorsal acute muscle 1 | precursor phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4how-24B/EgfrDN.UAS
vn10567 has muscle cell of abdominal 6 dorsal acute muscle 1 | precursor phenotype, enhanceable by spi3
vn10567 has muscle cell of abdominal 7 dorsal acute muscle 1 | precursor phenotype, enhanceable by spi3
vn10567 has muscle cell of abdominal 4 dorsal acute muscle 1 | precursor phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4how-24B/EgfrDN.UAS
vn10567 has muscle cell of abdominal 5 dorsal acute muscle 1 | precursor phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4how-24B/EgfrDN.UAS
vn10567 has muscle cell of abdominal 6 dorsal acute muscle 1 | precursor phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4how-24B/EgfrDN.UAS
vn10567 has muscle cell of abdominal 7 dorsal acute muscle 1 | precursor phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4how-24B/EgfrDN.UAS
vn10567 has muscle cell of abdominal 2 dorsal acute muscle 1 | precursor phenotype, enhanceable by spi3
vn10567 has muscle cell of abdominal 3 dorsal acute muscle 1 | precursor phenotype, enhanceable by spi3
vn10567 has muscle cell of abdominal 4 dorsal acute muscle 1 | precursor phenotype, enhanceable by spi3
vn10567 has muscle cell of abdominal 5 dorsal acute muscle 1 | precursor phenotype, enhanceable by spi3
vn[+]/vn10567 is an enhancer of eye phenotype of Scer\GAL4ey.PH, brmK804R.UAS.Tag:HA
vn[+]/vn10567 is an enhancer of ommatidium phenotype of Scer\GAL4ey.PH, brmK804R.UAS.Tag:HA
vn10567/vn10567 is an enhancer of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle phenotype of rhounspecified
vn10567/vn10567 is an enhancer of ventral denticle belt phenotype of rhounspecified
vn10567 is an enhancer of dorsal appendage phenotype of Ras85Dix12a
vn10567 is an enhancer of egg phenotype of Ras85Dix12a
vn[+]/vn10567 is a suppressor of intestinal stem cell phenotype of rk1
vn[+]/vn10567 is a suppressor of adult midgut phenotype of rk1
vn10567/vn1 is a suppressor of intestinal stem cell phenotype of rk1
vn10567/vn1 is a suppressor of adult midgut phenotype of rk1
vn[+]/vn10567 is a suppressor of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of Scer\GAL4Tub.PU, cswN308D.UASp
Gug14967, rhoPΔ5, vn10567 has wing vein | somatic clone phenotype
brm2, vn[+]/vn10567 has humeral bristle phenotype
brm2, vn10567 has humeral bristle phenotype
2/3 of vn10567; rhounspecified double homozygous embryo cuticles show a general loss of cuticle integrity. Of the remaining 1/3 of cuticles the percentage with >2 denticle belt fusions is increased from <10% for rhounspecified to >30%. (Note, while the authors do not name an rho allele for this analysis, they do claim to have used a null allele.)
The loss of the DA1 muscle precursor in vn10567 embryos is enhanced if they are also carrying EgfrDN.Scer\UAS expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4how-24B. The loss of the DA1 muscle precursor seen in vn10567 embryos is dominantly enhanced by spi3.
vn10567 is rescued by Scer\GAL4NP0001/vnUAS.cSa
vn10567 is rescued by Scer\GAL4NP7397/vnUAS.cSa
vn10567 is rescued by Scer\GAL4how-24B/vnUAS.cSa
Expression of vnScer\UAS.cSa in larval enterocytes driven by Scer\GAL4Myo31DF-NP0001 not only rescues the adult midgut progenitor cell phenotype of vn10567 mutants, but it also causes ectopic AMP cell proliferation.
Expression of vnScer\UAS.cSa in adult midgut progenitor cells (AMPs) rescues the AMP cell proliferation phenotype of vn10567 mutants.
Expression of vnScer\UAS.cSa in visceral muscle driven by Scer\GAL4how-24B rescues the adult midgut progenitor cell phenotype of vn10567 mutants.
A. Spradling.
Complements: Bre101640. Complements: l(3)0233102331. Complements: l(3)0514305143. Complements: l(3)neo111.
Precise excision of the P{PZ} insertion completely reverses the muscle phenotype and results in full viability. Results indicate the insertion is responsible for the phenotype.