P{lacW} insertion in the 5' untranslated region.
DNAprim[+]/Prim2j10B2 is a suppressor of visible | recessive phenotype of fafFO8
DNAprim[+]/Prim2j10B2 is a suppressor of ommatidium phenotype of fafFO8
Prim2Sfaf240/Prim2j10B2 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI/Prim2UAS.cCa
Prim2j10B2 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI/Prim2UAS.cCa
Expression of DNAprimScer\UAS.cCa under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI partially rescues DNAprimj10B2 homozygotes; flies are viable but nearly sterile. Expression of DNAprimScer\UAS.cCa under the control of Scer\GAL4Act5C.PI partially rescues DNAprimj10B2/DNAprimSfaf240 flies; a few adult escapers are seen that die after 1 day.
L. and Y. Jan.
Reversion analysis proved that the P{lacW} is responsible for the lethal phenotype.
Excision of the P{lacW} element can result in reversion of the phenotype.
Complements: eRF100103.