Contains a deletion of four base pairs between the positions encoding the invariant His and Cys residues resulting in a frame shift and a premature translational stop.
Approximate location of 4bp deletion in the region of the Leu475 and Gln476 residues that results in a frame shift and a premature translational stop (exact boundaries not reported).
chromosome | larval stage (with Ssedft)
Ssedft/Sse13m larval brains have telomeric fusions and endoreduplication phenotypes: neuroblasts have few dividing cells (around 3 metaphases per brain) and most cells are endoreduplicated (showing bundles of 2, 4, and 8 sister chromosomes and ploidy levels from 4n to 32n), and a large number of metaphases contain 64 (16n) or more than 64 chromosomes; some endoreduplicated chromosomes are also fused at their ends, giving rise to multicentric chromosome configurations and rings. Telomeric fusion frequency (ratio between number of double telomere attachments and total number of chromosomes, which does not change significantly with the degree of endoreduplication) is increased.
In Sse/Df(3L)SseA the brains of early second instar mutant larval brains, the number of cells during early mitotic phases until anaphase are reduced to about 40% of wild-type - prophase and metaphase figures are seen at similar frequencies to wild-type, but anaphase figures are almost completely absent. Second instar larval brains have 95% of the mitotic cells containing either diplo-chromosomes or more extensively endoreplicated chromosomes. In addition to the presence of endoreplicated chromosomes, mitotic figures in mutants frequently contain aneuploid numbers of chromosomes, however polyploid figures with normal chromosomes are never seen. In third instar larvae, mutant brains contain very few cells in the early mitotic phases (5% compared to controls) These cells are abnormally large and have very high levels of DNA. No normal anaphase or telophase figures are seen.
Imaginal discs of homozygous larvae are small. Defects in the cell cycle: few or no dividing cells and cell division failures that result in highly polyploid cells.
imaginal discs small highly polyploid, endoreduplicated cells; very low mitotic index
Sse13m/Sse[+] is a suppressor of abnormal mitotic cell cycle | maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype of CycB+t10
Sse13m/Sse[+] is a suppressor of lethal | maternal effect | embryonic stage | cold sensitive phenotype of thrΔVQ.Tag:MYC
Sse13m/Sse[+] is an enhancer of astral microtubule | embryonic cycle 9 | maternal effect phenotype of CycB+t10
Sse13m/Sse[+] is a non-enhancer of wing margin phenotype of ctK
Sse13m/Sse[+] is a suppressor of embryo | maternal effect | embryonic cycle 10 phenotype of CycB+t10
Sse13m/Sse[+] is a suppressor of embryo | maternal effect | embryonic cycle 14 phenotype of CycB+t10
Sse13m/Sse[+] is a suppressor of microtubule | maternal effect | embryonic cycle 9 phenotype of CycB+t10
Sse13m/Sse[+] is a suppressor of embryo | maternal effect | embryonic stage 5 phenotype of thrΔVQ.Tag:MYC
Sse13m/Sse[+] is a non-suppressor of wing margin phenotype of ctK
The delay in onset of anaphase (measured during cycles 6-11) seen in embryos with two extra copies of the maternal CycB+ gene dose (derived from females carrying copies of CycB+t10) is suppressed by Sse13m. Nuclear cortical migration is initiated at telophase of cycle 9 and ends about 1.5 minutes into early interphase of cycle 10 in embryos with two extra copies of the maternal CycB+ gene dose (derived from females carrying copies of CycB+t10) and carrying Sse13m, as occurs in wild-type embryos, but the velocity and pattern of nuclear migration are abnormal; nuclear movements are faster than in wild-type embryos and the nuclei move in curved paths and at an angle to the cortex (the nuclei migrate in straight paths perpendicular to the cortex in wild-type embryos). The reduction in the microtubule network (measured during early interphase of cycle 9) seen in embryos with four extra copies of the maternal CycB+ gene dose (derived from females carrying copies of CycB+t10) is suppressed by Sse13m/+. The loss of astral microtubules seen in cycle 9 embryos with four extra copies of the maternal CycB+ gene dose is enhanced if they also carry Sse13m/+.
The maternal effect lethality and cellularisation defects of embryos derived from females carrying two copies of thrΔVQ.T:Hsap\MYC and raised at 18oC are suppressed by one copy of Sse13m; only 7% of these embryos have cellularisation defects. If SseC497S.Scer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 is expressed in this background under the control of Scer\GAL4mat.αTub67C.T:Hsim\VP16 the frequency and severity of cellularisation defects is unaffected. If, however, SseScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 is expressed in this background under the control of Scer\GAL4mat.αTub67C.T:Hsim\VP16, 56% of the embryos have cellularisation defects.
Sse13m is partially rescued by SseUAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4da.G32
Sse13m is not rescued by SseC497S.UAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4da.G32