The P{etau-lacZ}drlP3.765 insertion in drlP3.765 is inserted at the same nucleotide as the P{lacW}pigeonP1 insertion.
P{lacW} is inserted approximately 800bp 3' to the pigeon transcription unit, in an opposite orientation. The insertion site is 6bp distal to that of P{etau-lacZ}drlP3.765 (also transcribed in the opposite direction to the pigeon and drl transcription units).
Mutant animals show decreased 1 hour memory that is further reduced by aging.
After presentation of electric shock with a first odour, P{lacW}pigeonP1 flies show a wild-type response to a second, different odour.
Mutant flies show some pupal lethality, indicating a developmental defect as well as a learning and memory defect for the P{lacW}pigeonP1 chromosome.
Shows mutant learning and 3 hour retention scores.
Sensory and motor systems (olfactory acuity and shock reactivity) required for the classical conditioning experiments are normal indicating that the mutation disrupts learning/memory specifically.
Flies exhibit defective initial learning levels, thereafter mutant memory decays as wild type.
pigeon[+]/pigeonP1 is an enhancer of eye phenotype of DrefUAS.cSa
pigeonP1 is not rescued by pigeonhs.PB
Mutant learning and memory phenotypes can be rescued by pigeonhs.PB. Gross anatomy of mushroom bodies and central complex is normal in pigeonP1 mutants. FlyBase curator comment: In a subsequent publication (Bolwig et al., 2002, Neuron 34: 667) the authors describe how repeat of these rescue experiments failed to reproduce the rescue of the adult learning defect of pigeonP1 by FBtp0006269.
Isolation: in a screen for three-hour memory deficits after classical conditioning of an olfactory avoidance response.
P{lacW}pigeonP1 is inserted 800 bp downstream of the pigeon transcription unit, perhaps in the 5'UTR of drl. In fact, the P{etau-lacZ} in drlP3.765, is inserted 6 bp away from the pigeonP1 allele. The P{lacW} insertion in the pigeonP1 mutant could therefore be causing an additional drl phenotype.
In contradiction to the result published in FBrf0083785, the pigeon transcript in adult heads is not affected in size or abundance in pigeonP1;drlP1 mutants.
The pigeonP1 mutation disrupts expression of the pigeon transcript.
Reversion assay reveals the P{lacW} insertion is responsible for the mutant phenotype.
Wild type P-element revertants have been generated.