FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Allele: Dmel\M(3)801
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
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Carried in Construct
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Allele class
Nature of the Allele
Allele class
Progenitor genotype

Polytene chromosomes normal.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
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Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

Heterozygotes have a Minute phenotype at 29oC, but show no obvious phenotype at 22oC. Homozygotes survive and have a moderate Minute-like phenotype at 22oC, but die at 29oC.

Heterozygotes have normal viability at 22oC, but at 29oC their viability is very low. Homozygotes have essentially normal viability at 22oC, but show complete lethality, mostly during the first larval instar stage, at 29oC. There are two post-embryonic temperature sensitive periods (TSPs) of lethality, one occurring during the latter half of the second larval instar stage and the other extending from the larval/pupal boundary to the second half of pupation. Pupae are more sensitive to M(3)801 induced lethality than larvae. Crosses between homozygous females and wild-type males produce significant (albeit reduced) numbers of progeny at 22oC, but none at 28oC. Homozygous females stop producing eggs within 1 to 2 days of being shifted to 28oC. Homozygous females maintained at 28oC for several days have abundant sperm in their seminal receptacles and their ovaries contain oocytes characteristic of early stages of oogenesis. Crosses between homozygous males and wild-type females produce few progeny at 22oC and none after a 1 to 2 day exposure to 28oC. 32% of eggs derived from homozygous females mated to wild-type males at 22oC and then maintained at 22oC hatch into larvae, and 85% of these larvae develop into phenotypically normal adults. Only 2% of eggs derived from homozygous females mated to wild-type males at 22oC and then raised at 29oC hatch into larvae, and they die soon after hatching. Heterozygotes are phenotypically normal at 22oC, but show Minute-like traits at 29oC, such as rough eyes, thin and small macrochaetae and prolonged development. Homozygotes raised at 22oC show a moderate small bristle and rough eye phenotype, as well as prolonged development. Heat pulses during the larval (and also pupal) stages result in a number of striking adult phenotypes affecting most of the major cuticular structures (in both adult survivors and pharate adults), most of which are incompletely penetrant. These defects include pattern alterations such as duplications and deficiencies and other morphological defects in structures produced by the eye-antennal, leg, wing and genital imaginal discs and the abdominal histoblasts. Each defect or pattern alteration is associated with a specific TSP during development. Hemizygotes survive at 22oC but not at 29oC. The hemizygous phenotype is more extreme than that of homozygotes at 22oC. M(3)801/+/+ triploid females do not show Minute-like phenotypes.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Suppressor of

M(3)80[+]/M(3)801 is a suppressor of visible | dominant | homeotic | heat sensitive phenotype of Pc3

M(3)80[+]/M(3)801 is a suppressor of visible | dominant | homeotic | heat sensitive phenotype of ScrMsc


M(3)801, cp[+]/cp1 has visible | dominant | heat sensitive phenotype

M(3)801, sensunspecified has lethal | dominant | heat sensitive phenotype

J[+]/J34e, M(3)801 has lethal | dominant | heat sensitive phenotype

Df(2R)vg-B/+, M(3)801 has visible | dominant | heat sensitive phenotype

M(3)801, cp[+]/cp1 has partially lethal | dominant | heat sensitive phenotype

M(3)801, vg[+]/vgunspecified has visible | dominant | heat sensitive phenotype

M(3)801, cp1 has visible | dominant | heat sensitive phenotype

M(3)80[+]/M(3)801, vg1 has visible | dominant phenotype

M(3)80[+]/M(3)801, vgunspecified has visible | dominant | heat sensitive phenotype

M(3)80[+]/M(3)801, sensunspecified has lethal | dominant | heat sensitive phenotype

DeltaD, M(3)80[+]/M(3)801 has lethal | dominant | heat sensitive phenotype

J34e, M(3)80[+]/M(3)801 has lethal | dominant | heat sensitive phenotype

DeltaD, M(3)801 has lethal | dominant | heat sensitive phenotype

Dfd1, M(3)80[+]/M(3)801 has lethal | dominant | pharate adult stage | heat sensitive phenotype

M(3)801, vg[+]/vg1 has visible | dominant | heat sensitive phenotype

Dfd[+]/Dfd1, M(3)801 has lethal | dominant | pharate adult stage | heat sensitive phenotype

Dl[+]/Delta1, M(3)801 has lethal | dominant | pharate adult stage | heat sensitive phenotype

M(3)80[+]/M(3)801, cp1 has visible | dominant | heat sensitive phenotype

M(3)80[+]/M(3)801, cp1 has partially lethal | dominant | heat sensitive phenotype

M(3)80[+]/M(3)801, vg1 has visible | dominant | heat sensitive phenotype

Delta1, M(3)80[+]/M(3)801 has lethal | dominant | heat sensitive phenotype

Phenotype Manifest In
Suppressor of

M(3)801 is a suppressor of mesothoracic leg & sex comb | ectopic phenotype of Pc3

M(3)80[+]/M(3)801 is a suppressor of mesothoracic leg & sex comb | ectopic phenotype of ScrMsc

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

M(3)801 shows complete lethality at the restrictive temperature when combined with Dfdunspecified; death occurs at the pharate adult stage and is probably due to lack of eye-antennal disc derivatives. M(3)801/DlD heterozygotes fail to survive at 29oC. M(3)801/sensunspecified heterozygotes are inviable at 29oC, but have normal viability at 22oC. M(3)801/J34e heterozygotes are only partially viable at 29oC, but have normal viability at 22oC. At 29oC, the flies show a scute-like bristle phenotype. Strongly reduces the penetrance of the extra sex comb phenotype of ScrMsc or Pc3 heterozygotes at 29oC but not at 22oC. cp1/M(3)801 heterozygotes are normal at 22oC. At 29oC they have reduced viability and have nicks in the posterior margin of the wing. vgunspecified; M(3)801 heterozygotes are normal at 22oC. At 29oC they have nicks in the apical part of the wing. Df(2R)vg-B/+ ; M(3)801/+ flies have slightly nicked wings at 22oC. At 9oC the flies have a strikingly reduced wing. vg1; M(3)801 heterozygotes have nicks in the wing at 29oC.

M(3)76A1/M(3)801 and M(2)56Funspecified/+ ; M(3)801/+ flies survive at 22oC and 29oC. Dfd1/M(3)801 and Dl1/M(3)801 double heterozygotes survive at 22oC but not at 29oC. vg1/+ ; M(3)801/+ flies show no novel phenotypes at 22oC, but at 29oC they show apical wing notches. cp1/+ ; M(3)801/+ flies show no novel phenotypes at 22oC, but at 29oC they show nicks in the posterior wing margin.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
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