Amino acid replacement: P2159L.
In addition to the P2159L amino acid replacement, which may cause the mutant phenotype, a number of additional amino acid changes are present compared to the U34925 mei-41 GenBank sequence (these "common" mutations are also present in other mei-41 mutant alleles, possibly due to variability present in the mutagenised population).
Nucleotide substitution: C8924T.
P2322L | mei-41-PA
The amino acid change is reported relative to GB:U34925 (in which the predicted CDS is missing 163 N-terminal amino acids relative to genome release 3.2). Other amino acid changes common to several mei-41 mutants are also present in the strain.
50% of eggs derived from homozygous females hatch into larvae. Hemizygous larvae show 74% loss of the G2/M checkpoint (this number is the average number of mitotic cells per eye disc after exposure of male hemizygous larvae to 500R of X rays expressed as a percentage of the number of mitotic cells per eye disc before irradiation, wild-type values range from 5 to 15%).
Unlike wild-type, UVC irradiation of stage 10 mei-41D5 mutant embryos at 50 mJ/cm2 does not induce apoptosis.
Mutants show an altered frequency of induced dominant lethal mutations in eggs after irradiation.
Homozygotes are sensitive to methyl methanesulfonate and γ rays.
100% of homozygotes are killed by 60Gy radiation.
Excision repair capacity is normal and post-replication repair capacity is deficient.
Survivors of treatment with nitrogen mustard have slightly reduced flight ability, though the reduction is less than for mus308 mutants.
Flies are sensitive to X rays.
Post replication repair deficient.
Reduces meiotic exchange.
mei-41D5/mei-41RT1 has lethal | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by MCPH1Z1861/MCPH1[+]
mei-41D5/mei-41D3 has lethal | embryonic stage | maternal effect phenotype, enhanceable by grp[+]/grpfsA4
mei-41D5/mei-41D3 has lethal | maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype, suppressible by CycAunspecified/CycBunspecified
CycAunspecified, mei-41D5 has lethal | recessive | maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype
CycBunspecified, mei-41D5 has lethal | recessive | maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype
CycAunspecified, CycBunspecified, mei-41D5/mei-41D3 has lethal | maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype
MCPH1Z1861 dominantly enhances the embryonic lethality caused by mei-41RT1/mei-41D5.
If mei-41D3/mei-41D5 females are also heterozygous for grpfsA4, the hatch rates are reduced to 1% and 23% at 25oC and 20oC respectively. The lethality of embryos derived from mei-41D3/mei-41D5 females is partly rescued if the females are also heterozygous for either CycAunspecified or CycBunspecified, and greater rescue is seen if the females are also heterozygous for both CycAunspecified and CycBunspecified.
Homozygotes have normal excision repair capabilities, but postreplication repair is reduced compared to wild-type. Homozygous cultured cells respond to UV irradiation with normal reductions in thymidine incorporation and with the synthesis of abnormally short nascent DNA.