Amino acid replacement: H227L.
Nucleotide substitution: A1184T.
H227L | ninaA-PA
Mutants show light-independent retinal degeneration.
Macroscopic responses of ninaA3 photoreceptors (from dissociated ommatidia) to brief test flashes and modest light steps are greatly reduced in sensitivity compared to wild type.
ninaA3 mutant flies have very little Rh1 opsin in their rhabdomeres in the photoreceptor cells R1-R6, with most of the Rh1 opsin being in the ER. These cells also show large accumulations of rough ER.
Dramatic reductions in rhodopsin levels of R1--R6 cells with concomitant impaired visual function.
ninaA3 has endoplasmic reticulum phenotype, enhanceable by PAPLA1KO
ninaA3 has endoplasmic reticulum | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by ninaE17
ninaA3 has endoplasmic reticulum | adult stage phenotype, non-suppressible by ninaE17/Rh2ninaE.P
ninaA3, ninaE17 double mutants do not show accumulations of ER, indicating that it is not the lack of ninaA but the presence of Rh1 opsin in ninaA mutants that cause ER proliferation (ninaE is the structural gene for Rh1). Double mutants, for ninaA3 and ninaE17, which also contain Rh2ninaE.P still display dramatic accumulations of ER membranes in photoreceptors R1-R6.
The phenotype can be fully rescued by P element mediated introduction of a wild type copy of ninaA.