FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Allele: Dmel\norpAP24
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
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Associated gene
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Carried in Construct
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Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype

28bp deletion (nucleotides 2710 to 2737, nucleotide numbering as in FBrf0047660). This deletes 9 amino acid residues, and causes a frameshift which results in the substitution of 24 amino acids residues followed by a premature termination codon.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes

28bp deletion which causes a frameshift, resulting in the substitution of 24 amino acids residues followed by a premature termination codon.

Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

norpA36 flies reared in dark exhibit a reduction in the endoplasmic reticulum-plasma membrane contact site density in outer photoreceptors at eclosion.

norpA36 mutant adults show severe retinal degeneration (lost and damaged rhabdomeres) already after six days in light/dark cycles.

norpA36 homozygous adults do not exhibit structural abnormalities in the cortical glia.

norpA36 adults exhibit retinal degeneration (normal numbered eye photoreceptor cells on the day of eclosion followed by a progressively decreased number of eye photoreceptor cells) when compared to controls.

norpA36 homozygous adults display a complete loss of retinal response to light in electro-retinograms, but maintain a rhythmic behavior under constant darkness conditions after previous training in 12h:12h light:dark cycles, and do not present obvious defects in arousal in response to a light pulse during the night period, as compared to controls.

norpA36 homozygous mutant late third instar larvae show impaired temperature selection and unlike controls display no strong preference for cooler temperatures (18[o]C) in a temperature gradient.

The number of rhodopsin1-containing vesicles (RLVs) per ommatidium in norpA36 homozygous adults both pre- and post-illumination is elevated compared to controls and the flies display light-dependent retinal degeneration.

norpA36 mutants undergo light-dependent retinal degeneration.

Adults expressing norpAninaE.PW in a norpA36 background have a significant reduction in short-term aversive visual (blue/green) memory, compared to controls, with no effect on blue/green preference or heat (laser) avoidance.

Upon continuous exposure to white light for 6 days, norpA36 mutants exhibit reduced numbers of rhabdomeres compared to control flies. In addition, ommatidial organisation is often aberrant in these mutants, indicating that the photoreceptor cells are undergoing a progressive demise.

norpA36/norpA36 flies show progressive retinal degeneration within 3-4 days of exposure to constant light (wild type flies show no signs of retinal degeneration even after 7 days of constant light).

The gustatory aversion of mutant flies to 6mM camphor in a two way-choice test is not significantly different from that seen in wild-type flies.

The degeneration of norpA36 photoreceptors is marked by the age-dependent progressive deterioration of rhabdomeres. As norpA36 flies age in a 12 hour light/dark cycle, rhabdomeres become smaller and eventually disappear at ~9 days post-eclosion. In contrast, the size of rhabdomeres in wild-type R1-R6 cells remains constant for up to 28 days.

Mutant flies show retinal degeneration (lack of deep pseudopupil) after 5 days in constant light. The rhabdomeres show severe deterioration.

Mutant larvae show defects in discrimination between 18[o]C and 24[o]C in a binary choice thermotaxis assay compared to controls.

Mutant larvae show reduced turning behaviour compared to control larvae when they move into a 24[o]C zone from an 18[o]C zone (turning behaviour when they move from an 18[o]C zone into a 24[o]C zone is similar in both mutant and wild-type larvae).

Wild-type larvae display differences in their LN(v) dendrite length when exposed to constant darkness versus constant light. In contrast, such light induced changes are absent in norpA36 mutants.

Mutants display a reduced aversion to aristolochic acid and fewer aristolochic acid-induced action potentials in tip recordings compared to wild type.

The citronellal-evoked action potential frequency in ab12 basiconic sensilla in the antenna of mutant flies is not significantly different from wild type.

Mutant flies show significantly reduced avoidance of citronellal in a direct airborne repellent test (DART) assay.

ab11a olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) in the antenna show a higher citronellal-evoked action potential frequency in mutant flies compared to in wild type.

norpA36 mutant class IV dendritic arborization neurons do not exhibit any defects in light response.

norpA36 mutants undergo rapid retinal degeneration such that the animals have detectable loss of photoreceptor cells by 4 days and are almost devoid of photoreceptor cells by day 10.

norpA36 mutants fail to discriminate between wavelengths in the UV and green spectrum.

Whole cell patch-clamped dissociated ommatidia from norpA36 mutants (also carrying trp9 to prevent the low level of spontaneous trp channel activity seen in norpA36 mutants), upon light stimulation, do not show a light response nor any indication of Shab-mediated light-dependent modulation of the delayed rectifier current.

norpA36 mutants are thermotaxis defective, losing the 18[o]C versus 24[o]C preference found in wild-type.

norpA36 larvae are unable to distinguish between 18 and 19-24[o]C. In the 26-30[o]C range, norpA36 show reduced thermotactic behaviour and they show a wild-type preference for 18[o]C over either 14-16[o]C or 32[o]C.

norpA36 flies entrained to 12 hour light: 12 hour dark cycles and then exposed to 8 hour delayed light-dark (LD) cycles are able to resynchronise to the new light regime.

norpA36 flies that are entrained to 12 hour light: 12 hour dark cycles ( 12:12 LD) and are then shifted to 9:9 , 13:13 or 14:14 LD cycles routinely re-entrain to behave in synchrony with the novel non-24 hour cycles.

norpA36 mutant photoreceptors form the correct number of synapses per presynaptic terminal independently of cartridge composition.

No light-dependent translocation of trplninaE.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP to the cell body is observed in norpA36 mutant photoreceptors.

Uptake of 0.5-100mM trehalose solution by norpA36 mutant flies is normal, as is the electrical response of associated sensory neurons to stimulations of long labellar taste bristles with 0.8-400mM trehalose

norpA36 pupal photoreceptors show normal endocytosis of ninaE.

norpA36 rhabdomeres show signs of early stages of degeneration at 1 day of age. The rhabdomeres appear smaller and less organized; photoreceptor cell bodies are reduced in size, and pigment cells swell to occupy this space. At later stages of degeneration rhabdomeres are further deteriorated, and cell bodies are shrunken with many aberrant vesicles and electron-dense material.

norpA36 mutants exhibit no signs of retinal degeneration when raised for 6 days in constant darkness.

At high-light intensity, norpA36 flies are able to resynchronize to a shift in the light-dark schedule of 8 hours. However, at 1000-fold lower light intensity, norpA36 mutants take longer to synchronize to new schedules than wild-type flies.

Exposing norpA36 flies to constant light results in arrhythmicity, as with wild-type flies.

A small approximately 15pA noisy inward current is detected in norpA36 in whole-cell recordings of photoreceptors on establishment of the whole-cell configuration. This noisy current gradually subsides and eventually reveals isolated 1-2pA events and finally, after about 20 minutes, a quiet base line. At this point, brief flashes of light induce tiny (less than 2pA) light responses consisting of little more than a train of miniature "quantum bumps", which last for several minutes. In the absence of ATP in the electrode, the spontaneous activity seen on establishment of the whole-cell configuration initially increases in magnitude during a period of several minutes, and then decays again during 15-20 minutes, revealing single quantum bump-like events with amplitudes that are restored to near wild-type levels, but terminate more slowly than normal.

norpA36 mutants exhibit a complete loss of photoreceptor response to light.

Mutant flies show no response to light (measured using an electroretinogram (ERG) recording).

norpA36 mutants do not exhibit the light dependent architectural changes seen in wild-type rhabdomeres.

The amplitude of quantum bumps in photoreceptors is smaller in animals expressing norpAC1094S.hs in a norpA36 background than in wild type (when ATP is present in the intracellular solution during recordings).

The dendritic arborisation of the lateral neurons appears normal in mutant third instar larvae.

The effect of anoxia as measured in the eye by extracellular voltage change recordings is similar to that of wild type. The Ca2+ signal has a faster onset than wild type and overshoots after anoxia is removed.

Patch-clamp whole cell recordings show termination of light-induced currents that is four orders of magnitude slower than wild type in flies carrying norpAC1094S.hs in a norpA36 background.

The larval response to light is abolished in mutants (as measured by a "checker assay").

Wild-type larvae reduce their path lengths and show increased head swinging when exposed to light. This response is abolished in norpA36 larvae. Wild-type larvae show a greater change in direction when lights are turned on or off (light (L) to dark (D), or D to L transition) than in the absence of a light transition (D to D). The amplitude of change of direction is greater for the D to L than for the L to D transition. This light-induced difference in the amplitude of change of direction for L to D and D to L transitions is abolished in norpA36 larvae. The difference between the change of direction at the L to D transition and in the absence of a light transition (D to D) is not affected in norpA36 larvae.

Linolenic acid can activate light sensitive channels in mutant photoreceptors.

Newly fertilised homozygous females elicit as much courtship from wild-type males as do newly fertilised wild-type females. Newly fertilised homozygous females extrude their ovipositors at a much lower frequency than control females.

The lamina of norpA36 flies shows no difference in volume between flies kept in constant darkness and flies kept under 16 hour light/8 hour dark conditions.

The DHP-sensitive current is reduced. Application of TPA (phorbol 12-myrisatae 13-acetate) and PDD (phorbol 12,13-didecanoate), activators of PKC, rescues the current in mutant fibres without significantly affecting the normal current. 4αPDD (4α-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate), an inactive analog of PDD, does not affect the normal or mutant current. BIM (bisindolylmaleimide), an inhibitor of PKC, reduces the current in normal fibres without affecting the mutant current. DOG (sn-1,2-dioctanoyl-glycarol), analog of diacylglycerol increases the current in the mutant fibres.

ERG recordings show no response to a 2-sec orange light pulse.

The electroretinogram (ERG) of norpA36 flies shows almost no response at any stimulus intensity. Newly eclosed homozygous flies have R1 to R6 rhabdomeres similar in size and pattern to wild-type flies, but six week old homozygous flies completely lack photoreceptors R1 to R6.

norpA36 flies show no electroretinogram (ERG) or prolonged depolarising afterpotential (PDA) response. norpA36 flies carrying norpAninaE.PM have a more normal ERG and PDA response.

The amplitude of visual response is 0. The amplitude response to vapours of all odorants tested in the maxillary palp is significantly reduced. The antennal response is unaffected. Maxillary palps have no gross anatomical defects and the electrical conduction properties are normal.

Third instar foraging larvae show negative photobehaviour indistinguishable from the wild-type response to light. Third instar larvae show a decrease in negative phototaxis from the onset of wandering culminating in random photobehaviour indistinguishable from the response of wild-type larvae.

Retinas of norpA36; rdgB2 mutants fail to degenerate in the dark or light, rdgB2; P{DGq1-203} retinas degenerate in the dark and norpA36; rdgB2; P{DGq1-203} triple mutant retinas fail to degenerate in the light or dark.

At normal extracellular calcium concentration an intense excitation light does not induce any light evoked inward current (LIC) in the photoreceptor, light induced elevation of calcium is absent.

Males have white eyes. Flies are blind.

Short cycle duration, the evening peak of activity is shifted to an earlier time than wild type.

norpA36 partially suppresses the arrhythmicity of some homozygous e1 flies.

Sex-dependent enhancement in pertussis toxin catalysed ADP-ribosylation with respect to wild type: attributed in part to an increase in the α subunit of the G0-like protein.

Flies are blind.

Visually blind males show multiple orientations similar to nonA9 males during courtship, the pulse song is wild-type.

no ERG

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
NOT Enhanced by
Suppressed by

norpAP24 has increased cell death | conditional phenotype, suppressible by Osi21MB01450/Osi21die4

norpAP24 has increased cell death | conditional phenotype, suppressible by Osi21VDRC.cUa/Scer\GAL4ninaE.PTa

norpAP24 has abnormal thermotaxis phenotype, suppressible by rdgC306

NOT suppressed by
Enhancer of
NOT Enhancer of
Suppressor of
NOT Suppressor of
Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by
Suppressed by

norpAP24 has retina | conditional phenotype, suppressible by Osi21MB01450/Osi21die4

norpAP24 has retina | conditional phenotype, suppressible by Osi21VDRC.cUa/Scer\GAL4ninaE.PTa

norpAP24 has retina phenotype, suppressible by Atg1ninaE.Tag:MYC

norpAP24 has retina phenotype, suppressible by DroncGMR.PH

norpAP24 has retina phenotype, suppressible by BacA\p35GMR.PH

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaEΔAsn20

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaE12

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaE17

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaE205UAA

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaE309UAA

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaE5

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaE6

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaE7

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaE8

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaE9

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaED1

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaEG168D

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaEG67E

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaEG69D

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaE1

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaEL205W

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaEL309W

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaEP350

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaEP84A

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaERH27

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaES233F

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaES95F

norpAP24 has phenotype, suppressible by ninaEUS6275

NOT suppressed by

norpAP24 has retina | conditional phenotype, non-suppressible by PIP5K59B18

norpAP24 has retina phenotype, non-suppressible by su(rdgA)4040

norpAP24 has retina phenotype, non-suppressible by Df(3L)H99

norpAP24 has retina phenotype, non-suppressible by Diap1GMR.PH

Enhancer of
NOT Enhancer of
Suppressor of

norpAP24 is a suppressor of retina | conditional phenotype of Cnx99A1

norpAP24 is a suppressor | partially of rhabdomere | somatic clone phenotype of Nmnat2

norpAP24 is a suppressor | partially of ommatidium | somatic clone phenotype of Nmnat2

norpAP24 is a suppressor of rhabdomere phenotype of rdgA1

norpAP24 is a suppressor of rhabdomere phenotype of rdgA3

norpAP24 is a suppressor | partially of retina phenotype of ninaEpp100

NOT Suppressor of
Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

norpA36, cry01 double homozygous adults previously trained under 12h:12h light:dark cycles present slightly increased circadian rhythmicity defects under constant darkness conditions, which are rescued by additional homozygosity for either as trpMB03672 or trplMB10553, compared to each single homozygotes.

norpA36, ninaE17 double homozygotes that also contain a copy of norpAninaE.PW display a complete loss of retinal response to light in electro-retinograms, which is suppressed by the expression of Rh7Scer\UAS.cNa under the control of Scer\GAL4ninaE.PT, as compared to controls.

The light-dependent retinal degeneration as well as the elevated number of rhodopsin1-containing vesicles per ommatidium characteristic for norpA36 homozygous adults can be partially suppressed by expression of PldScer\UAS.cRa under the control of Scer\GAL4ninaE.PU in the mutant background.

Light-dependent retinal degeneration seen in norpA36 mutants is not suppressed in norpA36 PIP5K59B18 animals.

Flies expressing norpAninaE.PM in norpA36 ninaE17/ninaE17 background exhibit a dramatically reduced response to light (lack of a light induced depolarization and on and off transients) than controls in electroretinogram readings although they are stimulated with higher light intensity than controls.

Overexpression of Vps35Scer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 in a Scer\GAL4Act5C.PU wJF01901 background, significantly restores rhabdomere number in norpA36 mutants that have been continuously exposed to white light for 6 days.

Overexpression of Vps26Scer\UAS.T:SV5\V5 in a Scer\GAL4Act5C.PU wJF01901 background, significantly restores rhabdomere number in norpA36 mutants that have been continuously exposed to white light for 6 days.

Osi21die4/Osi21die4, Osi21die4/Df(2L)Exel6028, Osi21die4/Osi21MB01450 or Osi21VDRC.cUa driven by Scer\GAL4ninaE.PTa (but not Osi21die4/Osi21MB01450;Osi21+tLa) partially suppresses the progressive retinal degeneration seen under constant light exposure in norpA36/norpA36 flies.

Twenty-day old norpA36 flies expressing ninaEΔ356 or ninaEStoA exhibit the full complement of R1-R6 rhabdomeres and display no sign of retinal degeneration. Rhabdomere degeneration is delayed in norpA36 flies expressing one copy of ninaEΔ356 or ninaEStoA in a ninaE17 mutant background, as rhabdomeres retain wild-type morphology for at least 3 weeks post-eclosion. At 4 weeks, some ommatidia exhibit signs of deterioration as characterised by missing and/or reduced rhabdomeres in norpA36 flies co-expressing ninaEΔ356 or ninaEStoA (in a ninaE17 background), but degeneration is greatly delayed compared to norpA36 flies.

The retinal degeneration (loss of deep pseudopupil) seen in norpA36 flies after 5 days in constant light is suppressed if the eyes are homozygous for diehard1diehard1 (partial suppression), diehard3diehard3 or diehard4diehard4.

norpA36 -mediated photoreceptor degeneration is significantly suppressed by overexpression of either Tsc1Scer\UAS.cGa and gigScer\UAS.cTa under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PU, or Atg1ninaE.T:Hsap\MYC.

The ability of norpA36 to select 18[o]C is eliminated in a rdgC306 background.

Consistent with the hypothesis that neurodegeneration in adults with alcΔ12.125 homozygous eyes and antennae (inducing homozygous somatic clones in the eye and antenna with Scer\GAL4ey.PH; Scer\FLP1Scer\UAS.cDa and killing non-mutant cells in the eye with WGMR.PG) is dependent on neuronal activity, this phenotype is suppressed when phototransduction is blocked using a norpA36/norpA36 background.

norpA36 cry01, norpA36 cry02 and norpA36 cry03 double mutant flies generally fail to resynchronise to the new light regime when they are entrained to 12 hour light: 12 hour dark cycles and then exposed to 8 hour delayed light-dark (LD) cycles; their daily peaks of locomotion continue to occur at the time of the photic transitions that that were in operation before the 8 hour shift. Some of the double mutant flies are "partially entrained"; six says after the photic shift, daily peaks of locomotion fall between the phases expected for continuing entrainment to the old LD regime versus re-entrainment to the new one.

norpA36 cry01 and norpA36 cry02 double mutant flies are impaired in their ability to re-entrain with novel non-24 hour light:dark (LD) cycles (compared to single mutant flies) when they are entrained to 12:12 LD and are then shifted to 9:9 , 13:13 or 14:14 LD cycles.

norpA36 cry03 double mutant flies are impaired in their ability to re-entrain with novel non-24 hour light:dark (LD) cycles (compared to single mutant flies) when they are entrained to 12:12 LD and are then shifted to 9:9 or 14:14 LD cycles.

When CG11426Scer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP is expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4ninaE.PT in rdgA3 norpA36 flies, the rhabdomeres are normal and do not show degeneration over time.

Inclusion of norpA36 slows down the onset and progression of retinal degeneration in Cnx99A1 mutants.

In norpA36; Nmnat2 double mutant photoreceptors, the neurodegeneration seen in Nmnat2 single mutant receptors is partially suppressed; the overall ommatidial structure is better organized, the vacuoles in the ommatidia are smaller and the loss of rhabdomeres is reduced.

norpA36 completely suppresses the retinal degeneration seen in rdgA3 flies.

norpA36 almost completely suppresses the retinal degeneration seen in rdgA1 flies.

Homozygous norpA36; Df(3L)H99 clones in the retina show the same course of degeneration as norpA36 single mutants.

Expression of thGMR.PH does not alter the degeneration of norpA36 rhabdomeres, while expression of NcGMR.PH slows down degeneration but does not prevent it.

In norpA36; ninaEpp100 double mutants, retinal degeneration is delayed but not prevented, relative to ninaEpp100 single mutants.

In recordings of norpA36 rdgA1 double mutant photoreceptors, with a standard electrode solution containing nucleotide additives, the constitutive inward currents recorded immediately on establishing the whole-cell configuration are greatly enhanced compared with norpA36 single mutant photoreceptors. The spontaneous currents in the double mutant photoreceptors slowly decay, reaching a quiet base line after about 20 minutes. Towards the end of this decay, large (about 8pA) slowly terminating quantum bumps can be resolved, similar in both amplitude and kinetics to those seen in norpA36 single mutant photoreceptors without ATP. Sensitivity to light is enhanced in the double mutant photoreceptors, with bright flashes eliciting responses of up to about 200pA in amplitude before the decay of the spontaneous current and responses of up to about 400pA that decay with the slow kinetics characteristic of norpA36 after decay to base line. Spontaneous currents are abolished in norpA36 Gα49B1 double mutant and Gα49B1 norpA36 rdgA1 triple mutant photoreceptors. Responses to light are greatly reduced in norpA36 Gα49B1 double mutant photoreceptors compared to norpA36 single mutant photoreceptors.

norpA36 ; ninaE17/+ flies that carry norpAninaE.PM have a robust response to light at both 350nm and 520nm (measured using an electroretinogram recording). norpA36 ; ninaE17/ninaE17 flies that carry norpAninaE.PM have no response to light at both 350nm and 520nm (measured using an ERG recording). Introduction of Lpol\Ops1ninaE.PK or Lpol\Ops1ninaE.T:Btau\1D4 into a norpA36 ; ninaE17/ninaE17 ; norpAninaE.PM background restores the response to light (measured using an ERG recording), although the response at 520nm is much great than that at 350nm. Flies expressing Lpol\Ops1ninaE.PK in a ninaE17 norpA36 background show no response to light (measured using an ERG recording). Flies expressing Lpol\Ops1ninaE.T:Btau\1D4 in a ninaE17 norpA36 background show no response to light (measured using an ERG recording).

Retinal degeneration phenotype can be suppressed by ninaE mutations.

Xenogenetic Interactions

norpA36 partially suppresses the navigation of adults with optogenetic activation (using Cnoc\ChR1::Csub\ChRCsChrimson.IVS.20xUAS.Venus with 624 nm (red) light) of Scer\GAL40273-G4 cells to areas associated with illumination only when the assay is performed in an arena lacking tactile features.

Expression of BacA\p35GMR.PH delays the retinal degeneration of norpA36 flies, but does not prevent it.

Expression of either BacA\p35GMR.PH and NcGMR.PH together, or BacA\p35GMR.PH and thGMR.PH together, provide no better suppression of the retinal degeneration of norpA36 flies, than BacA\p35GMR.PH alone.

Complementation and Rescue Data
Partially rescued by

norpAP24 is partially rescued by norpAninaE.PK

norpAP24 is partially rescued by norpAninaE.PM

norpAP24 is partially rescued by norpAninaE.PM

Not rescued by

The complete loss of retinal response to light displayed by norpA36 homozygotes is rescued by the presence of a copy of norpAninaE.PW.

Expression of norpAScer\UAS.ckb using Scer\GAL4TrpA1-GAL4 rescues the reduced avoidance to aristolochic acid and the reduced aristolochic acid-induced action potentials shown by norpA36 mutants.

Expression of norpAScer\UAS.ckb under the control of either Scer\GAL4TrpA1.PR or Scer\GAL4Orco.2.642.T:Hsim\VP22 rescues the reduced avoidance to citronellal which is seen in norpA36 flies in a direct airborne repellent test (DART) assay.

The presence of norpAScer\UAS.ckb, under the control of Scer\GAL4TrpA1.PR iresotred 18[o]C selection in norpA36 mutants.

Expression of norpAhs.PW using heat shock in a norpA36 background results in a rescue of the electroretinogram (ERG) response, depending on the level of norpA protein expression. After a 15 minute heat shock, the flies express approximately 3.8% of the normal protein level and show a severe slow termination of the light response. As the duration of the heat shock is increased, the termination of the photoresponse becomes faster, and expression of approximately 20% of the normal protein level restores a wild-type ERG.

Light evoked responses are restored in homozygotes carrying norpAninaE.PM. Light evoked responses are partially rescued by norpACDI.ninaE. Light evoked responses are not rescued by norpACDII.ninaE.

Expression of norpAhs.PS rescues the light response. Expression of norpAC1094S.hs causes an ERG with slower kinetics.

norpAninaE.PM rescues the electrophysiological phenotype of norpA36 flies in photoreceptor cells R1 to R6, but not in R7 and R8. The degeneration phenotype of the R1 to R6 photoreceptors is also rescued by norpAninaE.PM.

The reduction in phospholipase C activity seen in the heads of norpA36 flies is partially rescued by norpAninaE.PM.

Images (0)
Stocks (2)
Notes on Origin



The basic expression and daily oscillation pattern of per protein in light-dark cycles is normal in norpA36 mutant flies.

norpA RNA and protein expression, and phospholipase C activity have been studied in norpA36 flies.

Photolysis of the caged Ca2+ compounds DM-nitrophen and nitr-5 induces a small inward current with no detectable latency in norpA36 photoreceptor cells.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (7)
Reported As
Symbol Synonym
(Shekhar et al., 2025, Brown et al., 2024, Delgado et al., 2024, Ferng et al., 2024, Meyerhof et al., 2024, Yang et al., 2024, Zeger et al., 2024, Shieh et al., 2023, Gu et al., 2022, Omelchenko et al., 2022, Shieh et al., 2021, Chen and Montell, 2020, Li et al., 2020, Liu et al., 2020, Nath et al., 2020, Zhao and Wang, 2020, Liang et al., 2019, Mu et al., 2019, Schopf et al., 2019, Cao et al., 2018, Kim et al., 2018, Panda et al., 2018, Ahn et al., 2017, Asteriti et al., 2017, Ni et al., 2017, Saint-Charles et al., 2016, Sokabe et al., 2016, Thakur et al., 2016, Chakrabarti et al., 2015, Hardie et al., 2015, Jaiswal et al., 2015, Delgado et al., 2014, Wang et al., 2014, Sengupta et al., 2013, Zhang et al., 2013, Georgiev et al., 2012, Lee, 2012, Szular et al., 2012, Oberegelsbacher et al., 2011, Rosenbaum et al., 2011, Shen et al., 2011, Bellmann et al., 2010, Elsaesser et al., 2010, Kim et al., 2010, Kwon et al., 2010, Kwon et al., 2010, Kwon et al., 2010, Mecklenburg et al., 2010, Dasgupta et al., 2009, Kain et al., 2009, Wang et al., 2009, Kain et al., 2008, Krause et al., 2008, Kwon et al., 2008, Spasić et al., 2008, Wang et al., 2008, Dolezelova et al., 2007, Frohman, 2007.1.29, Baumann and Lutz, 2006, Garcia-Murillas et al., 2006, Meyer et al., 2006, Rosenbaum et al., 2006, Ueno et al., 2006, Zhai et al., 2006, Chorna-Ornan et al., 2005, Georgiev et al., 2005, Glaser and Stanewsky, 2005, Satoh and Ready, 2005, Baumann, 2004, Hardie et al., 2004, Hsu et al., 2004, Hardie et al., 2003, Kim et al., 2003, Knox et al., 2003, Kosloff et al., 2003, Baehner et al., 2002, Hardie et al., 2002, Agam et al., 2000, Bahner et al., 2000, Cook et al., 2000, Hassan et al., 2000, Li and Montell, 2000, Liu et al., 2000, Busto et al., 1999, Chyb et al., 1999, Salcedo et al., 1999, Bubis et al., 1998, Smith et al., 1998, Stanewsky et al., 1998, Barth et al., 1997, Chevesich et al., 1997, Gu and Singh, 1997, Hekmat-Scafe and Carlson, 1996, Pearn et al., 1996, Hardie, 1995, Hevers and Hardie, 1995, Kurada and O'Tousa, 1995, McKay et al., 1995, Riesgo-Escovar et al., 1995, Lee et al., 1994, McKay et al., 1994, Peretz et al., 1994, Sahly et al., 1994, Stark et al., 1993, Zhu et al., 1993, Hamblen-Coyle et al., 1992, Garen-Fazio et al., 1991, Newby and Jackson, 1991, Pearn et al., 1991, Schneuwly et al., 1991, Guillen et al., 1990, Zerr et al., 1990, Kulkarni et al., 1988, Banga et al., 1986)
Name Synonyms
Secondary FlyBase IDs
    References (165)