Single base change that disrupts the open reading frame and generates a predicted protein lacking the DNA binding domain.
The maxillary lobe is absent in mutant embryos.
Homozygous embryos have half the number of normal body segments and each is roughly twice the normal width. At embryonic stage 16 none of the three midgut constrictions have formed. At early stages of development interruptions in the visceral mesoderm are observed at many positions along the anterior-posterior axis, as development proceeds interruptions are less frequent. One interruption, coincident with the Antp expression domain, invariably persists.
Pair rule phenotype. Only four complete abdominal segments, although occasionally the remnants of a fifth denticle belt are seen.
Interacts with RpII140wimp maternal effect.
Double mutants with prd4 seem unsegmented.
Odd numbered denticle bands missing.
Mutant phenotype can be partially rescued by opahs.PB exposed to a 20 minute heat shock at cellularization.
prd RNA expression has been studied in opa1 hILK double mutant embryos.
The expression of l(1)sc is altered during stage 9 in homozygous mutant embryos.