arista | ectopic | heat sensitive (with pb27), with pbQ50K.hs
arista | ectopic | temperature conditional (with pb1)
labellar cap (with pb2)
labellar cap (with pb4)
labellar cap (with pb5)
labellar cap (with pb10)
labellar cap (with pb13)
labellar cap (with pb14)
labellar cap (with pb35)
labellar cap (with pb40)
maxillary palp (with pb1)
maxillary palp (with pb2)
maxillary palp (with pb3)
maxillary palp (with pb4)
maxillary palp (with pb5)
maxillary palp (with pb10)
maxillary palp (with pb11)
maxillary palp (with pb13)
maxillary palp (with pb14)
maxillary palp (with pb18)
maxillary palp (with pb35)
maxillary palp (with pb40)
pseudotrachea (with pb2)
pseudotrachea (with pb3)
pseudotrachea (with pb4)
pseudotrachea (with pb5)
pseudotrachea (with pb10)
pseudotrachea (with pb11)
pseudotrachea (with pb13)
pseudotrachea (with pb14)
pseudotrachea (with pb18)
pseudotrachea (with pb35)
pseudotrachea (with pb40)
pseudotrachea | heat sensitive (with pb1)
tarsal segment | ectopic (with pb2)
tarsal segment | ectopic (with pb3)
tarsal segment | ectopic (with pb5)
tarsal segment | ectopic (with pb10)
tarsal segment | ectopic (with pb14)
tarsal segment | ectopic (with pb18)
tarsal segment | ectopic (with pb35)
tarsal segment | ectopic (with pb40)
pb1/pb20 flies raised at 23 or 29[o]C have a null mutant phenotype; the maxillary palps are vestigial, the proboscis is transformed into a pair of tarsi and the pseudotracheae are missing. pb1/pb20 flies raised at 18[o]C have a hypomorphic phenotype; the maxillary palps are vestigial, the proboscis is transformed into a pair of aristae, and the number of pseudotracheal rows is reduced to one or two.
pb2/pb20, pb5/pb20, pb10/pb20 and pb14/pb20 flies have vestigial maxillary palps, the labellar caps are fully transformed to tarsi and the pseudotracheae are missing.
pb3/pb20 flies have a null mutant phenotype; the maxillary palps are vestigial, the proboscis is transformed into tarsi and the pseudotracheae are missing.
pb4/pb20 flies show a reduction in length of the maxillary palps, the labellar cap is transformed to an arista and the number of pseudotracheal rows is reduced to 1 or 2.
pb11/pb20 flies have a hypomorphic phenotype; the maxillary palps are reduced, the proboscis is transformed into aristae, and the number of pseudotracheal rows is reduced to two to three.
pb13/pb20 flies show a reduction in length of the maxillary palps, the labellar cap is weakly transformed towards an arista and the number of pseudotracheal rows is reduced to 3 or 4.
pb18/pb20 flies have a hypomorphic phenotype; the maxillary palps are vestigial, the proboscis is transformed into aristae or tarsi, and the number of pseudotracheal rows is reduced to one or two.
pb35/pb20 flies have vestigial maxillary palps, the labellar caps are weakly transformed to tarsi (claws and pulvilli form, but the tarsi are short and stumpy and sometimes arista-like structures are observed) and the pseudotracheae are missing.
pb40/pb20 flies have vestigial maxillary palps, the labellar caps are weakly transformed to tarsi (claws and pulvilli form, but the tarsi are short and stumpy and sometimes arista-like structures are observed) and the number of pseudotracheal rows is reduced to 0 to 1.
pb27/pb20 hemizygotes exhibit reduced maxillary palps. Heat induced expression of pbQ50K.hs in pb27/pb20 mutants at 36.5oC for 15-30 minutes between 67 and 72 hours AEL transforms the tarsal mouthparts to arista. Transformation is not associated with pseudotrachea formation. Clones of pbαTub84B.PP in pb27/pb20 mutants exhibit rescue of the pb null phenotype: the antenna is transformed to a maxillary palp, the reduced maxillary palp is rescued and the tarsal mouthparts are rescued to a proboscis. Clones of pbQ50K.αTub84B in pb27/pb20 mutants display antenna that are not transformed to maxillary palps, the reduced maxillary palps are not rescued and the tarsal mouthparts are transformed towards antenna. Clones of pb27 Scr2 cells in the ectoderm (proboscis precursor cells) of pb27/pb20 mutants adopt tarsal identity and not aristal identity as in a pb+ organism.
The labial palp is transformed to prothoracic leg.
Mmus\Hoxa2αTub84B.PP, pb27/pb20 has visible phenotype
Mmus\Hoxa2αTub84B.PP, pb20 has visible | recessive phenotype
pb27/pb20 has maxillary palp phenotype, non-suppressible by ScrUAS.cPb/Scer\GAL4pb.PJ
Scer\GAL4pb.PJ, ScrΔLASCY.DYTQL.UAS, pb27/pb20 has proboscis | ectopic phenotype
Scer\GAL4pb.PJ, ScrΔDYTQL.CTD.UAS, pb27/pb20 has proboscis | ectopic phenotype
Mmus\Hoxa2αTub84B.PP, pb27/pb20 has proboscis phenotype
Mmus\Hoxa2αTub84B.PP, pb20 has proboscis phenotype
Expression of ScrScer\UAS.cPb under the control of Scer\GAL4pb.PJ does not suppress the vestigial maxillary palp phenotype seen in pb27/pb20 mutant flies.
Expression of ScrScer\UAS.cPb under the control of Scer\GAL4pb.PJ in a pb27/pb20 mutant background results in a normal antenna.
Expression of ScrΔDYTQL.CTD.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4pb.PJ in a pb27/pb20 mutant background results in an antenna to proboscis transformation: deformed antennae with patches of tricombless, convoluted cuticle are seen. Tricombless cuticle is also seen in the pb27/pb20 mutant vestigial maxillary palp. No evidence of a labial cap and chemosensory bristles is observed in theses patches of tricombless cuticle.
Expression of ScrΔLASCY.DYTQL.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4pb.PJ in a pb27/pb20 mutant background results in an antenna to proboscis transformation: deformed antennae with patches of tricombless, convoluted cuticle are seen. Tricombless cuticle is also seen in the pb27/pb20 mutant vestigial maxillary palp. No evidence of a labial cap and chemosensory bristles is observed in theses patches of tricombless cuticle.
The pb27/pb20 reduced maxillary palp phenotype is not rescued by expression of Mmus\Hoxa2αTub84B.PP and the proboscis to tarsus transformation is replaced with a partial transformation of proboscis to arista in these flies.
pb27/pb20 is rescued by pbαTub84B.PP