P{PZ} insertion within the first intron.
Germline clones produce abnormal eggs due to abnormal oogenesis: eggs are collapsed. Lethality occurs during the embryonic and larval stages.
Homozygous mutant clones that cross the dorsal ventral compartment boundary cause bifurcations. Clones present at the anterior posterior wing boundary or on the dorsal or ventral surface of the posterior wing compartment have no phenotype. Clones present in the anterior compartment of the male foreleg cause bifurcation.
Homozygous clones in the imaginal disc are capable of inducing morphogenetic furrows that can progress in any direction. Within the clone randomly oriented ommatidia of both chiral forms are observed. Ommatidia born from ectopic furrows do not always rotate towards the equator but they can organise themselves around the ectopic equator. Clones induced close to the normal equator of the eye disc produce an ectopic equator that can hijack the endogenous equator leading to a single equator positioned away from the dorsoventral midline and not necessarily running precisely along the anteroposterior axis.
Homozygous mutant clones in the compound eye demonstrate non-autonomous eye roughening. Bulging of the eye surface is commonly seen in anterior positioned clones, clones in the posterior region are often smooth.
embryonic/L1 larval lethal. l(2)rM692 partially complements l(2)01272 but fails to complement other alleles; in protein kinase A based on flanking DNA sequence.
Pka-C101272 is an enhancer of nurse cell phenotype of ctL188/ctdb10
A. Spradling.
Complements: hoipk07104.
Complements: numb03235. Complements: l(2)0632006320. Complements: zf30Ck02510. Complements: hoipk04901. Complements: hoipk05712. Complements: hoipk07104. Complements: hoipk07607. Complements: pelo1. Complements: ms(2)30C07822.
Mutant phenotype has been reverted by excision of the P-element.
Reversion of the mutant phenotype by P-element excision.