Mutant flies show a significant decrease in ommochrome and drosopterin pigment levels compared to wild type.
Mutant flies have reduced red pigment in the eye compared to controls.
Mutant males have a shortened adult life span compared to controls, with a mean life span of 31.57 days at 25o.
Eye colour: the drosopterin (red pigment) content of rb1 flies is reduced to 25% of wild type. Eye colour: the drosopterin (red pigment) content of g1 rb1 double mutant flies is reduced to 18% of wild type. Eye colour: the xanthommatin (brown pigment) content of rb1 flies is reduced to 58% of wild type. Eye colour: the xanthommatin (brown pigment) content of g1 rb1 double mutant flies is reduced to 41% of wild type.
Examination of mutant eyes reveal a dramatic decrease in the number of electron dense pigment granules seen surrounding groups of photoreceptor cells. Examination of retinula cells from rb1 mutants reveals normal neuronal anatomy, including normal cytoplasmic synaptic vesicles (SVs). In an assay for larval motility, rb1 mutants performed as well as wild-type larvae. In locomotor assays testing olfactory response to propionic acid, rb1 mutants perform significantly less well than wild-type larvae.
Malpighian tubule colour: pale yellow.
Development of pigment autonomous in eye discs transplanted into wild-type hosts.
RK1. Eye colour: clear ruby. Ocellus colour: colourless. Testis colour: colourless.
rb1 has abnormal eye color phenotype, enhanceable by auxUAS.cHa/Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
rb1 has abnormal eye color phenotype, enhanceable by Blos1ex2
rb1 is an enhancer of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF, aosGD16463
rb1 is an enhancer of abnormal eye color phenotype of Blos1ex2
Rab32ltd-1, rb1 has abnormal eye color phenotype
rb1 is an enhancer of eye phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF, aosGD16463
Rab32ltd-1, rb1 has pigment cell phenotype
The mispatterning of the eye caused by expression of aosGD16463 under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF is modestly enhanced in a rb1 mutant background.
Expression of auxScer\UAS.cHa under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF enhances the loss of red eye pigment that is seen in rb1 flies.
rb1 is a complex modifier of the eye phenotype caused by expression of bchsEP2299 under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF.
Eye colour: nearly white, with ltd1. Pale eye color due to the absence of pteridines and brown pigment.
Bridges, 18th Oct. 1914.