S728C | Polr2B-PA; S728C | Polr2B-PB
recovered as a dominant suppressor of RpII215K1
Strong suppressor: restores viability to greater than 49% of wild type flies.
The recessive lethality of RpII2151, RpII215Ubl, RpII215ts, RpII21566, RpII215106, RpII215108, RpII21512 or RpII215109 is not rescued by one copy of RpII140S1. The recessive lethality of RpII215K1 is rescued to more than 50% viability by one copy of RpII140S1.
Isolated as a dominant suppressor of the conditional lethality of RpII215K1.
RNA polymerase II purified from RpII2154 embryos has a higher elongation rate than normal and is more efficient at reading through intrinsic elongation blocks. The mutant enzyme is less responsive than the wild-type enzyme to TfIIS and NH4+ ions. RNA polymerase II purified from RpII140S1 embryos is faster than wild-type RNA polymerase II or RNA polymerase II purified from RpII2154 embryos at generating the final pattern of shortened transcripts during extended TfIIS mediated pyrophosphorolysis. These results suggest that the RpII140S1 mutation increases the time spent by RNA polymerase II in an elongation competent mode.