lethal | recessive
lethal | recessive | heat sensitive
Polr2A66 has lethal phenotype, non-suppressible by Polr2BS1
Polr2A66 has lethal phenotype, non-suppressible by Polr2BS2
Polr2A66 has lethal phenotype, non-suppressible by Polr2BS5
Polr2A66 has lethal phenotype, non-suppressible by Polr2BS6
Polr2A66 has lethal phenotype, non-suppressible by Polr2BS8
Polr2A66 has lethal phenotype, non-suppressible by Polr2BS7
Polr2A66 has lethal phenotype, non-suppressible by Polr2BS11
Polr2A66 has lethal phenotype, non-suppressible by Polr2BS12
The recessive lethality of RpII21566 is not rescued by one copy of RpII140S1, RpII140S2, RpII140S5, RpII140S6, RpII140S8, RpII140S7, RpII140S11 or RpII140S12.