run3 embryos display cephalic furrow initiation events of "type III+", in which three or more cells undergo shortening simultaneously, and an increase in the number of initiating cells per area unit. But cephalic furrow formation is abrogated.
run3 mutant embryos lack the second midgut constriction and only form first and third constrictions.
Cell intercalation is reduced by more than 30% in run3 mutant embryos, accompanied by slower edge contraction.
Anterior-posterior polarization of cells in the extending germband is partially disrupted in run3 hemizygous embryos.
In run3 null homozygotes the presumptive anal plate is well formed.
Initially the parasegments have variable development. Later the ftz stripes become limited and a variable pattern of eve stripes survives with irregular boundaries.
run3 is a non-enhancer of lethal | embryonic stage | maternal effect phenotype of Gugunspecified
run3 is a suppressor of lethal | female limited phenotype of Mycdm-1
run3 is a suppressor of lethal | female limited phenotype of MycP0
run3 is a suppressor of lethal | female limited phenotype of MycP1
run3 has phenotype, enhanceable by RpS10bunspecified
run3 has phenotype, enhanceable by RpL36y74k24.1
run3 has phenotype, enhanceable by RpS17unspecified
run3 has phenotype, enhanceable by l(2)41Ae34-4
run3 has phenotype, enhanceable by M(1)8Funspecified
run3 has phenotype, enhanceable by RpL27Aunspecified
run3 has phenotype, enhanceable by M(2)31Aunspecified
run3 has phenotype, enhanceable by RpL38unspecified
run3 has phenotype, enhanceable by M(2)53unspecified
run3 has phenotype, enhanceable by M(3)65Funspecified
run3 has phenotype, enhanceable by M(3)69Eunspecified
run3 has phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3R)M86D
All run3 dm1 trans-heterozygous female offspring from dm1 fathers mated to run3 females survive.
Approximately 79% of run3 dmP0 trans-heterozygous female offspring from dmP0 fathers mated to run3 mothers survive.
Approximately 89% of run3 dmP1 trans-heterozygous female offspring from dmP1 fathers mated to run3 mothers survive.
Sir205327a does not show a dominant synthetic lethal interaction with run3.
Females transheterozygous for Df(1)260-1, Df(1)sc19 and Df(1)sc10-1 show a great reduction in viability, some reduction with scsisB-1 and no reduction with Df(1)ase-1.