FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Allele: Dmel\Adcy1rut-1
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
rut1, rutabaga1
Key Links
Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype

Single point mutation substituting adenine for guanine at position 3459, corresponding to arginine substituted for glycine at amino acid 1026.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

rut1 homozygous mutant adults have a similar increase in aversive olfactory 24 h memory observed when the recall environment better matches the training environment (presence of copper grid) to controls.

rut1 homozygous adults show significant decrease in the amnestic cooling sensitive memory component at 3 hr post-training in an olfactory memory assay compared to controls.

rut1 causes a mild neuromuscular junction (NMJ) undergrowth phenotype. Heterozygous rut1 larvae have NMJs that do not differ from wild-type.

rut1/rut1 mutant flies exhibit defective short term memory (3 min after odor training), defective midterm memory, and defective anaethesia-sensitive memory, but not defective anaesthesia-resistant memory, when cold-amnestic treatment is applied 30 min before testing 3 h odor memory, as compared to controls.

Compared with wild-type, rut1 mutants show a decrease in synaptic varicosity number when normalised to muscle surface area. In addition , they display a decrease in axonal branch number and innervation length.

rut1 mutants do not display any changes in synaptic morphology compared to wild-type.

rut1 mutants exhibit approximately 50% of the normal memory performance of wild-type controls, both immediately after a training session and 24 hours after spaced training. Extinction learning appears to be normal in these mutants. With either 10 or 30 sessions of extinction there is a significant inhibitory extinction in these mutants.

Mutants show a significant impairment in 3 minute memory after olfactory conditioning compared to wild-type flies.

Homozygous and rut1/rut2080 adults show severely reduced 2 minute memory after a single aversive Pavlovian training session. These adults also show severely reduced memory performance 24 hours after either ten massed or ten spaced sessions of training.

Aversive memory fails to form after associative linalool/quinine hemisulfate conditioning in rut1 mutant larvae.

rut1 flies show significantly lower learning after aversive olfactory conditioning (flies trained to associate odors with an electric shock) or after appetitive olfactory conditioning (with 1.0M sucrose presented with a conditioned odor), compared to controls.

rut1 mutant flies show decreased avoidance of low temperatures.

rut1 mutants exhibit significantly shorter life spans compared to controls.

rut1 flies exhibit a delay in recovery time from a 20 minute 37[o]C heat stress, as shown by a locomotive index generated with a climbing assay.

Mitochondrial aconitase activities in 30-day old rut1 flies are reduced by 75% compared to controls.

Superoxide levels are increased in rut1 flies compared to controls.

Homozygous rut1 mutants exhibit normal spontaneous odor identity discrimination.

Homozygous rut1 mutants exhibit disrupted conditioned odor identity discrimination.

rut1 mutant larvae, trained with LIN/SUC, LIN with DW, or SUC alone fail to exhibit a Response Index (RI) increase, unlike wild-type flies. The gustatory response for SUC is slightly lower in rut1 larvae than in wild-type flies.

Mutant larvae show no significant defects in synapse formation.

When raised at room temperature or at 25oC, the motor axon terminals of rut1 larvae show a similar level of arborization to wild-type larvae. However, the motor nerve termini of wild-type larvae raised at 30oC show greatly increased levels of branching and variscosities, while no such large increase in terminal projection.

Facilitation during tetanus is slightly reduced and post-tetanic potentiation is lacking in rut1 embryos. The frequency and amplitude of miniature synaptic currents (mSCs) is not significantly different from controls. However, in saline with high K+ the frequency of mSCs is lower than in controls.

Injection of serotonin or norepinephrine increases the heart rate in rut1 mutant pupae, and the change in rate is no different from that seen in wild-type controls.

Mutant flies show a significant increase in the number of rest hours per 24 hours compared to controls.

The electroantennogram (EAG) of mutant flies shows a slowed voltage change in response to ethyl acetate, with the correspondent rise time (RT) value becoming significantly different from wild type at the highest concentration of ethyl acetate used. At high concentrations of odorant, mutant flies are less sensitive to ethyl acetate than control flies in a behavioural assay. Sensitivity to acetone is reduced. Sensitivity to benzaldehyde is increased.

During 30 Hz stimulation of the neuromuscular junction, mobilisation and translocation of vesicles from the reserve pool (RP) to the exo/endo cycling pool (ECP) is depressed in rut1, resulting in a larger RP. Bafilomycin treated preparations from rut1 mutants stimulated at 1Hz for a prolonged period of time led to markedly decreased amplitude of evoked potentials, as seen in wild-type. Subsequent stimulation at 10Hz for 10s does not increase the amplitude in rut1, as compares to wild-type. However,, asn increase in the amplitude of evoked potentials is observed during and after the second or third application of 10Hz stimulation. Furthermore, when rut1 mutants which were pre-treated with bafilomycin and stimulated at 1Hz, is incubated with 300μM db-cAMP for 25 minutes, the amplitude of potentials evoked at 1Hz is not affected or slightly increased. However, the amplitude of potentials evoked at 10Hz for 10s gradually increases during stimulation, and the increase continues for about 30 s, as observed in wild-type.

The number of synapses per unit length of terminal is reduced greater than twofold compared to controls in both axons 1 and 2 (from neurons RP3 and 6/7b respectively) at the neuromuscular junction of muscles 6 and 7 of third instar rut1/Y larvae. Synapses of axon 1 are approximately threefold larger than controls and axon 2 terminals also show an increase in synapse size. The number of active-zone dense bars is increased compared to controls. A much greater variability in synapse area is seen compared to controls. The ratio of docked to undocked vesicles is lower than in wild type in axon 1 synapses. The frequency of spontaneous release (miniature excitatory junctional currents - mejcs) at the neuromuscular junction is reduced compared to wild type. There is a Ca2+-independent increase in the decay time of mejcs. Evoked ejcs show a high frequency of failures and reduced release. There is a significant reduction in the mean quantal content. The peak amplitude of evoked ejcs is consistently lower than in wild type. Broadened or multiple peaks occur in evoked ejcs. There is increased variability in the time to peak of evoked ejcs. There is a Ca2+-dependent increase in the decay time of evoked ejcs. Boutons show altered short-term plasticity.

The mean synaptic area for synapses in individual type Ib and Is varicosities is significantly increased in rut1 animals compared to controls. The number of dense bodies per synapse is modestly increased in type Ib but not in type Is varicosities.

The peak dihydropyridine (DHP)-sensitive current in rut1 larval muscles cannot be increased by application of 1μm forskolin.

rut1 larvae have fewer type Ib and type Is varicosities at the neuromuscular junction of muscles 6 and 7 of abdominal segment 4 compared to wild type. There is a reduction in excitatory junction potential (EJP) amplitude at muscles 6 and 7 compared to wild type.

rut1 flies have calyxes that are reduced in volume by 2.8% compared to control flies. In wild-type animals, increasing the density at which larvae are reared results in an increase in the volume of the calyx in the adult brain. This plasticity is still seen in rut1 mutants.

Hemizygous males show increased sensitivity to ethanol in an inebriometer assay. The ethanol-sensitive phenotype is reversed by treatment of the flies with forskolin (an adenylate cyclase activator).

After presentation of electric shock with a first odour, rut1 flies show a strongly reduced avoidance of a second, different odour compared to wild-type flies.

rut1 flies kept in constant darkness have a smaller lamina volume than rut1 flies kept in constant light, as is also seen for wild-type flies.

Modulation of voltage gated K+ currents induced by the neuropeptide pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP38) is eliminated. Application of cAMP analogs or forskolin is sufficient to restore PACAP38 enhancement of K+ currents.

Mutant diminishes cAMP synthesis and reduced the rate of habituation (using the jump-and-flight escape response). Habituation is extremely rapid in dnc rut double mutants.

Growth cone exploratory movement is nearly arrested. Growth cones become active when perfused with db-cAMP (dibutyryl cAMP). Motility is also restored by counterbalancing the effects in rut dnc double mutants.

Slightly reduced grooming behavior.

The voltage-activated transient K+ current (IA) in the larval muscle fibres of homozygotes is normal. The voltage-activated delayed K+ current (IK) in the larval muscle fibres of homozygotes is almost normal. The amplitude of the delayed plateau outward K+ current (IS) in the larval muscle fibres of rut1 animals is reduced to levels below that of wild-type if the fibres are treated with caffeine.

Mutation abolished catalytic activity.

Reduction in basal level of adult adenylate cyclase. Calcium insensitive.

Lack of PTP and reduced facilitation.

The anteronotopleural neuron responds to deflection of the bristle with a burst of action potentials, and shows adaptation in response to a sustained deflection towards the body wall. The sensory response to repetitive stimulation is independent of CNS feedback. The anteronotopleural neuron fatigues less than that of wild type.

Sex-dependent enhancement in pertussis toxin catalysed ADP-ribosylation with respect to wild type: attributed in part to an increase in the α subunit of the G0-like protein.

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Enhanced by
NOT suppressed by
Enhancer of
NOT Enhancer of
Suppressor of
NOT Suppressor of
Phenotype Manifest In
NOT Enhanced by

Adcy1rut-1 has phenotype, non-enhanceable by GαsB19

NOT suppressed by

Adcy1rut-1 has phenotype, non-suppressible by GαsB19

NOT Enhancer of

Adcy1rut-1 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of GαsB19

Suppressor of

Adcy1rut-1 is a suppressor of NMJ bouton | increased number phenotype of slo1

Adcy1rut-1 is a suppressor of neuromuscular junction phenotype of slo1

Adcy1rut-1 is a suppressor of NMJ bouton | increased number phenotype of sei2

Adcy1rut-1 is a suppressor of neuromuscular junction phenotype of sei2

Adcy1rut-1 is a suppressor of axon & motor neuron | conditional ts phenotype of Sh16

Adcy1rut-1 is a suppressor of phenotype of Pde4dnc-1

Adcy1rut-1 is a suppressor of phenotype of Pde4dnc-M11

Adcy1rut-1 is a suppressor of phenotype of Pde4dnc-M14

NOT Suppressor of

Adcy1rut-1 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of GαsB19

Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

Heterozygosity for both rut1 and Df(1)Exel9051 results in a significant reduction in neuromuscular junction (NMJ) growth.

There is no further reduction in NMJ bouton number in double mutant rut1, Df(1)Exel9051 homozygotes compared with Df(1)Exel9051 single mutants.

dnc1/dnc1, rut1/rut1 double mutants exhibit an even greater decrease in performance index in short term memory, as compared to either single mutant, and there is no significant difference in perception of task relevant stimuli (odors and electric shock), as compared to controls.

rut1/+ ; FakN30/FakKG00304 larvae show an increase in bouton number per muscle area at the neuromuscular junction compared to wild type.

The increase in satellite bouton formation observed in Lapsynzg1 heterozygotes is partially suppressed in a rut1 mutant background.

Despite their abundance in slo1 single mutants, levels of both type B and type M satellites are suppressed in rut1; slo1 double mutants to wild-type levels, along with a slight reduction in mature bouton number.

rut1; sei2 double mutants display selective suppression of type M, but not type B satellites, along with drastically reduced mature bouton levels and branch formation.

rut1/+; Nmdar1EP331/Nmdar1EP331 double mutants exhibit significantly lower performance in standard Pavlovian learning assays compared to either single mutant.

Scer\GAL4c747-mediated expression of RdldsRNA.2-7.Scer\UAS or RdldsRNA.4-5.Scer\UAS does not suppress the low learning performance of rut1 flies after aversive olfactory conditioning or after appetitive olfactory conditioning.

Double heterozygotes for amnchpd and rut1 show an inability to find a preferred temperature, with temperature preference spread across a wide gradient.

Double heterozygotes for rut1 and Pka-C1B10 show an inability to find a preferred temperature, with temperature preference spread across a wide gradient.

rut1; Nf1P2 mutants do not exhibit shorter life spans compared to rut1 single mutants.

Mitochondrial aconitase activities in 30-day old rut1; Nf1P2 flies are reduced by 76% compared to controls (and 36% in Nf1P2).

Superoxide levels are increased in rut1; Nf1P2 flies compared to controls.

The addition of rut1 to G-sα60AB19 larvae has no effect on synapse formation.

The increased arborization of motor axon terminals seen when both Sh120 and Sh16 larvae are raised at 25oC is partially suppressed in rut1, Sh120 and rut1, Sh16 double mutant larvae.

The learning scores of rut1; Nf1P2 double mutant flies are similar to that of either single mutant.

Xenogenetic Interactions

Flies overexpressing Hsap\APPAβ1-42.Scer\UAS.cIa driven by Scer\GAL4Cha.7.4 in a rut1 mutant background display age-dependent progressive locomotor dysfunction significantly earlier than Hsap\APPAβ1-42.Scer\UAS.cIa-overexpressing flies without rut1 in the genetic background.

Complementation and Rescue Data
Partially rescued by

Expression of rutScer\UAS.cZa under the control of Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 or Scer\GAL4Mef2.247, but not Scer\GAL417d, Scer\GAL4NP1131, Scer\GAL4c320, or Scer\GAL4c305a, rescues the defective short term memory performance of rut1/rut1 mutants.

Expression of rutScer\UAS.cZa under the control of Scer\GAL4Mef2.247, but not Scer\GAL417d or Scer\GAL4NP1131, rescues the defective anaethesia-sensitive memory performance of rut1/rut1 mutants.

Expression of rutScer\UAS.cHa under the control of either Scer\GAL4Mef2.247 or Scer\GAL4c309 almost completely rescues the temperature preference behavior defects seen in rut1 mutant.

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