Amino acid replacement: ?643term.
R643term | sas-PA; R643term | sas-PB; R643term | sas-PC; R643term | sas-PD
Mutation reported as having a stop codon at residue 643. Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change.
sas15/Df(3R)ED5221 transheterozygotes appear normal at embryonic stage 14, but display weak longitudinal axon defects at stage 16. The outer Fas2-positive axon bundle is interrupted and the other bundles appear slightly irregular. Complete breaks of a longitudinal tract are rare, but do occasionally occur. Fas2 positive axons ectopically cross the midline in ~15% of segments. Defects in the anterior commissure are also seen.
sas15 homozygotes appear normal at embryonic stage 14, but display weak longitudinal axon defects at stage 16. The outer Fas2 positive axon bundle is interrupted and the other bundles appear slightly irregular. Complete breaks of a longitudinal tract are rare, but do occasionally occur. Fas2-positive axons ectopically cross the midline in ~15% of segments. Defects in the anterior commissure are also seen.
Larvae die during the first instar moult or as small second instar larvae.
Lethality occurs during embryonic and larval stages.
sas15 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage 16 phenotype, enhanceable by Ptp69D1/Df(3L)8ex25
sas15/Df(3R)ED5221 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage 16 phenotype, enhanceable by Ptp10D1
sas15 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage 16 phenotype, enhanceable by Ptp10D1
sas15/Df(3R)ED5221 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage 16 phenotype, enhanceable by Ptp69D1/Df(3L)8ex25
Ptp69D1/Df(3L)8ex25, sas15/Df(3R)ED5221 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage 16 phenotype, suppressible | partially by sasUAS.cLa/Scer\GAL4Fas2-Mz507
Ptp69D1/Df(3L)8ex25, sas15 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage 16 phenotype, suppressible | partially by sasUAS.cLa/Scer\GAL4Fas2-Mz507
sas15 is a suppressor of abnormal cell adhesion phenotype of Cad99CUAS.fl, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
sas15 is a non-suppressor of abnormal cell adhesion phenotype of Cad99CEXTRA.UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
sas15 has larval longitudinal connective | embryonic stage 16 phenotype, enhanceable by Ptp69D1/Df(3L)8ex25
sas15 has larval anterior commissure | embryonic stage 16 phenotype, enhanceable by Ptp69D1/Df(3L)8ex25
sas15/Df(3R)ED5221 has larval longitudinal connective | embryonic stage 16 phenotype, enhanceable by Ptp10D1
sas15 has larval longitudinal connective | embryonic stage 16 phenotype, enhanceable by Ptp10D1
sas15/Df(3R)ED5221 has larval longitudinal connective | embryonic stage 16 phenotype, enhanceable by Ptp69D1/Df(3L)8ex25
Ptp69D1/Df(3L)8ex25, sas15/Df(3R)ED5221 has larval longitudinal connective | embryonic stage 16 phenotype, suppressible | partially by sasUAS.cLa/Scer\GAL4Fas2-Mz507
Ptp69D1/Df(3L)8ex25, sas15 has larval longitudinal connective | embryonic stage 16 phenotype, suppressible | partially by sasUAS.cLa/Scer\GAL4Fas2-Mz507
sas15 is a suppressor of embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype of Cad99CUAS.fl, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
sas15 is a non-suppressor of embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype of Cad99CEXTRA.UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4fkh.PH
Salivary glands in sas15 mutant embryos expressing Cad99CScer\UAS.fl under the control of Scer\GAL4fkh.PH are largely normal.
A sas15 mutant background does not affect the Cad99CEXTRA.Scer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 overexpression phenotype.
Ptp10D1 enhances the ectopic midline crossing phenotype that is seen in sas15/Df(3R)ED5221 mutant stage 16 embryos. Multiple Fas2-positive axon bundles cross the midline in each segment, and these are perpendicular to the longitudinal tracts. The inner Fas2-positive bundle is intact, but one or both of the outer longitudinal bundles are missing.
Ptp10D1 enhances the ectopic midline crossing phenotype seen in homozygous sas15 mutant stage 16 embryos.
Ptp69D1/Df(3L)8ex25 enhances the ectopic midline crossing phenotype seen in sas15/Df(3R)ED5221 mutant stage 16 embryos.
Ptp69D1/Df(3L)8ex25 enhances the ectopic midline crossing phenotype seen in homozygous sas15 mutant stage 16 embryos. Segments of the outer longitudinal tract are missing. Multiple Fas2-positive axon bundles cross the midline in each segment, and these are perpendicular to the longitudinal tracts. The inner Fas2-positive bundle is intact, but one or both of the outer longitudinal bundles are missing. Complete breaks in the Fas2-positive longitudinal tract are seen. The anterior and posterior commissures are fused into a single commissural tract.
Expression of sasScer\UAS.cLa under the control of Scer\GAL4Fas2-Mz507 almost completely rescues the CNS defects seen in sas15/Df(3R)ED5221, Ptp69D1/Df(3L)8ex25 double mutant embryos.
Expression of sasScer\UAS.cLa under the control of Scer\GAL4Fas2-Mz507 almost completely rescues the CNS defects seen in sas15, Ptp69D1/Df(3L)8ex25 double mutant embryos.
R. Lewis.