Shows no dominant effect on telomeric Position Effect Variegation (PEV) in stocks carrying a variegating w+mW.hs allele at the telomeres of the second and third chromosomes.
Homozygous embryos show posteriorly directed transformations; A1 resembles A2 and A2-7 transformed into more posterior segments, head and thorax normal. Pcl1 Scm1 double homozygotes exhibit transformation of all segments toward A8; Keilin's organs retained in thoracic segments; head involution does not occur; prominent abdominal denticle band seen on dorsal surface of head. Homozygous embryos derived from transplanted homozygous maternal germ-cell precursors display A8 morphology in all thoracic and abdominal segments; head seems to resemble that of Pcl1 Scm1 double homozygotes produced by heterozygous mothers; heterozygous adults from homozygous oocytes show patchy transformations of A4 to A5 and of A6 and A7 to A8; similar transformation infrequently seen in heterozygous offspring of heterozygous mothers.
Df(2L)TW3/Df(2L)TW201, Scm1 has cephalopharyngeal skeleton phenotype
Df(2L)TW3/Df(2L)TW201, Scm1 has larval abdominal segment 7 phenotype
Df(2L)TW3/Df(2L)TW201, Scm1 has larval abdominal segment 1 phenotype
Df(2L)TW3/Df(2L)TW201, Scm1 has larval abdominal segment 6 phenotype
Df(2R)cn83c/Df(2R)CA53, Scm1 has abdominal 4 ventral denticle belt phenotype
Df(2R)cn83c/Df(2R)CA53, Scm1 has abdominal 5 ventral denticle belt phenotype
Df(2R)cn83c/Df(2R)CA53, Scm1 has abdominal 3 ventral denticle belt phenotype
Df(2R)cn83c/Df(2R)CA53, Scm1 has abdominal 6 ventral denticle belt phenotype
Df(2R)cn83c/Df(2R)CA53, Scm1 has abdominal 7 ventral denticle belt phenotype
Pcl1, Scm1 has larval abdominal segment 4 phenotype
Pcl1, Scm1 has larval abdominal segment 7 phenotype
Pcl1, Scm1 has larval abdominal segment 1 phenotype
Pcl1, Scm1 has larval abdominal segment 2 phenotype
Pcl1, Scm1 has larval abdominal segment 3 phenotype
Pcl1, Scm1 has larval abdominal segment 5 phenotype
Pcl1, Scm1 has larval abdominal segment 6 phenotype
Pcl1, Scm1 has larval abdominal segment 8 | ectopic phenotype
Df(2L)TW3/Df(2L)TW201; Scm1/+ embryos have severe head defects including almost complete loss of the cephalopharyngeal skeleton, show partial transformation of the 1st abdominal segment to a more posterior segment, and show transformation of the 6th and 7th abdominal segments towards the 8th abdominal segment. Df(2R)CA53/Df(2R)cn83c; Scm1/+ embryos lack terminal structures and are U-shaped. Denticle belts of the 3rd to 7th abdominal segments are transformed posteriorly.