Deletion of the C-terminal 49 amino acids.
Approximately 200bp deletion, plus insertion of 4 nucleotides (CTGA), within the 3' region of the Scm transcription unit, at the 3' end of the ORF. The C-terminal 49 amino acids of Scm protein, including most of the SPM domain, are removed and replaced by 26 novel amino acids encoded by extension of the open reading frame into the 3' UTR.
Homozygotes die during the embryonic or first larval instar stages.
Strong allele.
Heterozygous males are viable and often show ectopic sex comb teeth. Mild suppressor of z1 eye colour.
Scm4/Scm[+] is a suppressor of abnormal eye color phenotype of Hsap\MECP2R294X.UAS, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU
Scm4, ph-p409 has partially lethal phenotype
Scm4 is an enhancer of wing disc | ectopic | somatic clone phenotype of wgαTub84B.Tag:HA
Scm4 is an enhancer of leg disc | somatic clone phenotype of wgαTub84B.Tag:HA
Scm4/Scm[+] is a suppressor of eye phenotype of Hsap\MECP2UAS.FL, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU
Scm4/Scm[+] is a suppressor of wing vein | increased number phenotype of Hsap\MECP2UAS.FL, Scer\GAL4cv-c-C5
Scm4/Scm[+] is a suppressor of eye phenotype of Hsap\MECP2Δ166.UAS, Scer\GAL4GMR.PU
The addition of Scm4 increases the rate of leg to wing disc transdetermination to 11.0%
Scm4/ScmH1 is rescued by Scmtriple.Tag:FLAG
Scm4/ScmH1 is rescued by ScmWT.Tag:FLAG
ScmET50/Scm4 is partially rescued by ScmCas-Scm7
Scm4/ScmH1 is not rescued by ScmΔPSM.Tag:FLAG
Scm4/ScmH1 is not rescued by ScmI29T.Tag:FLAG
Scm4/ScmH1 is not rescued by ScmM46R.Tag:FLAG
Scm4/ScmH1 is not rescued by ScmG31D.Tag:FLAG
Scm4/ScmH1 is not rescued by ScmM43Δ.Tag:FLAG
Scm4/ScmH1 is not rescued by ScmK55E.Tag:FLAG
Weak derepression of en expression.