Polytene chromosomes normal.
Nucleotide substitution: C393T.
Amino acid replacement: Q131term.
Q131term | Scr-PA; Q131term | Scr-PB; Q131term | Scr-PD; Q131term | Scr-PE; Q131term | Scr-PF
visible (with Df(3R)Scr), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
visible (with ScrE2), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
visible (with ScrLIN), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
visible (with ScrMsc), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
visible (with ScrP), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
visible (with ScrRpl), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
visible (with ScrScx), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
visible (with ScrT2), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
visible (with ScrT3), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
visible (with ScrTpl9), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
visible (with ScrW), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
mesothoracic leg (with ScrE2), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
mesothoracic leg (with ScrMsc), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
mesothoracic leg (with ScrP), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
mesothoracic leg (with ScrRpl), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
mesothoracic leg (with ScrScx), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
mesothoracic leg (with ScrT3), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
mesothoracic leg (with ScrW), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
metathoracic leg (with ScrMsc), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
metathoracic leg (with ScrP), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
metathoracic leg (with ScrRpl), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
metathoracic leg (with ScrScx), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
metathoracic leg (with ScrT2), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
sex comb (with Df(3R)Scr), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
sex comb (with ScrLIN), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
sex comb | ectopic (with ScrE2), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
sex comb | ectopic (with ScrMsc), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
sex comb | ectopic (with ScrP), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
sex comb | ectopic (with ScrRpl), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
sex comb | ectopic (with ScrScx), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
sex comb | ectopic (with ScrT2), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
sex comb | ectopic (with ScrT3), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
sex comb | ectopic (with ScrTpl9), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
sex comb | ectopic (with ScrW), with Dp(3;Y)77ab
Scr4 mutant embryos lack prothoracic glands.
Heterozygous males have a reduction in the number of sex comb bristles on the prothoracic leg compared to wild-type males.
Scr4/+ males show a reduction in the number of sex comb teeth on the first leg compared to wild type.
Heterozygous males have a reduced number of sex comb teeth on the first leg (average is 6.2 per leg in these animals). Heterozygous males
have no ectopic sex comb teeth on the second or third legs.
Scr4/ScrAntp-A41 males are recovered at 1% of expected frequency
and rarely have sex comb teeth on the first legs (average is 0.08 per
leg in these animals).
Scr4/ScrHu males are recovered at 2% of expected frequency
and do not have sex comb teeth on the first legs.
Scr4/ScrTpl9; Dp(3;Y)77ab males (in which the haplolethality
of the Df(3R)Tpl9 chromosome has been rescued by Dp(3;3)Dfdrv1)
have an average of 6.4 sex comb teeth per first leg (compared to 10.8
per leg in wild type).
Scr4/Df(3R)Scr; Dp(3;Y)77ab males have an average of 5.9 sex
comb teeth per first leg (compared to 10.8 per leg in wild type).
Scr4/ScrLIN; Dp(3;Y)77ab males have an average of 7.0 sex
comb teeth per first leg (compared to 10.8 per leg in wild type).
ScrScx/Scr4 males have the same average number of sex comb
teeth per first leg as Scr4/+ males.
Scr4/ScrWrv4 males have an average of 0.04 sex comb teeth on
the first leg (compared to 10.8 per leg in wild type).
ScrMsc/Scr4 ; Dp(3;Y)77ab males have an average of 0.3 ectopic
sex comb teeth per second leg.
ScrMsc/Scr4 ; Dp(3;Y)77ab males have an average of 0.1 ectopic
sex comb teeth per third leg.
ScrScx/Scr4 males have an average of 1.6 ectopic sex comb teeth
per second leg and an average of 0.1 ectopic sex comb teeth per third
ScrScx/Scr4; Dp(3;Y)77ab males have an average of 1.4 ectopic
sex comb teeth per second leg and an average of 0.2 ectopic sex comb
teeth per third leg.
ScrE2/Scr4 ; Dp(3;Y)77ab males (ScrE2 chromosome carries
the "E2" mutation in cis to ScrScx) have an average of 0.02 ectopic
sex comb teeth per second leg and have no ectopic sex comb teeth on
the third legs.
Scr9/Scr4 ; Dp(3;Y)77ab males have an average of 0.002 ectopic
sex comb teeth per second leg and have no ectopic sex comb teeth on
the third legs.
ScrT1/Scr4 ; Dp(3;Y)77ab males have no ectopic sex comb teeth
on the second or third legs.
ScrT2/Scr4 ; Dp(3;Y)77ab males have an average of 0.01 ectopic
sex comb teeth per third leg and have no ectopic sex comb teeth on
the second legs.
ScrRpl/Scr4; Dp(3;Y)77ab males have an average of 0.03 ectopic
sex comb teeth per second leg and an average of 0.02 ectopic sex comb
teeth per third leg.
ScrP/Scr4; Dp(3;Y)77ab males have an average of 0.3 ectopic
sex comb teeth per second leg and an average of 0.03 ectopic sex comb
teeth per third leg.
ScrT3/Scr4; Dp(3;Y)77ab males have an average of 0.03 ectopic
sex comb teeth per second leg and no ectopic sex comb teeth on the
third legs.
ScrW/Scr4 males (mutations in trans) have an average of 0.1
ectopic sex comb teeth per second leg and no ectopic sex comb teeth
on the third legs.
ScrW Scr4/+ males (mutations in cis) have an average of 3.2
ectopic sex comb teeth per second leg and an average of 1.0 ectopic
sex comb teeth per third leg.
ScrW/Scr4 ; Dp(3;Y)77ab males have an average of 0.1 ectopic
sex comb teeth per second leg and no ectopic sex comb teeth on the
third legs.
The sex comb on the first tarsal segment of the prothoracic leg is approximately 50% reduced in heterozygous males.
Homozygous embryos do not develop salivary glands.
Scr4/Df(3R)Scr embryonic labial lobes do not migrate ventrally or enter the stomodeum, the sensory organs produced by these lobes remain external to become ectopic external sensory organs. Contrary to the report of FBrf0054155, ectopic cirri and mouth hooks are not generally produced by the mutant labial lobes of Scr4/Df(3R)Scr embryos. Dfd16 Scr4 double homozygous embryos exhibit failure of the labial lobes to migrate ventrally or internalise. Ectopic external sensory organs derived from failure of the labial lobes to internalise are the same as for Scr- embryos.
Staining with antibody shows a T1 pattern of es organs. Scr4 is required for lch3 morphology.
Salivary glands are absent at all stages of development.
Homozygotes lack embryonic expression of the protein and fail to form gastric caeca.
Thoracic segment 1 is transformed to thoracic segment 2 and labial is transformed to maxillary.
Df(3R)Antp7, Scr4 has partially lethal phenotype
Scr4 has sex comb tooth phenotype, enhanceable by Df(2R)ED3921
Scr4 is a suppressor of prothoracic leg | distal phenotype of pbhs.PB, skdpap-53
Scr4 is a suppressor of prothoracic leg | distal phenotype of pbhs.PB
Dfd16, Scr4 has adult corpus allatum phenotype
Dfd16, Scr4 has prothoracic gland phenotype
Dfd16, Scer\GAL4salm-459.2, Scr4, ScrUAS.cMa has adult corpus allatum phenotype
Dfd16, DfdUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4salm-459.2, Scr4 has adult corpus allatum phenotype
Dfd16, DfdUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4salm-459.2, Scr4 has prothoracic gland phenotype
Dfd16, Scer\GAL4salm-459.2, Scr4, ScrUAS.cMa has prothoracic gland phenotype
Dfd16, Scer\GAL4salm-459.2, Scr4, UbxUAS.cCa has adult corpus allatum phenotype
Dfd16, Scer\GAL4salm-459.2, Scr4, UbxUAS.cCa has prothoracic gland phenotype
Abd-BUAS.cCa, Dfd16, Scer\GAL4salm-459.2, Scr4 has adult corpus allatum phenotype
Abd-BUAS.cCa, Dfd16, Scer\GAL4salm-459.2, Scr4 has prothoracic gland phenotype
AntpUAS.cMb, Dfd16, Scer\GAL4salm-459.2, Scr4 has adult corpus allatum phenotype
AntpUAS.cMb, Dfd16, Scer\GAL4salm-459.2, Scr4 has prothoracic gland phenotype
Scr4, scd1 has prothoracic tarsal segment 2 phenotype
In Dfd16;Scr4 double mutant embryos the corpus allata and prothoracic glands do not form.
Addition of DfdScer\UAS.cBa to Dfd16;Scr4 double mutant embryos (under the control of Scer\GAL4salm-459.2) results in both the Mx and Lb segments forming corpora allata.
Addition of ScrScer\UAS.cMa to Dfd16;Scr4 double mutant embryos (under the control of Scer\GAL4salm-459.2) results in both the Mx and Lb segments forming prothoracic glands.
Addition of UbxScer\UAS.cCa to Dfd16;Scr4 double mutant embryos (under the control of Scer\GAL4salm-459.2) results in both the Mx and Lb segments forming tracheal tubes instead of migratory gland primordia.
Addition of Abd-BScer\UAS.cCa to Dfd16;Scr4 double mutant embryos (under the control of Scer\GAL4salm-459.2) results in both the Mx and Lb segments forming tracheal tubes instead of migratory gland primordia.
Addition of AntpScer\UAS.cMb to Dfd16;Scr4 double mutant embryos (under the control of Scer\GAL4salm-459.2) results in both the Mx and Lb segments forming tracheal tubes instead of migratory gland primordia.
Abd-BFab7-12 (which deletes the Fab-7 element) induces a significant increase in the number of sex comb teeth in the T1 leg in ScrW Scr4/+ males (mutations in cis).
Df(2R)ED3921; Scr4/+ double mutants show a greater reduction in sex comb teeth than Scr4/+ single mutants.
Scr4/Df(3R)Antp7 animals show 11% viability. Scr4/Df(3R)Antp7 males have an average of 5.6 sex comb teeth on the first leg.