Amino acid replacement: W273term.
The premature stop codon is in exon G of shakB and is predicted to result in a truncated protein that lacks the C-terminal 100 amino acids of the wild-type protein.
Nucleotide substitution: G1657A.
Mutation in the lethal and neural common exons. Amino acid replacement: W262@. Nucleotide substitution: TGG to TGA. Residue lies in the membrane-spanning domain.
W273term | shakB-PA; W262term | shakB-PC; W433term | shakB-PD; W217term | shakB-PE; W193term | shakB-PF; W278term | shakB-PG; W278term | shakB-PH; W278term | shakB-PI
Lethal and neural allele. Fails to complement the giant fibre system defects of viable shakB alleles.
The DLMs do not respond to brain shocks and the TTMs respond only occasionally and then with a longer than normal latency.
Abnormal electrophysiological phenotype. Homozygous flies exhibit uncoordinated leg movements under ether anaesthesia and do not jump to a light off stimulus. Heterozygotes are fully viable but exhibit some neuronal defects.
Homozygous germline clones display no maternal effect.
Maternal germline clonal analysis demonstrates there is no maternal effect.
shakB alleles exhibit a complex pattern of complementation.