Polytene chromosomes normal.
Amino acid replacement: H324Y.
H324Y | sna-PA
The nucleotide change was reported relative to the positive (noncoding) strand.
abdominal dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaE & dendrite
adult corpus allatum (with sna1), with snaSquish
dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaE & dendrite
prothoracic gland (with sna1), with snaSquish
sna18 mutants do not exhibit defects in nicotine sensitivity.
Ventral cells of sna18 mutants fail to constrict productively during gastrulation.
The class I da neurons of sna18 mutants show dorsal overextension of primary dendrites as well as a severe reduction in lateral branching.
Despite the loss of the caudal visceral mesoderm (CVM) stellate cells still remain though their numbers are strongly reduced.
Malpighian tubules arrest early in their morphogenesis in homozygous embryos. The tubules are similar to those of wild-type embryos just after evagination, but the tubules are typically spherical at stages 16 and 17 (when they are elongated in wild-type embryos). The tip cells are seldom apparent and may be absent. The tubules remain fairly small, apparently ceasing cell division soon after they bud. The hindgut is often normal in shape and length but are sometimes shorter than normal.
Very little ventral cell invagination is seen by mid to late germ band extension.
The endodermal part of the anterior midgut primordium does not become specified. The stomodeum invaginates almost normally, but no cells attach to its posterior surface and the stomodeum stays epithelial for a long time.
Defective in gonad assembly when in double mutant combination with twi.
In spite of normal AMG and PMG invagination, neither anterior nor posterior midgut primordia shows any sign of extension towards each other, but remain as large mesenchymal cell masses immersed in yolk at the ends of the embryo. The cells of these primordia fail to arrange into an epithelium.
Homozygous embryos do not form a ventral furrow. Mesectodermal domain is expanded.
Interacts with RpII140wimp maternal effect.
Dorsalized embryos: all cuticle cells along the dorsoventral axis behave like dorsal cells of the wild type embryo. zen expression pattern refines at stage 5, dpp pattern does not refine at all, twi and sna are expressed during late stages of embryogenesis.
No changes in phenotype of tor13D embryos.
Ventral furrow fails to form.
The ventral epithelium becomes thinner, due to the mesodermal cells becoming shorter and more cuboidal, in sna18 mutant embryos at germ band extension. The epithelium then buckles, forming irregular folds. As the germ band elongates, the epithelium straightens out again and the folds disappear. Two deep folds form where the dorsal ectoderm and neuroectoderm meet. Very few morphogenetic changes occur in sna18 Df(2R)twi double mutant embryos, with small transient indentations in the centre of the ventral surface being seen only occasionally.
Homozygous females lay dorsalised eggs.
Strong allele.
Homozygous embryos fail to form a ventral furrow. Cephalic furrow formation, invagination of the endoderm and germ band elongation do take place in these embryos. Embryos show varying defects in the segmental denticle belts.
strong allele
sna18 is a non-enhancer of lethal | embryonic stage | maternal effect phenotype of Gugunspecified
sna18 has ventral furrow phenotype, suppressible by sna::worsna.sna-wor
sna18 has ventral furrow phenotype, non-suppressible by esgsna.PA
sna18 has ventral furrow phenotype, non-suppressible by sna::worsna.wor-sna
sna18 has ventral furrow phenotype, non-suppressible by worsna.PA
sna18 is an enhancer of egg phenotype of ImpUAS.cGa, Scer\GAL4VP16.mat.αTub67C
sna18 is an enhancer of egg chorion phenotype of ImpUAS.cGa, Scer\GAL4VP16.mat.αTub67C
sna18/sna[+] is a suppressor of chaeta | increased number phenotype of gcmPyx
Df(3L)H99, sna18/sna1, snaSquish has adult corpus allatum phenotype
Df(3L)H99, sna18/sna1, snaSquish has prothoracic gland phenotype
sna18, twi3 has corpus cardiacum primordium phenotype
Df(2R)twi, sna18 has ventral furrow phenotype
sna18, twi3 has embryonic/larval midgut | embryonic stage phenotype
Df(2R)twi, sna18 has embryonic/larval midgut | embryonic stage phenotype
The addition of a Df(3L)H99 background (blocking apoptosis), results in the survival of the corpora allata and prothoracic glands in sna1/sna18;snaSquish mutant embryos, but they do not undergo epithelial-mesenchymal transition. As a result, the gland primordia maintain epithelial polarity, do not migrate, and form small pouches that remain attached to the epidermis.
sna18 is a moderate enhancer of the ImpScer\UAS.cGa (Scer\GAL4mat.αTub67C.T:Hsim\VP16) dorsalisation phenotype.
Heat-induced foghs.PM expression fails to induce ventral furrow formation, cells do exhibit apical flattening.
sna18 is rescued by snasna.ΔM6
sna18 is rescued by snasna.ΔM2
sna18 is rescued by snasna.ΔM7
sna18 is rescued by snasna.ΔM3
sna18 is rescued by snasna.ΔM5
sna18 is rescued by snasna.ΔM4
sna18/sna1 is partially rescued by sna24.8.GFP
sna18 is partially rescued by snasna.mutR
sna18 is partially rescued by snasna.ΔM1
sna18/sna1 is not rescued by snaΔDistal
sna18 is not rescued by snasna.mutK
sna18 is not rescued by snasna.mutKR
At 25[o]C, snaΔProx rescues 82% of sna1/sna18 animals to viability. At 18[o]C, 94% are rescued and at 29[o]C 36% are rescued.
At 25[o]C, sna+t24.8 rescues 91% of sna1/sna18 animals to viability. At 18[o]C, 100% are rescued and at 29[o]C 100% are rescued.
snaSquish and snaDtoP each rescue the gastrulation defects of sna1/sna18 embryos, but the animals are not rescued to adult viability.
C. Nusslein-Volhard.