Insertion of a 7.5kb opus element in the fourth intron.
7.5kb insertion into intron 4.
Insertion of 5.8kb DNA.
Homozygotes have a variable rough eye phenotype. At 18oC many ommatidia with defective corneal lenses and pseudocones are seen, and facets are occasionally fused. Bristles are frequently mispositioned, and two bristles are often seen protruding from the same vertex, this effect being most pronounced dorsally and ventrally. Approximately 15% of ommatidia in adults have a reduced number of photoreceptor cells or show abnormalities in the type and orientation of the photoreceptor cells. A few ommatidia have lost one cone cell in 24 and 45 hour pupal discs of homozygotes raised at 25oC, although the primary pigment cells appear normal.
Eyes rough in varying degrees and somewhat bulging. Affected by genetic modifiers. More extreme at 17oC-19oC than at 22oC-25oC. Heterochromatin and sex affect expression so that X/0 > X/X > X/Y > X/X/Y; also enhanced by Df(2R)M41A10; spa haplo-4s have an exaggerated phenotype. RK2.