Amino acid replacement: Y636term.
Y636term | spn-E-PA
Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change.
The eggs laid by spn-E2/spn-Ehls-Δ125 mutant females exhibit severe dorsoventral patterning defects, with a high percentage of collapsed eggs or eggs with no dorsal appendages.
Homozygotes and trans-heterozygotes with spn-E1 show an increased rate of non-disjunction in all except the small 4th chromosome. There are also substantial biases in recovery of reciprocal sperm classes. Nullo-XY sperm are recovered in considerable excess over the reciprocal XY sperm class. Also a weaker bias in favour of normal X-bearing sperm is seen.
Heterozygotes with Df(3R)sbd105 (spn-E-) exhibit mislocalised oocyte phenotype and degenerating egg chambers.
Weak mutation.