Homozygous larvae can survive to the third instar stage although they show a considerable delay in development. These third instar larvae tend to die early if they are left in the food, but they can survive in a humid chamber as relatively under-developed third instar larvae for up to 2 weeks after their heterozygous siblings have emerged from the pupal case. The larvae then gradually die without forming a puparium. The hematopoietic organs are considerably enlarged in aged larvae, with the maximum hyperplasia occurring in the first lobes. The hematopoietic organs retain a globular and compact structure. Imaginal discs are small. Melanotic masses are not seen.
The lethal period of development starts at the first larval instar and lasts the whole period of development, with a peak at the prepupal stage. Pupariation is delayed for 60-80 hours and is abnormal; some animals do not show pupal moulting and die at the stage of gas-bubble formation, others die at the stage of eye pigmentation and bristle formation. Those surviving to imago formation generally die before or at the moment of eclosion, while the 2-5% that manage to eclose live for only a few days. Injection of ecdysterone into homozygous 140 hour larvae partially normalises development; puparium formation is not delayed, but subsequent development stops and the imago does not eclose.
Fertility is unaffected.
sta2 has lethal | larval stage | recessive phenotype, enhanceable by RpS21k16814
sta2 is an enhancer of lethal | larval stage | recessive phenotype of RpS21k16814
Dp(1;3)sta/sta2 is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of RpS21k16814
sta1/sta2 is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of RpS21k16814
Dp(1;3)sta/sta2 is an enhancer of macrochaeta phenotype of RpS21k16814
sta1/sta2 is an enhancer of macrochaeta phenotype of RpS21k16814
sta2/Y ; RpS21k16814/RpS21k16814 animals die as first to second instar larvae. sta2/Y ; RpS21k16814/+ and sta2/sta2 ; RpS21k16814/+ animals die as first to second instar larvae. sta2/+ ; RpS21k16814/RpS21k16814 third instar larvae are larger in size and have much larger overgrown imaginal discs than RpS21k16814/RpS21k16814 larvae. The leg discs tend to fuse together and the hematopoietic organs are larger than in RpS21k16814/RpS21k16814 larvae. The sta2/+ ; RpS21k16814/RpS21k16814 third instar larvae are more active than RpS21k16814/RpS21k16814 third instar larvae. The bristle phenotype of RpS21k16814/+ heterozygotes is enhanced by sta2; Dp(1;3)sta/+ or sta1/sta2.
in combination with variegating translocation (T(1;2)dorvar7) produces incised wing margins, small rough eyes with missing facets and missing head macrochaetae (Demakova and Belyaeva, 1988).