FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Allele: Dmel\stmA1
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
rbots1, rbots
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Genomic Maps

    Nature of the Allele
    Progenitor genotype

    Amino acid replacement: G487D.

    Mutations Mapped to the Genome
    Curation Data
    Additional Notes
    Nucleotide change:


    Amino acid change:

    G487D | stmA-PA; G513D | stmA-PB; G527D | stmA-PC; G501D | stmA-PD; G510D | stmA-PE; G524D | stmA-PF

    Reported amino acid change:



    Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change.

    Variant Molecular Consequences
    Associated Sequence Data
    DNA sequence
    Protein sequence
    Expression Data
    Reporter Expression
    Additional Information
    Marker for
    Reflects expression of
    Reporter construct used in assay
    Human Disease Associations
    Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
    Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 1 )
    Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
    Disease-implicated variant(s)
    Phenotypic Data
    Phenotypic Class
    Phenotype Manifest In
    Detailed Description

    stmA1 mutants display a total block of endocytosis in non-neuronal cells and a weaker, partial defect at neuronal synapses.

    stmArev499/stmA1 mutants carrying stmAS358A.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP are viable.

    stmA1 mutants show a highly significant decrease in FM1-43 dye loading in the neuromuscular junction compared to wild-type controls.

    At permissive temperature (25[o]C) stmA1 flies expressing stmAS358A.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP in the Garland cells take TR-vidin tracer into discrete puncta/vesicles to the same level as wild-type controls. At the 37[o]C restrictive temperature, while wild-type cells continue to display robust tracer uptake, no tracer-positive vesicles are found. This indicates that there is a complete block in Garland cell endocytosis in stmA1 flies carrying stmAS358A.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP, as there are in stmA1 flies that do not carry the transgene.

    At 25[o]C, stmA1/stmArev499 exhibit wild-type levels of locomotion and behaviour. At 37[o]C (the restrictive temperature), 100% of these animals paralyse within 5 minutes. In contrast, wild-type flies experience an increase in activity levels. Mutant animals show no detectable movement when paralysed, but fully recover movement after 5 minutes at 25[o]C. Decreasing and increasing the temperature to 35[oC and 39[o]C causes a concomitant change in the time for stmA1/stmArev499 animals to paralyse. Under identical conditions, stmAS358A.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP-expressing stmA1/stmArev499 animals behave as wild-type, with no paralysis.

    At the permissive temperature (30[o]C), evoked EJP recordings from the thoracic dorsal longitudinal muscles in stmA1/stmArev499 are indistinguishable from wild-type controls. In contrast, after an acute shift to a restrictive temperature (37[o]C), evoked EJPs in these animals are effectively abolished, whereas control EJP amplitudes remain robust.

    stmA1 homozygous mutants show comparable levels of synaptic vesicle endocytosis at the larval neuromuscular junction at 25[o]C compared to control animals. At 37[o]C, homozygotes show very significant impairment in endocytosis.

    stmA1 homozygous mutants show reduced levels of endocytosis in garland cells at 25[o]C. At 37[o]C a complete block in endocytosis is observed.

    The labyrinthine channels of stmA1 garland cells are elongated and drastically engorged when animals are shifted to 37[o]C compared to 25[o]C, and compared to control animals at 37[o]C. Vacuolar structures develop within the engorged channels. Few endosomal α vacuoles are present, and those that are appear enlarged and irregular in shape.

    The total number of vesicles per bouton at the stmA1 mutant larval neuromuscular junction is slightly elevated compared to control animals. There is a significant increase in the number of synaptic vesicles clustered at the presynaptic active zone, and closely docked at the T-bar. A depolarisation stimulus at 37[o]C eliminates the accumulation of synaptic vesicles, but the elevated clustered and docked vesicle pools persist in these conditions. Stimulation fails to induce the production of more cisternae, compared to the four-fold increase observed in controls.

    At the ultrastructural level significant loss of endosome production but significantly more labeled synaptic vesicles are observed in stmA1 boutons compared to controls at 37[o]C.

    In primary neuronal cultures derived from late-stage pupal brains of stmA1 mutant animals, greatly reduced levels endocytosis are observed at synaptic varicosities along the axon processes compared to controls at 37[o]C.

    stmA1 mutant animals are completely paralysed within minutes of exposure to restrictive temperatures (>37oC), although control animals appear unaffected. At intermediate temperatures, stmA1 mutants show intermediate movement impairment. At 29oC, mutants remain mobile for many hours but become progressively sluggish and die within 1 day. At 33oC, mutants display reduced movement followed by complete paralysis in approximately 30 minutes.

    At permissive temperatures (<25oC), stmA1 mutant adult flies appear to act normally and cannot be distinguished from wild-type flies based on locomotion or gross behaviour.

    Homozygous stmA1, heterozygous stmA1/stmArev499, stmA1/stmA18-2, and stmA1/Df(2R)H3D3 mutants display 100% paralysis within 3-4 minutes when shifted from room temperature (22oC) to 37oC, and recover with a similar time course after a return to room temperature. No difference in the kinetics of paralysis or recovery is observed between stmA1 homozygotes and stmA1/stmArev499, stmA1/stmA18-2, and stmA1/Df(2R)H3D3 mutants.

    stmA1 mutants do not show any visible change in death-rate after exposure to veratridine for 2, 4, 8, and 12 hours at 18, 22, and 28oC, respectively.

    At permissive temperature (25oC), stmA1/stmArev499 mutants exhibit evoked EJP amplitudes from the thoracic dorsal longitudinal muscle that are indistinguishable from wild-type. In contrast, after a shift to 37oC, evoked EJPs in stmA1/stmArev499 mutants are undetectable and remain completely suppressed at 37oC, but then recover after a return to 25oC (in wild-type, EJP amplitudes are reduced by ~25% at 37oC, but then persist throughout the entire time course of the temperature shift recording). There isn't a similar acute requirement for stmA at the larval neuromuscular junction. EJC amplitudes at room temperature (20-22oC) are indistinguishable between stmA1/stmArev499 and control animals. Incubation of stmA1/stmArev499 wandering third instar larvae at 37oC does not cause significant change in EJC amplitudes. At a stimulation frequency of 0.5Hz, the mean amplitude is approximately 243nA for stmA1/stmArev499 animals and 224nA for control animals, respectively. Assays of SV cycling with FM1-43 dye loading/unloading at the larval neuromuscular junction fail to reveal deficits in stmA1/stmArev499 mutants.

    Thoracic dorsal longitudinal muscle EJP recordings in stmA1/stmArev499 mutants after a shift to restrictive temperature (25 to 37oC) initially decline, consistent with a progressive weakening of neuromuscular junction transmission, but then display a complete loss. In contrast, TTM (tergotrochanteral muscle) recordings of stmA1/stmArev499 mutants show a gradual loss of EJP amplitude over several minutes after a shift to the restrictive temperature, and a similar gradual recovery after a return to permissive temperature.

    When stimulated by an extracellular electrode placed in the thoracic ganglion to directly excite the DLM (dorsal longitudinal muscle) motor neuron axon, the DLM in stmA1/stmArev499 mutants shows graded loss/recovery of EJP amplitude with a time course comparable with that seen in TTM (tergotrochanteral muscle).

    During temperature elevation, both wild-type and stmA1/stmArev499 mutant DLM EJP latencies first transiently shorten, but then begin to increase at ~33oC. Above 33-35oC, stmA1/stmArev499 latencies are significantly prolonged compared with controls.

    Using two-electrode voltage-clamps, the EJC can be recorded from DLMe/d cells. At 25oC, EJC amplitude in wild-type and stmA1/stmArev499 mutants are indistinguishable. At 36oC, stmA1/stmArev499 EJCs are completely abolished, but wild-type EJCs remain robust throughout the entire course of the recording. After a return to 25oC, mutant transmission recovers to 87% of the initial amplitude.

    At permissive temperature (22oC), the ultrastructure of NMJ terminals in stmA1/stmArev499 mutants and wild-type controls appear essentially indistinguishable.

    After a 10 minute shift to 37oC, the synaptic vesicle number in stmA1/stmArev499 mutants is almost tripled, while in wild-type the synaptic vesicle number is not changed. The conditional increase in synaptic vesicle number is consistent with a block of exocytosis in stmA1/stmArev499 mutants. The temperature shift from 22 to 37oC results in a slight reduction of bouton area in stmA1/stmArev499 mutants, although this change is not statistically significant.

    After a 10 minute shift to 37oC, the cross-sectional bouton area in stmA1/stmArev499 mutants is reduced approximately 38%. The bouton area of wild-type controls show no significant change during the same temperature shift.

    Active zones in stmA1/stmArev499 mutants at the permissive temperature (22oC) contain one or two synaptic vesicles in contact (docked) with the active zone membrane, as in wild-type. In contrast, after a 10 minute shift to 37oC, there is a significant accumulation of docked synaptic vesicles in stmA1/stmArev499 mutants when compared to both wild-type at 37oC and stmA1/stmArev499 mutants at 22oC. Typically, all available active zone membrane in the mutant appears occupied with docked synaptic vesicles, suggesting that synaptic vesicle docking sites may be nearly or completely saturated.

    At 33oC, stmA1 homozygotes and stmA1/stmArev499 trans-heterozygotes are only slowly paralysed over a time course of approximately 30 minutes. For the first 10 minutes at 33oC, stmA1 homozygotes remain fully upright and mobile.

    At the permissive temperature of 25oC, stmA1/stmArev499 flies show normal light-induced electroretinogram (ERG) responses. At the non-permissive temperature of 37oC, the ERG is completely eliminated in these flies. This block in phototransduction is activity dependent; at 37oC, continuous light blocks phototransduction within 40 seconds, but repetitive 1 second light flashes at low frequency (3 minute intervals) induce robust ERGs even after 30 minutes at 37oC. Repetitive 1 second light flashes at an interval of 20 seconds block phototransduction in less than 5 minutes. At the non-permissive temperature, recovery (in darkness) of the initial ERG peak and the sustained ERG peak after exposure to continuous light is dark interval dependent, with the initial ERG depolarisation recovering faster and more completely, whereas the amplitude of sustained depolarisation at 10 seconds does not recover appreciably even after 3 minutes in darkness.

    Brief anoxia after phototransduction blockade at 37oC induces a rapid depolarisation in the photoreceptors in stmA1/stmArev499 mutants similar to that seen in wild-type flies under these conditions.

    stmA1 is hypoactive at 24oC, and weakly negatively geotactic. Adults are almost always flightless. 18 hour stmA1 embryos reared at 23oC show a mild hypertrophy of the embryonic brain lobes and ventral nerve cord. Embryos made inviable by raised temperature show cuticle loss over the embryonic brain and ventral nerve cord.

    Double mutants with mlenap-ts1 or parats1 show no exaggeration of the paralytic phenotypes, nor any efect on their viability and fertility. These results suggest stmA does not interact with para or mle.

    Adult males are resistant to the lethal effects of the sodium channel neuropoison veratridine.

    Shows a temperature-dependent, maternally determined embryonic lethality. Adult flies are less sensitive to veratrine than wild-type. Sensitivity to tetrodotoxin is normal.

    Two-hour heat shocks applied throughout development show 0-8 h and 56-140 h to be highly sensitive, with no survival; 8-56 h and after 140 h show survival with normal phenotype. Early temperature shock leads to blastoderm arrest with no gastrulation. Embryos produced by homozygous stm-A mothers are exceedingly sensitive to a two-hour exposure to 36oC; leads to complete lethality from 0-3 h irrespective of paternal contribution. paralyzed at 35oC; rapid paralysis at 39oC; larval paralysis; complements mlenap-ts1 One of three EMS-induced temperature-sensitive paralytic mutations at different loci on chromosome 2. Paralysis dependent on time and temperature of exposure; the recovery time is proportional to the severity of the paralyzing exposure.

    External Data
    Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
    Phenotypic Class
    Enhanced by

    stmA1 has paralytic | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Syx1A3-69

    Enhancer of

    stmA1 is an enhancer of paralytic | heat sensitive phenotype of Syx1A3-69

    stmA[+]/stmA1 is an enhancer of paralytic | heat sensitive phenotype of Syx1A3-69

    Phenotype Manifest In
    Additional Comments
    Genetic Interactions

    shi1; stmA1 double mutants are synthetically lethal. No double homozygous female third instar larvae can be recovered, indicating that lethality occurs at the second instar stage or earlier. In contrast, shi1/y; stmA1/stmArev499 males can be recovered at third instar at a very low frequency at 16[o[C, before they also die at an early pupal stage.

    The introduction of stnA13-20, stnB14 or Eps-15Δ29 alleles into stmA1/stmArev499 animals does not cause detectable behavioral effects at permissive or restrictive rearing temperatures.

    stmA1; Syx1A3-69 double mutants show a strong reduction in synaptic vesicle endocytosis at the larval neuromuscular junction compared to control animals at both 25[o]C and 37[o]C.

    stmA1; Syx1A3-69 double mutants show endocytosis activity in garland cells at 25[o]C. At 37[o]C no endocytosis is observed.

    stmA1/stmA1; Syx1A3-69/Syx1A3-69 homozygotes and stmA1/stmArev499; Syx1A3-69/Syx1A3-69 double mutants exhibit an indistinguishable synergistic genetic interaction.

    stmA1; Syx1A3-69 double mutants rapidly paralyse at 33oC, with approximately 90% of mutants completely paralysed within 10 minutes. Approximately 5 minutes are required for all paralysed stmA1; Syx1A3-69 double mutants to regain an upright position after return to room temperature.

    Xenogenetic Interactions
    Complementation and Rescue Data
    Not rescued by

    stmAS358A.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP-expressing stmA1/stmArev499 animals behave as wild-type, with no paralysis, compared to stmA1/stmArev499 mutants, that experience paralysis within 5 minutes of exposure to the restrictive temperature.

    Expression of either stmAS358A.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP or stmAT:Avic\GFP-EGFP in stmA1/stmArev499 animals does not affect EJP amplitude at a permissive temperature (30[o]C). However, expression of either stmAS358A.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP or stmAT:Avic\GFP-EGFP in stmA1/stmArev499 animals at 37[o]C completely restores the EJP response to wild-type levels.

    The presence of stmAT:Avic\GFP-EGFP rescues FM1-43 dye loading in the neuromuscular junction of stmA1 mutants to wild-type levels.

    The presence of stmAS358A.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP rescues FM1-43 dye loading in the neuromuscular junction of stmA1 mutants to wild-type levels.

    Endocytosis, which is defective in stmA1 animals, is restored to wildtype levels in stmA1/stmArev499; stmAT:Avic\GFP-EGFP/stmAT:Avic\GFP-EGFP animals.

    A single copy of stmAT:Avic\GFP-EGFP fully recues the behavioural paralysis found in all of the homozygous stmA1, heterozygous stmA1/stmArev499, stmA1/stmA18-2, and stmA1/Df(2R)H3D3 mutants.

    Images (0)
    Stocks (0)
    Notes on Origin

    Group III allele.

    Allelic series based on strength of the paralytic phenotype: stmA2 > stmA1 > stmA7 > stmA12.

    Allelic series for the paralytic phenotype: stmA2 > stmAp1 > stmA1 > stmAp2 > stmAp4.

    External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
    Synonyms and Secondary IDs (4)
    References (12)