hypomorphic allele - genetic evidence
abnormal behavior | recessive
lethal | recessive
Flies heterozygous for stnA15 and any of the lethal stnA alleles show either a small or no off transient in ERGs. Flies heterozygous for a ts and a lethal allele of stnA show ERGs with off transient amplitudes between those for stnA7 and stnA15.
stnA5 has lethal | recessive phenotype, non-suppressible by Su(stn)1
Complements: intro16-2-9. Complements: sph16-2-9. Complements: intro16-3-4. Complements: intro17-410.
Complements: intro16-2-9. Complements: sph16-2-9. Complements: intro16-3-4. Complements: intro17-410.