Nucleotide substitution: A104T.
This mutation (nucleotide substitution A104T) creates an ectopic AUG at +103 bp.
Nucleotide substitution: A104T. Amino acid replacement: K35M.
Contains the InsOR20B 2.4kb insertion polymorphism present in Oregon-R but not Canton-S.
K35M | stnA-PC; K35M | stnA-PD; K35M | stnA-PE; K35M | stnA-PF
At 22oC flies are quite active though uncoordinated compared to wild type. At 29oC flies cannot climb and walk in a stilted manner. Heterozygotes with Df(1)30A emerge late, become mired in the medium, and show low relative viability. Flies heterozygous for a ts and a lethal allele of stnA show ERGs with off transient amplitudes between those for stnA7 and stnA15. Flies heterozygous for stnA15 and a ts allele show ERG off transients significantly lower than for the control class, and lower than for the heterozygotes between ts and lethal alleles of stnA.
Uncoordinated leg and wing movement at 29oC, restrictive temperature. Unusual jump response to a light-off stimulus.
Unusual jumping reaction in response to a light off stimulus and unable to coordinate movements at the restrictive temperature.
Flies walk rather carefully and occasionally fall over at the permissive temperature of 22oC. At 29oC, the flies collapse to the bottom of their container and kick while on their backs. If they are then placed at 22oC they recover. Hemizygotes with Df(1)JC4, Df(1)EA113, Df(1)JA27 or Df(1)HF359 have greatly reduced viability at the permissive temperature. They generally emerge late from the pupal case, rapidly become mired in the food medium and subsequently die. stnA15/stnA6 flies are very sedentary, are bang sensitive, uncoordinated and show marked debilitation at 35oC. stnA6, sol1 double heterozygotes have a normal optomotor response and normal viability.
Severe behavioral debilitation is quickly induced by shift of adult stnA6 from 25oC to 29oC; abnormalities at high temperature include uncoordinated leg and wing movements, with complete paralysis never occurring (e.g., legs still move); stnA6 causes some debilitation at 22oC (slow movements, occasionally falling over). stnA6 causes unusual jump response to light-off stimulus, which is more pronounced in combination with w; associated with this abnormal jumping is an increase in amplitude of light-off transient spike of electroretinogram (ERG); in tests of light-adapted stnA6, the jump response, as monitored by recordings from indirect flight muscles, habituates with increasing frequencies of light-off stimulation.
temperature-sensitive behavioral mutant
Dap160EP2543, stnA6 has viable phenotype
Dap160EP2543/Df(2L)TW65, stnA6 has viable phenotype
Dap160EP2543/Df(2L)TW65, stnA6 has uncoordinated | adult stage phenotype
stnA6, stnB6 has decreased rate of movement phenotype
Syt1D27/Syt1AD4, Syt1elav.PD, stnA6 has lethal phenotype
Syt1D27/Syt1AD4, Syt1elav.PD, stnA6 has uncoordinated phenotype
stnB6/stnA6 is an enhancer of neuromuscular junction phenotype of shi2
stnA6/Y ; Dap160EP2543/Df(2L)TW65 males are viable but are somewhat late to eclose and are extremely uncoordinated as adults, dying within 48 hours of eclosion.
stnA6 stnB6 mutants show no decrease in synaptic vesicle density and no change in synaptic vesicle size at the larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Synaptic vesicle internalisation at the NMJ is delayed relative to wild type in stnA6 stnB6 mutants. The delay is even stronger in stnA6/stnA12 stnB6/stnB12 mutants. stnA6 stnB6 mutants are sluggish but do not show temperature-sensitive paralytic behaviour. At 28oC, stnA6 stnB6 mutant NMJs show only a marginal increase in the rate of synaptic depression as compared with wild type. The effect on depression remains slight even at 30oC. shi2 stnA6 stnB6 flies undergo complete paralysis in 2 minutes at 26oC. shi4 stnA6 stnB6 flies undergo complete paralysis in 2 minutes at 26oC. At 28oC, stnA6 stnB6 causes a marked enhancement of the weak neuromuscular junction depression seen in shi2 single mutants. At 30oC, there is no detectable effect of stnA6 stnB6 on depression.
The viability of sytD27/sytAD4 flies (rescued to adulthood by sytelav.PD) is significantly reduced in combination with stnA6/Y. The few surviving males have an extreme behavioural phenotype and are very sedentary and severely uncoordinated (they are more uncoordinated than stnA+/Y ; sytD27/sytAD4 flies rescued to adulthood by sytelav.PD). They die within 48 hours of eclosion. sytD27/sytAD4 females (rescued to adulthood by sytelav.PD) and also heterozygous for stnA6 show abnormal behaviour, including a spread leg "spider-like" appearance and a slightly uncoordinated gait.
The "stnts" mutation affects the levels of both stnA and stnB proteins at the larval neuromuscular junction; the mutation does not alter presynaptic levels of stnA protein consistently, although reduced levels are frequently seen, and a marked reduction in stnB protein levels is seen.
Phosphorylation of two proteins 'IV' and 'D' from synaptosomal fractions of mutant flies is enhanced compared to wild-type.