restriction map normal; Mitcheson, Simonelig, Williams and O'Hare (1993)
Wild type in appearance with normal viability and fertility when raised at 25oC; however, both su(f) flies raised at 29-30oC and su(f) flies heterozygous with a su(f)- deletion raised at 25oC display the Minute-like syndrome. The same phenotype is seen in combinations with su(f)2 and su(f)6 raised at 29oC. su(f) heterozygous with a su(f)- deletion is lethal when raised at 29oC; viability also temperature-sensitive in combination with su(f)3 and su(f)5 (Schalet and Lefevre, 1976). su(f) enhances wa; wa su(f) eyes nearly white at 25oC and white at 18oC but apricot in flies raised at 29oC; suppresses lz1 and enhances lz37 at all temperatures. Increases the accumulation of gypsy transcript, suggesting that the wild-type allele represses gypsy (Parkhurst and Corces, 1986); protein binding to a negative regulatory sequence of gypsy is reduced in nuclear extracts from su(f) pupae compared with those from wild type, again suggesting gypsy repression by su(f)+ (Mazo, Mizrokhi, Karavanov, Sedkov, Krichevskaha and Ilyn, 1989). viable
su(f)4/su(f)1, w1 has abnormal eye color phenotype
su(f)4/su(f)1, wa has abnormal eye color phenotype
su(f)4/su(f)1, w1 has pigment cell phenotype
su(f)4/su(f)1, wa has pigment cell phenotype
su(f)1, wa has pigment cell phenotype
Suppresses the f1 phenotype; f1 su(f)4 males and females are f+ at 17-18oC. f1 su(f)4/f1 su(f)1 females are f+, like f1 su(f)1/f1 su(f)1, at all temperatures. f1 su(f)2/f1 su(f)1 females are f+ at 24-25oC. f1 su(f)2/f5 su(f)1 females show suppression of the f mutant phenotype similar to that seen in f1 su(f)1/f5 su(f)1 females at 24-25oC. At 20-30oC, the f1 su(f)2/f5 su(f)1 combination shows suppression of the f mutant phenotype but bristles are Minute-like. wa su(f)1 flies have apricot coloured eyes at 29-30oC, at 24-25oC the eyes are near white and at 17-18oC the eyes are indistinguishable from white. w1 su(f)4/wa su(f)1 females have a w1 phenotype at 24-25oC.
Whittinghill, 4th July 1937.
su(f)1 is an enhancer of lz37.
Strength of enhancement of the wa phenotype: su(f)1 > su(f)12 > su(f)8 > su(f)4. Strength of suppression of the f1 phenotype: su(f)1 > su(f)4 > su(f)12 > su(f)8.
su(f)1 has no significant effect on level of Adh transcript but the relative level of Adhr transcript is increased, the extent of this increase is greater in conditions (high temperature) which result in a more severe su(f) phenotype.