restriction map normal; Mitcheson, Simonelig, Williams and O'Hare (1993)
su(f)4/su(f)3 flies die at about the time of puparium formation at 24-25oC. At 17-18oC they are fully viable, with some bristles and hairs of all individuals showing the su(f)4 phenotype and the texture of the wings appearing abnormal. su(f)3/su(f)1 shows a Minute-like phenotype at 24-25oC and results in lethality at 29-30oC.
homozygous lethal.
su(f)19, su(f)16-185, su(f)28, su(f)27, su(f)25 and su(f)3 exhibit the same pattern of complementation; fail to complement any su(f) allele. The allelic state of z has no effect on complementation behaviour.