P-element insertion within exon 2 at nucleotide position 682 (coordinates from FBrf0058525).
Insertion of a 1.15kb P-element into the second exon of su(f).
lethal | recessive
su(f)27 is a suppressor of phenotype of f1
su(f)27 is rescued by su(f)+tWG8
Lethality can be rescued by su(f)+tWG8.
Excision of P-element by hybrid dysgenesis yields wild type revertants.
su(f)19, su(f)16-185, su(f)28, su(f)27, su(f)25 and su(f)3 exhibit the same pattern of complementation; fail to complement any su(f) allele. The allelic state of z has no effect on complementation behaviour.
Excision of P-element by hybrid dysgenesis yields wild type revertants.
su(f)19, su(f)16-185, su(f)28, su(f)27, su(f)25 and su(f)3 exhibit the same pattern of complementation; fail to complement any su(f) allele. The allelic state of z has no effect on complementation behaviour.