The premature stop codon is in the first coding exon.
Amino acid replacement: Q57term.
Q57term | Pal1-PA; Q57term | Pal1-PC; Q57term | Pal1-PD
RK2. Wings are narrow and pointed, due to the posterior medial portion of the wing being slanted instead of curved, and appear slightly longer than normal. The veins are close together. Females are able to breed, but poorly.
Wings narrow and pointed, somewhat longer than normal. Veins close together. Viability good. Female fertility low; male sterile. Males show abnormal courtship pattern, i.e. vague interest in circling and approaching female with no interest in touching. Periodic wing vibrations at 90o and proboscis movements occur, but females not receptive to mutant males. 20% of ta/ta males had non-motile spermatozoa. Frequently, accessory glands on one or both sides were atrophied; testes often atrophied or show club-like structures on the apical ends (Wood and Butterworth, 1972). RK2.