Embryos derived from a cross of tkv3/tkv7 females to tkv7 Df(2L)OD16/+ males differentiate 3 classes of cuticle; 25% (of putative genotype tkv7/tkv7 Df(2L)OD16) have a phenotype identical to that of dpp null mutants, 25% (of putative genotype tkv3/tkv7 Df(2L)OD16) are ventralised with expansion of ventral denticle bands and internalised fusion of the filzkorper, and the remaining embryos (which contain a wild-type copy of tkv) differentiate more weakly ventralised cuticles. Injection of embryos derived from a cross of tkv3/tkv7 females to tkv7 Df(2L)OD16/+ males with sax::tkvsax.EC.tkv.IC RNA rescues amnioserosa formation in 91% of embryos that contain a paternal copy of tkv7. Injection of embryos derived from a cross of tkv7 Df(2L)OD16/tkv3 females to tkv7 Df(2L)OD16/+ males with sax::tkvsax.EC.tkv.IC RNA results in 53% of embryos with restored amnioserosa formation and 47% of embryos without amnioserosa formation.
homozygous lethal